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Dr. Wayne Dyer

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I don't know anything about him, but nothing makes a man more intent on living and the beauty of life than looking at or dealing with the subject of death on a daily basis. I have a good friend who is a forensic entymologist (sp?) and so he deals with nothing but how bugs infest a dead body (pretty nasty dang job if you ask me) but he is a crazy man when it comes to life. He is constantly parachuting from planes or cliff diving in Mexico(makes a ton of moolah too) but most of all he talks about how life is so worth living and enjoys it to the fullest.


I'll check the link tomorrow and see if I am talking out of mu butt here lol


Ok I read the link page, what a crock - he isn't talking about God, he's calling it a source of energy to avoid God in his crappy theories. Same ol same ol. Evolutionists are finally abandoning thier leaky ship of ideas and grasping at straws. The idea that the earth, life and modern land structure came to be as it is today as being a "event" about 10,000 years ago is almost universally accepted now among scientists. Most gravitate away from creation and toward things like the big bang and other such nonsense. My personal favorite argument for the downfall of evolution is the second law of thermodynamics or "Entropy" All things go from more energy to less energy = ergo all things go from a greater to a lesser state in nature so a fish doesn't become a lizard and a monkey doesn't become a man. Just the idea that we're here by the chance meeting of two volotile molecules that exploded and created the universe is dumb. You might as well say that a stork brought you to yer momma so you can deny the existance of sex.


The reason for non-creation theory and the reason to say there is no God is to refuse to say " I am responsible for my actions and thus judgement is coming". Besides just because you want something to be true doesn't make it so and not believing in truth doesn't make it less true.

Edited by Preacher
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