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  1. ONS 2.0 is a new gametype for Unreal Tournament 3. It's intent is to blend some of the past features of the Unreal Tournament 2004 Onslaught gametype into the Unreal Tournament 3 Warfare gametype. This was done by making adjustments to the vehicles and the player movement to more closely resemble some aspects of UT2K4 Onslaught and by bringing back 3 weapons not included in UT3. Included with this new gametype are 9 maps that are remakes of the original stock UT2K4 maps as well as 3 remakes of some popular maps released and played on various league and ladder tournaments. Note: All current Warfare maps, stock and custom, will work with ONS 2.0. The hoverboard still functions, and the orb still in but can be removed from any map through this mutator. More Info Download @ File Planet Gods Of Warfare Mirror
  2. http://download.beyondunreal.com/fileworks...3/UT3Patch5.exe
  3. I have been hanging out at the Boom's House server and they have started a UT3 clan, anybody interested in having a friendly scrim with these guys let me know.
  4. Whats up people, just wanted to exchange UT3 user names so we can ID each other. Mine are: "RUF" and "MurdaOne" Someone already had Ruff and Ruff Ryder so I had to change up.
  5. http://store.steampowered.com/app/13210/ might give it a download this weekend, message me on steam if you wanna play
  6. OK, I thought that since UT3 is being brought back up in topics that I would send this your way. You may remember that I was a {Punk} at one time, be it brief. I get alot of info from the UNK players when it comes to UT. These guys have UT bagged up in my opinion. I thought that we might consider giving this a try. UT3 Ons Party When you read the posts, notice the names under the avatars. You'll recognize quite a few of them, T5K-USSR-S-and so on. We know these guys, judging by what I have read so far, UT is making its way back to some great game play, as it use to be. These guys have figured out how to make UT3 Warfare play like UT2k4 Onslaught. They also have tons of new and interesting maps along with many 2k4 maps done in UT3 style. For those of you that have 3 installed you can get some new maps here if your interested. This is the ONS 2.0 that gives UT3 the 2k4 feel, there are also some maps to download when you get to this page. ONS 2.0 You might want to read ONS 2.0 Project page, it has a lot of stuff to look at when it comes to UT3. There are people working on the vehicles and everything. I'll post up a link to get the UNK maps if your interested. I might have to reinstall with this stuff More to come.
  7. Here ya go. http://utforums.epicgames.com/showthread.php?t=663462
  8. http://kotaku.com/5156393/titan-pack-hits-...nt-3-next-month Some interesting powerups for both warfare and DM; the titan thing sounds crazy weird. Two new DM gametypes as well (at least I think they are DM types) -Fk
  9. http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/56939 Seems that it patches most of the crap the game should have had to begin with. No ONS added though. -Fk
  10. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=263906 We can only hope for brightness, working spec, shock vehicle knockback, and ONS... -Fk
  11. Maybe one of you can help me out, I'm jamming along playing UT3 and I start to get some lag so I pull up the stat fps and the fps drops down to less than 5 fps then jumps to over 60, on this server my ping was 31. Is this a server side problem or can it be with my IP? Thanx.
  12. What a wunderful deal.... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16819115051 In case this link doesn't work by the time you get to it newegg is offering a free PC version of Unreal Tournament 3 with the purchase of "Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9770 Yorkfield 3.2GHz 12MB L2 Cache LGA 775 136W Quad-Core Processor" at a price of $1,469.99. Obviously the free PC UT3 game is gonna make everyone jump at this deal!
  13. Here is some info on the patch. Gameplay: - Increased UTGame MaxPlayersAllowed to 64. - Fixed leviathan turret instant refire exploit. - Fixed errant lock on warnings when no longer in vehicle. - Fixed first person weapons in demo playback. - Fixed translocator telefrag victim message. - Fixed encouragement sounds not being randomly picked by bots. - Implemented viewobjective spectating system for Warfare. - Fixed berserk held by driver applying to all vehicle turrets. - Only force low gore on German versions that were low gore only before being patched. User Interface: - Clicking on the settings tab goes to directly to the full settings menu. - Added VOIP speaker portraits to HUD. - Fixed character portraits sometimes not showing up on HUD or not staying up long enough. - The Host server menus will no longer disable internet options if CheckNatTypeDisplayError returns true. It's just a warning now. - Fixed the CD key always prompting when the user has no network card - Added support for commandline log in -login=xxx -password=xxx. This also allows Gamespy comrade and other external applications to be used to launch network clients. - Added UI option to hide objective paths (the white arrows). - Added UI option to enable joystick support. - Added JOIN to midgame menu when spectating. - Added cancel button to "logging in" message box. - Added support for auto-updating UI with new options. - Improved language support for French, Spanish, Italian, and German. - Joystick key bindings in UI display properly. - Added game and UI support for customizing crosshair scaling. - Added "Add Favorite" button to Server Browser server list tab. - Fixed favorites Tab Page server details not updating. - Improvements to voice menu. Added "status" section. - Leave "Disconnect" and "Exit Game" on the mid game menu when seamlessly travelling so that players have a way to abort lengthy downloads - Show "Change Team" button before the match has started. - Added support for localized "single score needed" string. - Tweaked some HUD message font sizes. - Favorites/History lists list servers that are currently offline. - Favorites/History lists don't stop working as the number of servers in them crosses max threshold for GS query. Networking: - Added support for autodownloading packages while in gameplay or while travelling. - Auto team re-balancing before map transition if bPlayersBalanceTeams is set. - Fixed dedicated server memory leaks. - Force client state synchronization when in spectating state. Fixes sporadic issues with players not being able to join games. - Fixed sounds not being heard correctly by clients if the sound location is the Actor's location and the Actor is not relevant to that client. - Fixed spectators being unable to move after a level transition. - Fixed track turrets being in the wrong position on clients in some cases after being destroyed. - ConnectionTimeout and InitialConnectTimeOut now both 60.0. Addresses both clients failing connection because they take too long to load a level, and initial connections staying open too long. - Fixed HTTP download compression. - Fixed a bug where download during seamless travel would break because the downloader was keeping a pointer into the package map's list, which is unsafe while the game is in progress because that list could have more items added to it (and thus the memory rearranged) at any time - Fixed a bug where in rare cases packages would get downloaded twice. - Fixed spectators able to enter as extra players in Duel. - Fixed issue where CTF, vCTF, and WAR maps are listed in the server browers when searching for a DM game when server changed gametypes. - Fixed bots not replicating their view pitch, so their animation looks better in net games. - Strip OwningPlayerName= from the URL, as this is determined elsewhere and was breaking dedicated internet servers launched from the UI. Server administration: - TCPLink and Webadmin functionality implemented. - Banning is now based on CD key hash, so players can’t circumvent bans by creating a new profile. - Fixed being unable to kickban players with | in their names. - Added versioning information to the game settings - Dedicated servers don't require DirectX shader model 2.0 - Fixed AdminForceTextMute and AdminForceTextUnmute. - Restored the compress and decompress commandlets. - Fixed AdminCmdOk() function not working properly if you were the listen server. - Banned IDs readability improved. - Added MaxClientTravelTime config option to GameInfo. If set, clients are kicked if they take longer than this many seconds to travel between maps. Mod support: - Added ScriptedTexture, a type of render to texture that gives Canvas access to script/C++ for rendering custom overlays. - Added a version of DrawTile() to Canvas that takes a Texture instead of Texture2D so render to texture stuff like ScriptedTextures can more easily be used. - Added Timestamp function to UObject, returns a string in the format YYYY/MM/DD - HH:MM:SS - Weapons now take roll from player viewrotation. - Fixed custom character DLC not applying until the next time the game is run because the default object was not updated after combining the .ini files. - Added a ModFamilies array to UTCustomChar_Data to allow mod authors to add families to the list. - Fixed Change Node Status Kismet action not working on fully constructed powernodes. Map specific: - Fixed DM-Deck get out of world exploit - Fixed DM-Gateway portals sometimes sending you back to your starting point. AI improvements: - New orb carrier strategy AI. - Improved bot hoverboard use. - Reduced bot orb spawner camping. - Fixed bots stuck on orb spawner unable to grab flag. - Low skill bots use artillery properly. - Tweaked shooting at nodes vs shooting at enemies. - No human bonus to threat value. - Improved threat picking AI, taking into account effectiveness of bot's weapon. - Tweaked bot AI for link gun, flak cannon, redeemer, and AVRiL. - Bots tend to stay on same enemy more, and focus on key vehicles more. - Tweaked campaign auto skill adjust. - Possible safe fix for bot navigation issues with staticmeshcollections on console. Also a performance improvement on PC and console. - Tweaked rules for whether to attack node or enemy first. - Improved bot AI for defending nodes with an orb. - Fixed pathing issues that were causing bots to get stuck in some places. When a move fails, force a route refresh. Add cost to reachspecs when bot fails repeatedly. - Improved AI code for adjusting around obstacles. If adjust left and right fail, try moving to center of reachspec. - If previous move failed, don't allow "advanced tactics" (serpentine, etc.) for next move. - Added FailedMoveTarget and MoveFailureCount to controller to track movement failures. - Added bForceNoDetours to UTBot. Don't allow detours when bot is approaching a neutral node (more important to touch node first). - Fixed bots thinking they've reach the orb spawner without quite getting there and touching the orb. - Fixed cases where bots could get stuck failing to translocate over and over - bots know to give up now. - Adjusted bot reaction time to seeing new enemies. - Improved bot AI for dealing with lifts and hoverboards. - Bots taunt after winning a match. Patch 1.2
  14. I know that a lot of the membership don't see it my way, BUT I am having a blast playing UT3, I have been finding some very competitive servers: 1. MOB 2. UMGLEAGUE 3. pHx There are a lot of noobs out there but its a new game, since a few members have invested in the game you might want to give the above servers a try.
  15. Playing bots was fun I guess Anyhoo 6pm Feb 7th 134 USA ONS players 55 USA Warfare players 1030pm Feb 7th 233 USA ONS players 290 USA UT3 players 79 USA Warfare only players 388 Warfare players *worldwide* COD4 Players, USA = 16300 TF2 Players, USA = 7600 You get that job Wentz? -Fk
  16. Friday, Midnight. USA only. UT2K4 ONS = 200 players UT3 WARFARE = 62 players -Fk
  17. There is no gc server for ut2004 after ut3 withdrawal from server. Some of us would like ut2004 server reinstalled as a stop gap (Tek, Dingy) but seems not enough of us to matter. Servers pubbed in do not have acceptable ping for all of us to get together unlike Nepenthe. (Me, Tek, Bush) GC Unreal community is now busy with other games and activities. (Lex, Dark, Wentz, Bush) GC Unreal forum has been just talk and no relevant information. Non that is really acted upon anyway. The final opinion posted by those in charge is that we wait until ut3 gets modded (if) and everyone will come back (to non existent server)? Entropy and time are not a good combination for a gaming community. I have enjoyed playing with all of you while it lasted.
  18. I actually had fun last night, so this afternoon I threw some stuff up on the server. 1) Destroyable Deployables. Spidermine generators and that evil EMP deployable are now both *destroyable* - you see it, shoot it, that's that. 2) Orb Timer. Orbs usually regenerate in 5 seconds after they are used. Now, although it looks like it is there, you can't get it for at least 20 seconds. 3) Titan Stuff. Chat filter - naughtys replaced with stuff. The saddest thing right now is that voice chat is *not* able to be turned off; that coupled with the fact that it is nigh on impossible to spot the loony means we will have to live with that for the time being. Also note that player names are not yet able to be filtered. 4) UberBoards. This one I like. Hover boards are: - Slightly faster - Jump slightly higher - Can take *some* damage without being knocked off (a shock primary will still do it but the ticky-tack stuff won't) - Chain-grapple links! You can link to other folks on hoverboards. So, manta - hoverboard - hoverboard - hoverboard -etc chains are doable. These mutators combined are easily less than 100k so you will not notice them downloading over the usual map travel time you have now. We'll see what this does for the next week. -Fk
  19. Well, here we are. I stand by my liking the game but I do share many of the complaints made here and on other forums (and that's not even including the nightmare that is server setup and admin right now). The problem for most of us is that the game, in it's current state, doesn't have that "one more pls." feel to it. Some things of note: Some of the old-timey map makers who made maps for the retail release (and other maps) of UT2K4 and still have ties to Epic have commented to some extent on a few UT3 things. One is that there are supposedly some really good/substantial changes coming down the pipe in the form of patches. Doesn't help us now but it does suggest that UT3 is going to be very much an evolving thing. The other is in regards to map size, compression, and redirects and that is not the most pleasant news. They suspected this (noted, said, etc) months ago as they were playing with the editor and such. The bottom line is - next gen game - next gen maps - maps are going to be big - period. That's 30 to 100+ meg on average. The kicker is that although we do not have compressed redirects right now, it will likely matter very little regardless; at least the compressed part. The map *as is* is already substantially compressed. Meaning those 30 to 100 meg downloads are not going to change. Even redirected to an off game server host, 30 to 100 meg files do not exactly appear instantaneously. Custom maps are going to be a large problem until pubbers get into the habit of downloading them ahead of time (not to mention that the first time you load a map in the game, it actually does some building/uncompressing that can take a few minutes...) What's left of the sane competitive community hangs at www.zerofrag.com - check them out. IRC pugbot and the like are all there. I really don't want to hang those of you guys really into UT3 out to dry but the fact is, given player numbers right now in North America, we might be better off *not* having a server until there is truly public demand for what we at GC usually offer. The number of empty warfare servers at night is truly astounding. It seems that there really is way too much server space for the warfare players right now and the game might be better off if there were fewer choices (believe it or not) My recommendation is to shut us down. There are only three or four of us that I can discern playing it at the moment and that's not really enough to justify our own server (not to mention the fact that many of you see our server empty and go to one of the few servers that does have peeps on it) Appended to that is that we'll give this game and our having a server for it another look in three and six months from now, plus with each patch that they release. Like I said, I'm not trying to abandon this. Financially we can swing a UT3 server pretty easily but paying for a predominantly empty server is just bad. It is ridiculous how fast we can fill the server at night if a few of us are on there but with none of us playing consistently and the lack of *any* forum traffic back to us is kinda indicative of the state of the game. No polls or the like - just post up your thoughts but please make clear whether to keep the light on or not. Additionally, is there enough of a call to start up a private/public FREON/ONS voteable server? Again, the same rules apply - having that server be empty most of the time is kind of useless. -Fk EDIT: 5pm and there are less than 130 people playing online in *all* of North America for *all* UT3 gametypes. I'll post what the numbers are at 9pm but just to compare - what do you think those numbers were when ONS and 2K4 were just out?
  20. I have learned a few things about sniper rifle The sniper rifle is no lg. That said, there is some value to sniper rifle Sniper rifle vs turret. Headshot kills gunner leaves turret intact. Can apply to manta and viper drivers but hard to land headshot Sniper rifle can damage vehicles but need alot of ammo to do so. Avalanche has spare clips bottom of tower with sniper rifles at top of tower. Knocking a person off hoverboard easy but shooting again while lying on ground does not seem to work. Shoot as they stand up works.
  21. Did you get it too? Some time ago one of you suckas conned me into signing up for a UT3 newsletter for some reason I can't remember. (I actually think it's Wentz but I'm not gonna point any fingers ) Now that the game is out I'm getting Midway spam for all of it's wonderful products. Best thing is it won't let me unsubscibe. Yes I know that's what my spam filter in my email proggy is for but this seems more dirty then the typical spam for firmer, larger breasts.
  22. It's to the point where I get angry every time i play warfare. break time. 20fps in loaded servers, frequent lockups (we're talking reset button), poorly designed vehicles, crappy noob-friendly bottlenecking spam maps... I've tried my best to have an optimistic attitude toward this game, even posting about the good qualities it has... truth is though, overall the game (namely warfare) seems rushed, buggy, imbalanced... just cheap! I still felt annoyed even when i won matches tonight... ?? I've had to spend hours tweaking every possible setting in the INI files just so my computer that is less than a year old can play it with the lowest settings possible (uglier than 2k4) at 2 Unless there is some miracle patch that makes this game likeable, or some seriously aweseome maps come out, I'm probably going to keep this game in garage in my yardsale box. Sorry to be a grouch about it, but this game wasn't ready for retail sale and it almost seems like a crime to release something so bad and call it "unreal". Then again, the only unreal i ever played was 2k4 and didn't care a lot for the others.. maybe i never belonged
  23. Might be a good idea to have a links thread for new info that comes out, downloads for maps, stuff like that. For those of you like me who DIDNT buy the special edition of UT3, we can watch some tutorial vids for map making here: map making vids There ya go wentz! Primeval (Beta) cUT v1a - UTComp for UT3
  24. I was on the server last night and it would occasionally lock up, and sometimes I would lose connection. Has anyone else experienced this? it sounds like a problem from my ISP.
  25. So Wentz and I were goofing around on the server yesterday, and this is what we have so far: Note: this is DM stats, not against a node or vehicle - they seem to have different armour amounts. Damage per shot: Enforcer Primary: Secondary: Shock Primary: 45 Secondary: 55 Combo: 100++ Link Primary: 26 Secondary: 10 Stinger Primary: 14 Secondary: 38 Flak Primary: 100+ (close range) Secondary: 100+ (direct hit) Rocket Launcher Primary: 100+ Secondary: Spiral - 300+ Grenades - 100+ each Take down a node: 19 Sniper Rifle Primary: 100+ head | 70 body Secondary: scope Avril Primary: 100+ Secondary: NA Updated as we get info...
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