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Xterminator last won the day on February 6 2016

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About Xterminator

  • Birthday 08/01/1983

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    Kitchener, ON
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  1. I haven't been on this forum in a couple years I think.
  2. Good news, it booted up first try and I had no issues with installations. The only issues I ran into are with the video card. The first issue is that I can't get HDMI working. My monitor supports it but when I plug it in nothing happens. This is a known problem with the 1080 and I have yet to find a solution. The second problem also rates to the 1080. I downloaded the latest drivers but couldn't installed them due to a compatibility issue. I was trying to install the Windows 10 64 bit drivers with no luck so I just downgraded to an older driver. It works so I guess that's a win. I haven't found a solution for this issue either. I'll just wait for the next drivers to come out and hope the issue resolves itself. All that is left to do is to transfer data over from my old machine. That will only take forever *sigh*
  3. Well, the build is done! I had to make one small change though, couldn't get the Samsung 850 Evo 120GB (OS drive) in time so I decided to go with a Samsung 850 Pro 256GB (OS drive). It was a little more expensive but my local computer store had it in stock. I was planning on doing the build this weekend but I couldn't wait any longer. I have yet to see if everything works *crosses fingers* but I'll worry about that tomorrow. Here are some pics:
  4. Sorry for the delayed response, I'm going with: EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 FTW GAMING ACX 3.0
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