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Hi, I just got banned for telling bilbo he was g4y after spawn camping the whole round on T side of inferno. I realize I should not have said this, but it is very frustrating having to sit around and wait for spawn campers. I apologize to Mmmm and Bilbo and hope that I can get unbanned.

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It'll be up in 50 minutes...Bilbo followed u right out the door as well. Being a regular ,coming in under an alias, and avoiding the filter is really cowardly of you san. I wouldve hoped you playing on our server would atleast show us admins some support instead of lowering your gaming ethics, standards to your average pub.


You may think im being a bit harsh for such a small offense but hey its the little things that normally matter most. San we all make mistakes but in the future try to carry yourself in a better manner therefore you too can be a positive influence in this awesome community.


I mean no disrespect with this post, its just we expect more out of regulars.

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