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New server mod


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I was looking around random AMX web sites/forums and found a cool new mod (similar to the way jailbreak is a mod) for servers.


It's called the Warcraft III mod, and I think it's pretty dern cool. You connect to a server, join a team, and it asks you (via a menu) what race you'd like to be (Human, Undead, Orc, Elf). Each race has it's own special abilities.


When you kill people or plant/defuse bombs you get experience points. Which in turn gives you levels, and each time you gain a level you can gain one of these abilities, each of the first 3 is upgradable 3 times, plus the fourth "ultimate ability" which you bind to a key (for most). Level 10 is maximum.


Here's a list of the abilities...


Vampiric Aura

Unholy Aura


Suicide Bomber




Devotion Aura





Critical Strike

Critical Grenade

Equipment Reincarnation

Chain Lightning




Thorns Aura

Trueshot Aura

Entangle Roots


You can guess what all these mean, or try it yourself. I set up my cable server to have this mod, so lag is an issue... but with only a few people it's not that bad, especially if you just wanna try it. The IP is, hit me up on AIM if you need someone to start a game with: SidHitman


Cya in the servers,


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I dunno if it has a web page, but here the important part of it's readme file...





When you enter the game you get to choose a race (undead, human, orc or night elf), each race has 3

different skills and an ultimate skill. You start out without any special skills, but as you gain

frags you gain Experience. With each new level of experience you get to select a new skill or upgrade

a skill you already have (the menu will popup at the start of the next round automatically, or you can

do it manually by typing "selectskill" in the console or binding a key to it). Once you get to level 6

you can choose the ultimate skill, to use these your going to need to bind a key to the command "ultimate".

type "war3help" in the game for more details.


Server Settings:



There are two modes this plugin can be run in: Short term XP and Long term XP.


Short Term XP


This is the default, in this mode XP is gained quite fast as is designed so that you should

be able to reach a high level within 30/40 minutes of playing. Your XP, race and skill information

are reset to 0 on each now map. If you just want to have a quick game then this is the best option.


Long Term XP


This is a new mode added in v2.10, in this mode you gain XP slower than the regular mode

but your XP is kept from map to map. Even if you disconnect and come back later your XP is saved

to a text file and you retreive it as soon as you join the server. XP is saved to "war3users.ini"

in the root CStrike directory. The plugin will first try to save XP for each person based on WonID

if that fails it will use the IP address (this is usefull for lans). Please don't mess around with

this file as it will most likely cause the plugin not to load properly.


To activate this mode you must set "mp_savexp 1"


please note that this will not take effect until the next map change. Also there is another server

variable that will help you adjust the speed at which you gain levels. "mp_xpmultiplier 1.0", the

default is 1.0, by changing this to say 0.5 it would allow you to gain a level at half the normal

xp required for that level. "mp_xpmultiplier 2.0" would require you to gain twice as much XP to reach

the same level. This is usefull for say lan parties where you want to play over the whole week-end,

you could adjust it take make sure you would reach level 10 by the end of the week-end but not before.


XP is saved for each race independently, this means that you can play as one race and then switch to

another race starting from 0 xp. But then if you switch back to your original race you will regain the

XP you had.


XP does not stay forever though, once per day the war3users.ini is updated removing any inactive entries.

If you don't connect to the server for a certain number of days you will be removed, there are two cvars

for this:


"sv_daysbeforedelete" (default 1)

"sv_dayslevelmodifier" (default 3)


sv_daysbeforedelete will set the number of days before you get deleted from the list. The default of 1

allows you to stay "offline" for 1 day without being deleted.


sv_dayslevelmodifier is added to daysbeforedelete to give the total number of days you can stay "offline".

is it easiest to explain by example, say sv_dayslevelmodifier is 3. This means that if you have reached

level 3 you will gain an extra day before being deleted, level 6 will get you 2 extra days, level 9 will get

you 3 extra days.


the formula is given by:


days = sv_daysbeforedelete + level / sv_dayslevelmodifier


days are always rounded down to a whole number

I have made the following table to illustrate how it works with default values (1 and 3):


level days

----- ----

0 1

1 1

2 1

3 2

4 2

5 2

6 3

7 3

8 3

9 4

10 4


This is to prevent the war3users.ini file from getting too big, while allowing high level players to

keep their settings for longer.


Also if you want to prevent certain maps from being played with longterm xp, create a file named

war3maps.ini and place it in your cstrike root directory and put the name of the maps you want

on a seperate line, for example:







Console Commands




"selectskill" - Allows you to select skills before the start of the next round

"changerace" - Allows you to change race during the game if "mp_allowchangerace" is "1"

"playerskills" - Shows you what skills other players have chosen

"skillsinfo" - Shows you what each skill does for the race you have selected

"iamadirtycheater" - if "sv_cheats" is "1" then it will set you to level 10

"cheatsoff" - will set your level back to what it should be

"war3help" - gives you a list of the console commands

"war3vote" - vote to switch the plugin on and off

"say /changerace" - same as "changerace"

"say /selectskill" - same as "selectskill"

"say /playerskills" - same as "playerskills"

"say /skillsinfo" - same as "skillinfo"

"say /level" - displays level, race and skill information

"say /war3vote" - vote to switch the plugin on or off

"say /war3help" - displays info about the plugin



"sv_warcraft3" - Enable/Disable the plugin (default 1, enabled)

"sv_allowwar3vote" - Enabled/Disable voting (default 1, enabled)

"sv_cheats" - this is a standard HL cvar, but you need this if you want to cheat

"mp_allowchangerace" - Allow people to change race during the game (default 0, disabled)

"mp_forceskin" - Forces player to choose skin according to race (default 0, disabled)

"mp_grenadeprotection" - Slays players who grenade spam with orc (default 1, enabled)

"amx_vote_delay" - set delay between which votes can be started (default 60)

"amx_vote_time" - set the amount of time you have to vote (default 10)

"amx_votewar3_ratio" - set the minimum ratio of votes required (default 0.40)

"amx_vote_answers" - display player votes (default 1, enabled)

"mp_savexp" - save XP to a txt file and restore it when player reconnects (default 0)

"mp_xpmultiplier" - set the level required to gain a level as a multiple (default 1.0)

"sv_daysbeforedelete" - see server settings above (default 1)

"sv_dayslevelmodifier" - see server settings above (default 3)



Skill Descriptions





Vampiric Aura: Gives you (15%, 30% or 45%) of the damage you do in attack back as health,

(i.e. if you shoot someone and do 100 hp damage you will get back either

(15, 30 or 45 hp) back depending on the skill level)


Unholy Aura: Gives you a speed boost, also all weapons make you go at the same speed

(running with knife will not make you move faster than running with AWP)


Levitation: Allows you to jump higher, basically reduces your gravity to reach high places

you wouldn't normally be able to reach.


Ultimate, Suicide Bomber: player will explode when he dies, killing enemies around him




Invisibility: You become partially invisible


Devotion Aura: Gives you more heatlh at the start of each round (115, 130, 145)


Bash: When you shoot someone you have a (15%, 30% or 45%) chance of rendering them immobile

for 1 second. (their maxspeed is set to 0 for a second)


Ultimate, Teleport: Ability to teleport to team mates (10 second cooldown)




Critical Strike: Gives you a 15% chance of doing (2, 3, or 4) times normal damage on each shot


Critical Grenade: Will ALWAYS do (2, 4 or 6) times normal damage when you hit someone with

a grenade.


Equipment Reincarnation (Ankh): Gives you a (33%, 67% or 100%) chance in respawning with the

equipment you had before you died last round.


Ultimate, Chain Lightning: Ability to cast lightning jumping from player to player harming them,

damage decreases by 2/3 each jump.




Evasion: Gives you a (10%, 20% or 30%) chance of evading a shot, i.e. you will not lose any

health over it but it will still seem as though you where hit.


Thorns Aura: Does (10%, 20% or 30%) mirror damage to the person who shot you.


Trueshot Aura: Does (15%, 30% or 45%) extra damage on each of your bullets.


Ultimate, Entangle Roots: Immobilises enemy for 10 seconds.



Glow Colors


Red: Extra damage done to the player who glows (Critical Strike/Grenade or Thorns/Trueshot Aura)


White: This is when you get bashed, player glowing can't move for 1 second


Green: You will glow green if you have vampiric aura and do dammage to another player.

You will also glow green at the start of the round if you have Weapon Reincarnation.


Blue: You glow blue when you evade a shot with the Night Elf Evade ability.

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Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke
Guest Smoke

whoever wonid this is

3190843 <--- is on my list


if u know who this is tell me

thanks for being a complete donkey butt on slinky's server

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