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Matching funds for new gametype GC Servers


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Welcome to GC Server Requests!


Want a server for a new gametype? This is definitely the place to talk about it.


Put your discussions, polls, what have you here.




We have a rather remarkable catch...


If you *really* want a GC server for a hot new game, but don't think the board is going to magic one into existence, how about we meet you half-way?


For the first month, we'll split the server costs with you 50/50!


If this game type really takes off in a GC fashion, for the second month, GC will go to 75% of the server's cost.




After the second month, we'll take a look and see if we are getting new members left and right. Have you just kick-started a whole new gametype for GC to dominate in our own no e-thugs fashion?


If the board thinks "yes", then it's all GC - we got it from there - 100% of server costs and it will become a full-fledged part of our regularily supported fleet of servers.


That's right - we are making available a financial incentive for the more ambitious of you to take our community into new gametypes.





1) We have been looking at expanding gametypes within GC for sometime now. The board is by its nature conservative (we plan long term) and that has perhaps led us to miss a few opportunities (CS:S and UT2K4 were mid to late 2004 releases...) This program opens it up to our trusted paying members (and perhaps more ambitious non-members) and the financial incentive might just get some folks off their posteriors and get this party started!


2) More for your membership. Seriously. Can you think of any other gaming organization that will cover half the server costs for what is essentially an experiment (granted - we haven't actually looked either :) )




The not-open-for-discussion rules:


1) These *will* be GC servers: branded as GC, same standards, same everything - just because you/others are frontin' some dime does not mean you only need to pay lip-service to the GC way.


2) Financials go through GC. Once you have the money arranged on your end, it gets kicked up to GC and we will take care of ordering the server, etc.


3) This is open to GC members only (sort-of... read the fine print later on). By that, what we mean is that this opportunity to kick-start a new gametype server is a benefit of GC membership and not open to non-members. The servers are themselves open to the public of course; this deal however, is not. However, naturally if you are one of our many non-dues-paying members consider this perhaps your gateway in. If you want to do it, maybe we waive the membership requirement or just give you membership in GC in return for your server monies and effort?


4) This incentive is for new gametypes *ONLY*




Let's walkthrough a hypothetical so you get the idea...



Walkthrough - Q/A


1) So, lets say I want to start a Super Battle Penguin 32 player server. I've started a poll, some GC are interested, but the board doesn't seem like they are going to just up and start one. Now what?


If you really want this to happen, and you think you can be dedicated enough to see that the server can succeed, start taking a look at server providers, locations, and of course - costs.



2) Wait - I have to be dedicated? I just want to play...


Sorry - if GC is going to front half, we want someone to *lead* this server so that it isn't just a brief hangout for GC folks and then disappears (though that might happen) - we want a new gametype that thrives within the GC community.



3) Fine - I'll lead - and I found a provider in Dallas - they seem solid. A 32 player SBP server will cost $130/month.


Groovy. GC will cover $65 for the first month. If they have some nonsense about setup costs - those will need to be split 50/50 too. Also, maybe we think the folks you have spotted are bit on the high side financially - we may counter with a different location/price.



4) So now I have to...


Come up with $65 to cover the other half.



5) Don't my GC dues already...


No - they don't.



6) No problem - I really want this server!


Great - thats what this program is for! If you succeed - we succeed!



7) So I send the money and server info to?

The board - once we have your half we will coordinate with you to get going (ie IP, ftp, passwords) with the server provider - make some forum spaces, promote on the site, etc. Once you have the keys it is your show - make the most of it.



8) What if I don't have half - what if I only have maybe one-quarter?


You need half.


Or rather, you need to get half. You could get some dime from other GC members interested in this server deal...



9) What - seriously? Like, six of us could kick in about $11 each for this $130/month server and we are good to go?


Yep! Ain't this a fun deal?



10) Who gets to run the server - there are six of us now...


Good question. Should you all have equal power? FTPs, passwords, admin... Yeah - very interesting question. Understand that we will really take a hard look at you and your proposal. We will likely ask one person to run point - if that person decides to spread the wealth around, so be it. Choose wisely. As everyone knows, for as many members as we have (both paying and non) this is a remarkably drama-free group. We do not want this program to start drama. Lastly, admining this new server does *not* grant you admin powers on our regular fleet of servers (CS:S / UT2K4) Naturally, if you get GC a whole new community in this gametype and we take over all the costs, we'll probably grant you a knighthood or something - so - if that's your goal, don't worry - make the server the best around, the rest will attend to itself. Naturally, if you are not a GC member, we need somone on the GC side to be involved in oe way or another.



11) So who decides if a server is doing good enough for GC to further support it up to 75% (or 100%) of costs?


The board does. Not negotiable. Naturally, if you disagree with us, you can still keep the server going, you just need 100% of the costs on your end now. :)



12) Do I get to name the server whatever I want?


As long as GC is in the name somewhere and, of course, the name isn't all bad and nasty and such.



13) I don't really want to start a new gametype, I just want to do a CS:S server my style - can I do that instead?


Nope - *ONLY* new game types. We already have anchored GC communities in CS:S and UT with plenty of leadership, etc.


14) What if aside from GC member me, the other five people are all just forum junkies but not GC members - can they still front some of the money.


Yes - that is fine and also why this topic is in the public forums. Naturaly, we would need to negotiate with any non-members how access to certain things is handled (backend, ftp, etc.) but we can work something out. of course, if you - you forum junkie you - would just join GC... :)



15) What if we all know this gametype is going to be a flash in the pan but there are alot of GC who want to play it for a month or two without being barraged by ten year olds and the new words they learned at school that day?


Ya know - the board will take a look - maybe as a community benefit we could go into the situation knowing the server is only going to last 2 months or so. Case-by case basis though figure it would be halfsies all the way.



16) If I do this once do I get to do it again?


Probably. I mean, if we give you the go ahead then find out you don't use the server at all (i.e. no leadership), chances are there will be no second go around for you. Remember - we *need* leadership here! We want new gametypes to succeed as long term parts of the GC community.




Last Words


This is new territory. We figure we'll approve about 3 gametypes / year. We could be *very* wrong going in either direction (more or less servers approved). Bear with us.


Also keep in mind that even if you have your ducks in a row, the board might still say no.


Also also, the board might actually think there is a gametype we should be getting into and before y'all get around to making polls and such, we might just set a bounty here in these forums (essentially stating we'll cover XX% of the server costs if someone will step up and give this a shot) - or as we have always done, we'll just do it.


Like I said - new territory.


Now let's see what happens... :)




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