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Posts posted by Allanon

  1. D3 for me, I've had enough of MMORPG's.


    Where as I couldn't blame you for being tired of them, I would at least urge you to look at Guild Wars 2. From all the info that Arena.net has released so far GW2 looks to be shaping up very differently from your typical MMO. Plus there is no monthly fee so worse comes to worse your down fifty bucks.

  2. Truth, and honestly if you wanna talk about two games you really have to chose between it should be Guild Wars 2 and The Old Republic. Looking forward to that way more than Diablo 3

  3. I can't say I ever see Diablo 3 becoming pay to play on it's own. However, I do see the possibility of Blizzard charging for battle.net accounts. Plus as Starcraft 2 has shown, LAN play is out which sucks.

  4. Well Guild Wars 2 will probably suck most of my free time when it comes out, but it's not like I'm never gonna get Diablo 3 at some point so both. Also it seems as I continue to read news about Guild Wars 2 I get both excited and disappointed, I'm hoping A.net has learned from their mistakes in the original.

  5. I'm a little late to the party but if you could send out an invite to joe.ondrey08 at gmail dot com would be much obliged.

  6. Whelp, just got back from Bonnaroo a few days a go and I gotta say if you ever have the ability to go, do so ... don't even think about it just go. Secondly, I saw Ratatat and they were probably one of the best shows there along with Arcade Fire and The Black Keys. YoMamma, Bonnaroo definitely set me back cash money wise a lot more than I had thought but hopefully I'll still be able to go to Lolla and I'll definitely let you know if I do. Also Friday for me if I go...


    Young the Giant

    Delta Spirit

    Smith Westerns (didn't catch them at Bonnaroo and wanna make sure I see them here)

    The Kills

    The Mountain Goats

    Bright Eyes

    Crystal Castles



    While I'm not a huge Coldplay fan they probably put on a fantastic show... but I've never seen Muse and I'm thinking I'll have to see them instead

  7. So the date is getting pretty close and I'd like to make it this year but I have no idea what's going on at this point. Yes I'm probably missing the magical link with all the info but how much is it this year, do I paypal fatty the money? Are the events planned?


    Thanks from a concerned All

  8. I don't get what changing your email password is doing though, unless you use the same password for your PSN login as you use for your email. They got your email address, but you never should of given an email password anytime to get a PSN account. Not sure how they might even attempt at getting that password. Just make sure your security questions to retrieve it aren't "What city were you born in?" or "What is your date of birth?" since they have that information too lol.


    I'd imagine hackers would brute force your E-mail to get the password but them changing it wouldn't do any good either. Probably for the people who use the same password for everything

  9. We do what we must because we can. For the good of us all us, except the ones who are dead....



    Welcome to the forums man, feel free to browse around

  10. It's cheap enough to get a basic or advanced web hosting package for 5-10$ a month and you get a couple domains, tons of FTP space and access to website builders, database tools and all sorts of fun stuff...


    I have a business package with 1and1.com that I've been very happy with!


    In short, why settle for a site that may or may not work when you can take it into your own hands.


    Because he's probably not looking to build his own HD video/picture hosting site.

  11. Oh jeez i wasnt saying it wasnt allowed lol. I was actually hoping some of the women folk here would read this and reply to it. I thought it was funny too. Get on up off my bizack, sheesh lol


    Sorry bud I mistook you're trolling for serious bidness


    and as for you Mo...


    I'd come up with a reply right now but it's St. Paddy's Day so I'll just drink instead

  12. All good points have probably been said but I'll just re-state


    More servers of any game are always well and good as long as we are able to put people in them, admin them and maintain them. If we continue to get more members from our current L4D server and some of them become admins then hey who knows but for now I'm in agreement with Jackie and Samurai even though I barely ever jump on the L4D2 server.

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