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Everything posted by bulletmagnet

  1. did anyone ever solve this problem? i know someone else with this problem too
  2. he was also tk'ing hizz in T spawn on dust2 ...
  3. wish i had a screenshot of all of them getting struck by lightning at the same time ...
  4. found a way to take out 1/3 of the enemy team without even killing them ...
  5. i vote we only give stats to people who plant/defuse 50 times.
  6. i used to shoot them in the legs and rear end to ... herd ... them to the bombsites. but lately its been reflecting double damage back at me
  7. someone invited me to beta test it o.O i dont have time right now tho
  8. wait, if i tk a bomb spawn camper 3 times while they have the bomb, i get banned?
  9. is this some secret ploy to get hollywood to come back?
  10. funny commercial http://filecabi.net/v.php?file=banned-xbox...=800&height=600 warning: someone told me to ignore the margins but i dont seem to see anything there. i think my firewall or something is filtering out all the spam/ad's etc. so there's bad stuff on the edges
  11. actually i think the script moved F*E*A*R to T team after i took my screenshot. why would it move an 0-9 and not one of the top people?
  12. a couple weird results from today's auto balance
  13. is there also a new plugin to reflect team damage onto players? i've been shooting afks ... since they'r afk ... and i got suicided by it, haha
  14. it sorta works. gives weird messages sometimes tho. at least it mixes up the teams when its too one sided
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