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GC Community Challenges


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Does anyone want to design some workout plans that last for varied amounts of time that gc members could undertake? I think it would be a great community based event, with everyone doing the same type of routine. We could have a list of people signing up to particular routines on a set date, then have them check off after every exercise. This will stop people slacking off and would be a great way to keep motivation running high.


If you want to sign up and don't want to design a routine for others to undertake, skip the rest of this post and reply with a great big fat YES!!! If you have any advice for others and have a great routine that you can advise, continue reading below.



Heres the guidelines for making a routine for community members to follow:


Where ever possible, make sure the routines can be completed with minimal amounts of equipment. Not everyone can afford/house the latest treadmill / bench press equipment


Make sure theres some progression towards the end of the routine's time length.


Ok, so lets get some structure into this idea:


I think we should start with 3 sets of two week exercise plans, just to see if this idea is popular:


2 weeks for newbies

2 weeks for intermediates

2 weeks for experts


Example for the 2weeks of intermediate level:



25 minute fast jog


Press ups: 1minute of pressups. 5 minute rest. 1 minute of press ups. 5 minute rest. 1 minute of press ups. 5 minute rest. 1 minute of press ups

Abs: 1minute of situps of your choice. 30 seconds rest. 1 minute of sit ups. 30 seconds rest. 1 minute of sit ups, 30 seconds rest. 1 minute of situps, 30 seconds rest.


Hill sprints. Sprint up a hill, then stride down, repeat 6 times. Rest for 5 minutes by jogging up and down a street. Sprint up a hill, stride down and repeat 6 more times again.


1 minute of pull ups. 5 minutes rest. 1 minute of pull ups, 5minutes rest. 1 minute of pull ups. 5 minutes rest. 1 minute of pull ups.

More ab work, stop when your abs are burning.

A press-up sprint session. Do as many as you can in 45 seconds, make a note of it.


Chillax day. Eat lots of protien, and stock up on the cardohydrates. Have a beer, but keep it to only 1 or 2.


Early morning ab work, aswell as pressups and pull ups.

Follow this up with a 40minute jog, at a managable place but don't slack off.


A day of your choice. Go out for a cycle, a swim, or work some other muscles of your liking. Perhaps a long power walk would be nice?


Repeat the above cycle for another week.




If we could get something like that, but with a bit of variation for different intensity levels, then have people sign up to what ones they want to do and have them tick off each exerice after each day I think we could have something going here.

I'll put all of the exercises on a downloadable spreadsheet/ background picture so you could have them as your computers desktop image, and make an official thread to mark peoples progress.


If your interested in either designing a training program or taking part in this as a community challenge, then sign up below and please specify what you want to do :D

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