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True story DreamZ first ban.


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Banned by: Turbo
Reason: Griefing
kicked: Deadlocked
Banned: Dreamz

Situation: 2nd/3rd map on No Mercy, in which a ladder must be activated near a gas station and then while you are on the roof get into a room then drop down a hole, and proceed towards a door downstairs and activate the lock and open it. less than 5 survivors left, several drop down the hole and get incapped, a tank is spawned and blocks off myself(Dreamz) and deadlock, we hop down to avoid contact in hopes to accumulate points to send to our fallen teammates. No comms come from them whether thru the "!np" system or voice comms or even just text. we end up fighting off SI and attempt to slowly make our way back to our teammates when someone on the opposing team i believe named forty9ers accuses us of griefing and deadlock gets kicked, someone on the opposing team says you kicked the wrong guy, dreamz gets banned. 1st of all, accidentally kicking the wrong person is wrong, this admin was on the infected team, and while it may not be his purpose, gave his team a better success at winning, the kicks need to be targetted properly and not prematurely. and now the ban. what exactly is the griefing that occurred? on the ban page it says abuse of  "General Exploit of Game/Map/Server" what exactly was abused here? When Killz hopped in to ask the reason, we were given the response of griefing. what griefing occurred during this time? a tank spawned, teammates that are incapped in a bad situation not asking for help. someone on the ENEMY team accuses the standing survivors of griefing. so that results in a misinterpreted kick, and an unjustifiable ban. When Killz asked the time of this ban, he was told permanent, then he was told it will only be changed to 1 day. I then see the post on the forums that it was changed to a 5minute ban. That's great. but the reasoning was wrong. This is the ban that occurred against me, I am simply stating the case that occurred so that it may be kept for a record, incase an "admin abuse" type of incident may occur. Thank You.

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Griefing can mean many things.  Generally it is doing something to hurt the gameplay for all the others on the server, such as suiciding a survivor, purposely giving the other team easy points, going the opposite direction from where you should be going, etc.  Looks like your ban was changed to 5 minutes, probably because he changed it from permanent to however much time you had already served.  As far as it being unjustifiable, you have explained your side of it, we would need to hear from Turbo.  He will come explain it soon.  Thanks for coming here.

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I joined the server that was in complete chaos.  I mentioned that the GC servers are not to be played the way everyone was acting.    I did not even tell a single senior admin about what exactly happened so the bans would not be permanent.  Alot of regulars were also on which was discouraging.   In the end. players were acting completly immature.  Some were all the way in the starting point saferoom while others were 40% into the map. 


I watched as you were griefing.  I changed my mind to 5 minutes because I am not looking to discourage you on playing on the server and because of the chaos, I wanted you to come back and explain yourself.


No one told me to change it to 5 min, but I was cleaning up a mess and you were part of it.


Now for the ban itself.  I saw you all the way at the starting point just camping till infected would show up.      That is NOT how we play on this server.  I appreciate you coming here and showing you care, but please be respectful of the rules and the server.    This is not admin abuse as I did not ban just you or because I dont like you.  The servers are to be respected along with the community.  People who play on these servers expect a level of gaming profesionalism.  





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