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Need help placing the BIND, I don't know where to place and what commands to put, I tried "autoexec", "config" and the commands for example bind "7" "gc_first_aid_kit", but it doesn't work for me.
Hey guys, I've made a post a while ago on the forums as rainydays with a bunch of tips a while back. This post is like a spinoff and an improved version of it. Why take tips or anything from me? Well, I'm nowhere near the level of the skilled players on the server (つω`*), but I've been playing a while so I caught a few methods/tips along the way. And I feel like a lot of members, including me sometimes, forget to implement these 'methods' in-game. So my aim here is to reinforce those forgotten techniques that make us better players. Now there's going to be at least one enthusiastic person commenting: "But Dhun-senpai, it all seems like common sense, and already said before in the many other tip topics". It just so happens that some people need a reminder, and since you're already an advanced points expert, there's no need for you to post in this thread regarding that. The better thing to do is to add something constructive and helpful to the topic. I hope this post helps everyone because my intention is for all of us to have a good time and enjoy playing on the servers. Let's get started! (´・ω・`) ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Part I - The Number One Rule: Ask for points in the chat using !np <#> !np let's players know you need a certain number of points, # being the number of points you need. Example: !np 5 will make a request that you need five points. To put it simply, the number one most helpful thing to do is ask for points immediately or very shortly after you get incapped. --- Why is asking for points in the chat is essential There's some problems to consider when someone asks for points on mic rather than chat. You're making people vulnerable because now people have to manually type !sp in chat making them open to hunters and chargers, etc., whereas those with sp binds can instantly tap and send points. And secondly, some people might not know who you are. I won't mention any names, but there's some seasoned members who are absolutely dead silent when it comes to asking for points until the last few seconds a lightbulb shines over their head "Oh yeah, I can ask for poi--"... *DEAD*. So please, we need to make typing !np in the chat window a priority when we get incapped. We can forgive new players because they're not familiar with this concept, but members whose hours on this server ranging from 1,000 to 22,000 on this server should at minimum be familiar with this. --- So, DO: Ask for points TYPING IN THE CHAT window as soon as you go down. Keep asking a several times if you still didn't get anyThe DON'Ts: DON'T STAY incapped in spit for long periods of time, not asking for points. (ex: you get incapped, spit is on you, you wait till spit is gone then ask for points) DON'T ask for points in the mic. (ex: in-mic: "Uhh, I need 7, no nevermind I need 14. Nevermind I'm just gonna die here go on without me") DON'T wait till for people to come pick your incapped body up in the open or anywhere DON'T think "Oh, I need 14 points. That's too many. I won't ask for points, I'm too modest for that". No matter how many points you need, just ask. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take --- Here's the bind to quick send to anyone who's asked for points, with this you don't have to type out !sp name # manually. It auto-sends to anyone requesting in sequence: bind MOUSE5 "sm_sp; menuselect 1; menuselect 2; menuselect 1; wait 80; slot0"; I use mouse5 but you can use whatever you want. ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Part II - Game Sense What is game sense It's common to misinterpret what game sense is because people don't really elaborate what it is. It doesn't mean knowing everything about the game. And the bad news is playing a lot doesn't necessarily add to game sense, the good news is it's something that can be acquired overtime. So what is it? It's being aware of the current situation in-game and being proactive about it. As a newbie, your mind doesn't juggle a lot of questions internally, meaning he/she won't know when is the best time to heal or use a smoker. That's because they haven't developed their game sense yet, so most of the time a newbie will just do as they will, like heal in the open or throw rocks 1 inch away from survivors. --- Why game sense matters Game sense is the defining trait of being a skilled player. It's why some people are better at carrying teams than others. A person with game sense will quickly go through issues mentally, such as "No, I can't heal in the open, there's hunters" or "Smoking in front of 10 people will get me killed in a second". Another example is knowing where to look/aim for special infected. There's common spots people playing special infected will play, and a skilled player will keep their awareness sharp for those areas. Some players have reached game sense to a point where newbies will call them fishy/hackers and will often get banned temporarily, you'll hear such phrases "B-but I just spawned in and he killed me!" or "That guy seems fishy". In actuality, not many people are cheating as we sometimes assume. I remember when I first started out on GC back in 2012ish, I would accuse of the top players as cheaters because I couldn't grasp how they killed me so fast or right as I spawned in. --- How do I 'get' game sense There's several ways to improve game sense not only in L4D2, but a lot of other games. One of the most important ways to improve game sense is to play frequently. This will familiarize you with maps and build muscle memory. Keep in mind, this isn't the only way to improve game sense, because it's evident there are players who may have over 10,000 hours yet still lack in game sense. Some people are slow learners but studies have shown it takes 20 hours to learn something at its basic level, and 10,000 hours to become an expert. Players often have different goals in-game. Some will play because the enjoyment they get out of socializing, and that's OKAY. But if your intention is to get better at the game, your best bet is prioritize active game sense. Making use of questions "why" and "how". Using examples is a great way to demonstrate how game sense can be crucial. So here's an example: you keep getting pounced from above, and from that the other team gets a tank from that. If you notice a pattern of you getting pounced frequently, you need to ask ourselves why and how. "Why do I keep getting pounced?" and "How do I counter their pounces?". From there I conclude I haven't been looking above in the sky as much, and I'll look up more and try not to heal in open areas. That's game sense in-training. The unwise thing to do would be to blame the class for doing what they do, in this case: pounce. That doesn't solve anything. Game sense is being proactive about your situation. Watch other skilled players play. Or watch yourself play. Watching others pros gives you the opportunity to gain insight on how they deal with certain problems, which you can add to your own gameplay. And re-watching your gameplay via demo or twitch past broadcasts can be a great way for you to see what you did wrong or what could have been dealt in a better way. Shout out to Gandalf's stream because his game sense is on point and there's a lot to learn from his plays even if you're skilled.--- Complaining There are sometimes players who will whine throughout the game that the other team is too stacked, so they don't do anything meaningful throughout the round. You'll see sometimes this person rocket jockeying for the whole game, and complaining about teams be scrambled. Things like rocket jockeying and rocket smoking are useless most of the time, and you are free to do it no one is stopping you. But if you decide to complain about teams and why this team isn't doing so well, you are part of the fault because rocket jockeying and rocket smoking are not great contributors to team progress. In short, complain in a respectful way only if you're doing your part and not lazing around waiting for an admin to change teams. Key take away: Don't complain about teams being stacked if you are rocket jockeying all round not contributing to the team. --- Headset and Sounds Having a headset or headphones is one of the most crucial investments you can add to your game sense, not just in L4D2 but in all fps games. Playing with speakers is just asking for trouble. Too many times there have been survivors who were smoked right behind or near them but they failed to hear the sounds giving the enemy the upperhand in points. To quote my older post: You can literally hear a smoker spawn next to you, or a hunter about to pounce you. Using only sight is very limited. Main point: Purchase/use headphones or a headset and use sounds to your advantage. --- Smart Respawns Respawning or defibbing when a tank around is possibly the worst idea. Most likely you won't have points for a full heal, so you'll be black and white exposed to a mean hungry tank who will get 30 points for healing because of this. So when should you respawn, or defib? When there are no tanks around, when the team is nearby and a health kit or points to give that person for heals. Highlight: Don't respawn or defib when there's a tank around. --- To put it simply, game sense is about asking questions. It helps us become better players not only in L4D2, but any game we play. ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Thanks for reading, and I hope this comes off as a helpful reference to everyone including me. Feel free to add or suggest something, such as general tips, advice, tricks/techniques, and criticisms. Much love, Dhun
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It seems the buy menu has changed somewhat since I last played so I've updated my autoexec 'bind' file to the new menu. I have a couple of questions for the regulars though: 1) Has the "spawn witches on survivor respawns" upgrade disappeared/been removed? 2) Do the survivor misc items still shuffle around between maps (gascan/oxy can/etc) Here is the bind file (as an upload and as text in the spoiler tag) autoexec.cfg Here is a minimal version with just the useful stuff: // ctrlfrk's gc l4d 10v10 server bind file - Minimal version. // Last updated 11/11/2014 // Survivors // Common weapons: alias gc_desert_eagle "sm_buy; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 1; menuselect 2; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" alias gc_katana "sm_buy; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 1; menuselect 7; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" alias gc_awp "sm_buy; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 1; menuselect 2; wait 1; menuselect 3; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" alias gc_ak_47 "sm_buy; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 1; menuselect 3; wait 1; menuselect 3; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" alias gc_mp5 "sm_buy; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 1; menuselect 5; wait 1; menuselect 3; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" //Thrown alias gc_molotov "sm_buy; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 1; menuselect 6; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" alias gc_bile_jar "sm_buy; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 1; menuselect 6; wait 1; menuselect 3; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" // Upgrades alias gc_laser "sm_laser" alias gc_ammo "sm_ammo" // Health alias gc_first_aid_kit "sm_buy; wait 1; menuselect 3; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" alias gc_defibrillator "sm_buy; wait 1; menuselect 3; wait 1; menuselect 2; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" alias gc_pain_pills "sm_buy; wait 1; menuselect 3; wait 1; menuselect 3; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" alias gc_full_heal "sm_heal" // Misc alias gc_chainsaw "sm_buy; wait 1; menuselect 4; wait 1; menuselect 2; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" alias gc_fireworks_crate "sm_buy; wait 1; menuselect 4; wait 1; menuselect 7; wait 1; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" alias gc_get_up_from_ledge "sm_getup" // Infected alias gc_suicide "sm_buy; wait 2; menuselect 1; wait 2; menuselect 2; wait 2; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" alias gc_witch_manual "sm_buy; wait 2; menuselect 1; wait 2; menuselect 5; wait 2; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" alias gc_infect_a_medkit "sm_buy; wait 2; menuselect 3; wait 2; menuselect 4; wait 2; menuselect 1; wait 123; slot10" alias +gc_rocketspawn "+reload;+attack" alias -gc_rocketspawn "-attack;-reload" // Useful alias gc_ready_and_points "sm_points; sm_ready" alias gc_team_points "sm_tp" alias gc_teams "sm_teams" alias gc_buy "sm_buy" // Top Row bind KP_SLASH gc_laser bind KP_MULTIPLY gc_katana bind KP_MINUS gc_awp // Second Row bind KP_HOME gc_desert_eagle bind KP_UPARROW gc_ak_47 bind KP_PGUP gc_mp5 bind KP_PLUS gc_ammo // Third Row bind KP_LEFTARROW gc_defibrillator bind KP_5 gc_first_aid_kit bind KP_RIGHTARROW gc_pain_pills // Fourth Row bind KP_END gc_fireworks_crate bind KP_DOWNARROW gc_molotov bind KP_PGDN gc_bile_jar bind KP_ENTER gc_full_heal // Other bind [ gc_team_points bind ] gc_teams bind \ gc_buy bind enter gc_ready_and_points bind mouse5 +gc_rocketspawn bind mouse3 gc_suicide
BINDING COMMANDS: First, you need to have your developer console enabled (~). The bind command must be entered into console--it can't be used in chat. To bind a command, use the following format: bind "<key>" "<commands, separated by semicolons>" These are the best binds you need to survive. full heal (15pt) bind "x" "sm_heal" ak47(8pt) bind "k" "sm_buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; menuselect 3; menuselect 1" laser(3pt) bind "l" "sm_laser" fireworks(4pt) bind "v" "sm_buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 7; menuselect 1" pills(5pt) bind "p" "sm_buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 3; menuselect 1" ammo(3pt) bind "n" "sm_ammo" explosive ammo(7pt) bind "j" "sm_buy; menuselect 2; menuselect 2; menuselect 1" molotov(6pt) bind "m" "sm_buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 6; menuselect 1; menuselect 1"
Spend the evening trying to fix my bind file that was all kinds of screwed up since a few updates ago... I updated it with the most... say, popular buys... (this can be modified) So, I would like to share this with you guys, as Baloosh didnt do it when I asked him to, after I emailed it to him. (JUST SAYIN') Keypad binds 7 (home): Show Points 8 (arrow up): Open !buy menu 9 (page up): Repeat Buy 4 (arrow left): buy defib 5 : buy healthkit 6 (arrow right): Buy Tank 1 (end): Buys laser if Survivor and suicide if Infected 2 (arrow down): Buy Ammo 3 (page down): Buy Pills 0 (ins): Buy Molly Del: Buy Fireworks crate + : Full heal as INFECTED Enter: Full heal as SURVIVOR (or get up, if youre on a ledge) Ok, so I believe that it is it. Place the file in the \Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\cfg folder If you would like to update it with your own binds, make sure you open the file on Notepad, modify it and press CTRL S so that it retains the cfg formating. HAPPY BINDING/PLAYING ps: If you already have one, or think yours is better, share it because people might need it! autoexec.cfg