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now, im not one of those people who will say 'respect EVERYTING blah blah' cause i certainly dont respect cetain people with certain beleifs, but ive got to address this.


you dont agree with my bible, fine. but dont tell me how wrong it is unless you can give me undisputable proof of its wrongness. i also read that someone said the bible was written 500 years after jesus' death.. this is very untrue. the apostles mark, matthew, luke and john all wrote a book on their own and more (dont remember which, it IS 1 am) and they were alive when jesus was... i wanna say sometime around 50-80 AD was when they finished writing them and put them in the new testament. the old testament was writtin by many people, including moses, david, saul, and many others. it was a recorded history, but EVERY word of it was dictated by god. of course it may have changed a bit since we dont speak ancient hebrew, but 'thou shalt not kill' is the same in any language i would think.


gods so good, so why is there hell. remember.. there IS a devil too. hell was created to cast the devil down into along with his fallen angels. in the old testament im not quite sure how people got to heaven, or if there was/is an alternative to heaven or hell. now though, the only way into heaven is through jesus.


you say so what, he died on the cross, so did MANY other people. true, but jesus is the son of god, and there was one moment where ALL the sin of the world was placed on jesus, and god turned away from him. THAT is something NONE of us have ever experienced. total rejection from god, if only for a minute, os more than anyone could bare. especially if you are his son. that is why i give my life to jesus. he is the only way into the light, the kingdom of god.


so yea.. thats what i got. mainly i was a little miffed by people calling the bible uncredible and disrespecting when they got nothing on it.

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In response to the Old Testament Heaven, there was not one accessible during that time. What we had was something called "Paradise." If you can remember the parable Jesus was telling about the poor man named Lazarus and the rich man, it said that when Lazarus died, he went to Paradise. There was a chasm between Paradise and Hell, and the rich man saw Lazarus in Paradise from his little fire seat in Hell and asked for just 1 drop of water. It is my firm belief that when Jesus died and the curtain in the temple was torn in half, that all the people waiting in Paradise went to Heaven, because they were now accounted for.

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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

I am sorry if I have caused you any trouble over this. I have not made fun of The Bible or Christianity in ANY way, I just have my questions, and PEOPLE have put doubts in my head, because there are a lot of people in my area that are against Judaic and Western religions, and I do not like to have a one sided opinion, I would like to know both sides of an argument, before I make my thoughts. I do apologize again Zweih, I do not mean any harm.


But, to not respect others, means you will only go by what you know, and that is just plain thickheaded, no? You should try and understand as much as possible for us as HUMANs to progress, people who don't try and understand other's views, just leads to more pain and suffereing.


Wars have been created because people have not agreed, and the others have not been informed. Innocent people have been lost in the process, do not let History REpeat itself.

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I completely agree with Orbital that we should at least know why we don't believe in someone else's relgion........

which is something I've not done well at all in my life.........

I do however know that the love and peace and joy I've felt with Jesus Christ makes me wanna stay right where I am........


I would like to learn more about your religion also orbital, you're Hindu right?


(complete side note, I wish I was Indian, those ppl are some SMART PPL!)

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Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital
Guest Orbital

Laugh! Haha! Nice comment there ;) . Yes I am hindu, but do not vere off course of this Forum. We have already made a mistake, I'll make another post. You can erase this if it is you see this fit Fat.

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