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Everything posted by stutters

  1. Ain't there some sort of tax upside to making it all binding?
  2. > Crap I came home too late auto-drafted Sidney Crosby. FTFY
  3. I could have sworn someone posted not too long ago to check injuries, trades, etc. Seemed like sage advice. It killed me to pass on Datsyuk, but the guy is getting up there. I hope he can help the Wings but I don't see him being a big fantasy ringer. And who is Leslie?
  4. If you're not hooked by the intro, you're going to hate the rest of it. https://soundcloud.com/slowmagic/love-2014-mix SO GOOD
  5. No offense to the peanut gallery, but this thread should have been closed 12 posts ago.
  6. Flying out early and in late via KPDX has its perks. Sunrise on Hood above the clouds (departure). Sunset over Hood, Bachelor and Jefferson on arrival.
  7. I'm setting it for Tuesday @ 10p est. Let me know if that doesn't work for anyone that wants to be in on the live draft.
  8. Back in Portland. Beautiful fall Saturday morning at my favorite coffee shop. Weekend work session jam out, bonus edition (filmed at the MFNW free show series @ the Doug Fir in Portland):
  9. Invite link. Monday and Tuesday are both good for me.
  10. Rainy day in Minneapolis. On a James Murphy kick today. So many good ones to pick from, but here's what I'm listening to atm.
  11. Another round of "two of my favorite things together" CHVRCHES + Prince. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JcQ3RCKjSg
  12. If you want, you can adjust player rankings before the draft starts. For example, if you think Sidney Crosby is a hoser and you don't want him on your team, you can put him on your "Do Not Draft" list. Or if you think Gustav Nyquist is going to have a stellar year, put him on your "Preferred Players" list. From the menu, click "Draft Central" then "Pre-Draft Rankings." When the page loads, click "Edit My Pre-Draft Player Rankings."
  13. Keep in mind, you can set your roster for each day in advance. I'd set my lineup on Monday morning for the next week of games, then check in and adjust throughout the week.
  14. @ Cat - You can join with this link. @ Fk - I can do either of those days.
  15. Tentatively changed to October 1 @ 10p est.
  16. He sent us a twelve pack of frosty, sudsy bribes.
  17. Pro: don't have to try and coordinate a draft. Con: stuck with whatever you had last year. Season opens October 8. We'd need to get organized before that. http://gfycat.com/BouncyFickleIrukandjijellyfish
  18. Start from scratch or carry over last year's roster?
  19. Something something something Tigers clinch something. AND DATSYUK 4-6 WEEKS
  20. Man, I can't argue with any of that. I know plenty of people that have found a way to put life ahead of work and still have what they need. I hope you can figure it out, too. I'll keep an eye out for your PCT trip. It runs right through the Columbia River Gorge and into Mount Hood. I'd be happy to meet you out there and either grab a beer and some pizza or just drop off some supplies.
  21. Is it the idea of being sedentary or the idea of being inside? The sedentary part can be overcome with a walking desk, the inside part, not so much. Any idea what's next?
  22. More music to work to. https://soundcloud.com/partyfavormusic/sets/trapped
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