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Everything posted by Hambone

  1. Well awesome! If we get enough people we could freaking do a 6v6 or something. Friday is sounding like the day to do it. So far we have 5 people then, and Friday. Time now is teh question. Throw out times. Late Nite would be better for me, > 10:00 est. I can do whatever though. Lord-Gdog @ USEast is me, and let's use channel "Hax" for meeting up. If ya'll would leave your names too, just to facilitate communication. This is gonna be pwnage.
  2. If anyone wants to do a WC3 mixer next weekend, let's get that baby going. We'll play regular games, standard rules. We'll make teams based on how many people show up / skill level. Anyone who tentatively wants to do this sometime next weekend holler. We'll talk about channels, and maps once we get a list of people who can come. If it's intense we can play some custom games to cool down too, like Kodo Tag or something fun. (Kodo Tag = pwnage).
  3. It's a lovely.... radar looking... thing..... Congrats pops heh
  4. But of course... none of this happened.
  5. I don't want to make a thread ABOUT WA, but I was reading through it and LOL it's funny. Some stuff in there like **** Dainty Little Ears Fatty LOL!
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