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Everything posted by Hambone

  1. Hambone

    Warcraft III

    The more you play it the more you like it. I didn't like it much at first, but now I think it pwns now that I've adjusted to all the changes from WC II, I'd say def buy it. It owns.
  2. Teh (btw Newgrounds pwns you loser/sucka)
  3. Hambone


    Whenever I visit an old building/ruins, always take 1 picture of the floor just so that it doesn't collapse right when you walk inside.
  4. Remarkable waste of bandwidth
  5. Hambone


    Lol, I forgot about one since you mentioned swimming. I always wear my fish boxers the day of a meet, to become one with the water and be pwnin.
  6. Refusing to use buy scripts on the account of "it gives an advantage over other players" is like refusing to buy a colt or an ak.
  7. Download a program called EZScripts, or you can do them manually in console. They're built into the game; a buy script is as illegal as an awp.
  8. Hambone


    If I listen to my "Pump Up" CD, I always improve 2-3 seconds in whatever event in whatever sport I'm doing. Have to listen to the whole 32:37 for it to work though.
  9. MLK (deoxyribo-guanine,adenine,thymine,cytosine monophosphate to be more specific)
  10. I remember my first paycheck from lifeguarding.... it had one half day on it, it was for $29.73. wOOt. I hope you got > $29.73!
  11. Um, SNES owns Sega like 10000000 to 1. Shall I list? Final Fantasy 2, Final Fantasy 3, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Breath of Fire, Ogre Battle, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, I can keep going sucka. You = pwnd
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