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Everything posted by Raven

  1. Yea...I don't know about all of you, but there was two new ones I didn't even know about...you can find the classic ones here(no, not a hack site): http://www.hackernetwork.com/flash/stickmen.shtml The two ones here, I haven't seen and they are productions for Heineken. and http://milkandcookies.home.comcast.net/flash/hx2/
  2. Raven

    Check this out!

    Err... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5&category=4672 That should work.
  3. Raven

    Check this out!

    I know not as many people are interested in this as I am...but they moved and restarted the bidding for the Aircraft to this... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3079057375 As of yesterday, their was 254 bids on it and tons of the bids were not legit, so now they have cut it to pre-approved bids only and restarted the auction at 2,000,000 smacks.
  4. Raven

    Check this out!

    Yep, looks like something happened to it...
  5. Raven

    Check this out!

    Almost a billion dollars?!?! Now its getting fishy
  6. Raven

    Check this out!

    No, there was a story here about it...its perfectly legit. The guy selling it had to undergo an FBI investigation just to sell the thing. He legally attained the aircraft and has every right to sell it...so far...
  7. Raven

    Check this out!

    I heard they were selling a city at one point
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...6&category=4672
  9. All I know, is that it was a great movie! Also, In the preview, there was a scene in which Gandalf and Pippin get cornered by a Nazgul (not Witch King) at Minis Tirith and Gandalf takes him down. This scene was not shown Guess there will be an extended version of this too
  10. Thats why I don't think a T4 will be a great movie...it won't be the true Terminator Movie that we know...It will be about the war and you will witness him sending the T-1 back (without the encasing and yes, I know its actually the T-800 Model). I am interested in the war...but a T4 would have to show how the war ends to keep me interested.
  11. No, the T1 would be...without the human encasing...
  12. It would be based on the War itself...so there is no need for the T-1 to go back in time and save Connor. So henceforth, there is no need for Arnold.
  13. The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. -Douglas Adams
  14. They wanted to set up one more movie so they could actually show the war... As we all know, we won't be seeing Ahnuld...
  15. Raven

    Guten Tag!

    Its... Raven: haha, Magruter is small, but Im playing (as in j/p)
  16. Raven

    Guten Tag!

    haha...Magruter est petite mais, je suis jouais!!!
  17. Raven

    Guten Tag!

    Voulez vous couche avec Magruter...ce soir?
  18. Great Game!!! Very popular here at my college...
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