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Posts posted by Peckles

  1. It's hard to perform live when we live a 12 hour drive apart. Perhaps in the future we'll set up some low key shows. I've never prided myself on my live playing ability, hence my preference to release recordings where I can make as many mistakes as I like.


    And, to keep this post a little more relevant (ie. posting 'new' material), here's a largely accidental mashup of the original and final cuts of Salmonella. Meaning I was going through old files and forgot to mute some of the tracks so both versions started playing together.



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  2. Yeah, but that happens to loads of artists. They get known for one song, which often doesn't really reflect their actual sound. Good example is Blur. Ask a North American to name one song of theirs that isn't Song 2 (without Google help), most probably can't do it, even though they were head to head with Oasis in the 90s in Britain for the BritPop market. Not to mention the lead singer/writer for Blur was the driving musical force behind Gorillaz.


    With reference to Psy, though, I'm pretty sick of the song. It's catchy, I suppose, but it's just too....everywhere. Funny to watch people try the dance though.

  3. Go to a music store and try out headphones. Depending on the store, of course, they'll generally have better quality. I've always felt that headphones and surround sound were almost opposite ideas. If you want surround sound, why the heck would you constrict that sound to a radius of an inch from your ear? Makes no sense to me.


    I've been using M-Audio Q40 headphones for several years (they're almost unwearable at this point due to such heavy use). I've found them to be more than adequate for all my gaming, as well as music and work. There are certainly better headphones out there, and I'll be doing some research/testing as soon as I can justify the cost of new phones/my current ones completely fall apart.

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  4. I had another messed up dream awhile back.


    I was in the rainforest, and I had a cat on a leash. This cat had super mangy fur, and its eyeballs were inside out. I've never seen an inside out eyeball IRL, but I just knew that these were inside out eyeballs. You know how dreams are. Anyway, this cat led me through the forest to a clearing where this one gigantic tree stood. Suddenly this jaguar-type cat appears at the top of it (its name was Ayla, and the best explanation I could figure is that my subconscious was making a Chrono Trigger reference). Ayla yells 'SEIZE HIM!', and all these vines shoot out from the tree, wrap me up tightly and starts dragging me up the trunk. As I'm moving upward, a weird light-brown coloured shell starts forming a dome around the tree. Ayla yells 'Stop! He is the chosen one!'


    Then I woke up.


    I also had another dream where I was given a roadcase full of waffle seeds and told to plant them in a carpeted floor. I was disappointed upon waking to find that waffle seeds are not a thing.

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  5. I have great dreams. I had one last night that I still have to piece together, but here's one I had about a year ago. It may have foul language that I forgot to censor, as I only vaguely edited it from a log I made.


    The first part I remember is where I've broken in to the offices in some warehouse, looking for spare parts for something. I can't find them, but I find a phone list of other places that could possibly have them, so I try one and this lady picks up. I ask if she's got this part, and she's all suspicious. I then ask what model of a certain piece of equipment she has, and she says 17A. So, being soooo smart, I say 'well, I need this type of fan belt, and it's very hard to find, but I remember that model 17A had issues with the fan belts, so I imagine you should have extras!' She goes and checks, comes back and confirms this. I wait til later, go over to that warehouse and find this part, which turns out not to be a fan belt at all, but what looks like a power drill, but is actually a ghostbusters gun. It comes with 2 cartridges of whatever ammunition it uses, but I find a third and steal that too. Then my partner in crime (who happens to be Bill Murray) phones me and tells me not to be greedy. Any way, I have the gun/drill/whatever, and I'm making my way out of the warehouse when the power goes out. I stop, and everything is dead silent, when suddenly I hear this massive crash, and I see this huge robot coming toward me! I fumble with my gun thing, but the battery pack keeps falling off, and I nearly drop all the cartridges of stuff. Anyway, I manage to shoot it, and it falls over, not moving. I'm shaking, and I slowly make my way to the exit. Then the power comes back on, and suddenly there are a bunch of people there, just working. Bill Murray comes in and tells me we have to go, so on my way out, I stop in the cafeteria and drink some water, and next to the water there's a plastic bag full of twizzlers. A man comes up, takes a small twizzler, uses it to scrape all this white powder on the counter in to a line, snorts it, says, 'I'm a f***ing millionaire!', and walks away. We leave, and Bill tells me that we have to sleep in the car, which looks like a white pontiac sunfire, but has 3 rows of seating and 6 doors. I put the gun thing in the front seat, and crawl in to the back. I ask why we have to sleep in the car, and he says because we can't afford food (?). I look across the street at the 7-11, and it's listing taquitos as 1 for 9$. I say 's**t, you're right' and I fall asleep.

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  6. So it's been a busy summer and we've not been keeping up with deadlines. We'll see if we get back on track. If we can't, no big deal, we'll just put out tracks as they come.


    Anyway, here's a new one. It's vaguely about math, and it's called 'Irrational Man'


    Listen to it on our site: The Oat Poets


    On SoundCloud


    Or, God forbid, on Reverb Nation


    Share & Enjoy!

  7. The fact that you clearly circumvented the filter twice shows you have no respect for our server rules. Then you come in and say I'm ignorant because I 'misread' your last text? Right.


    Nice of you to drop by the forum, but I'm not buying that for a second. Sorry you don't live up to the competency of our admins.

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