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About {FG}Caesar

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  1. yes....and if any of them were decent business men they would all know that the 4 month point is the point of failure. If you dont have the funds to carry the outfit a year, you cant do it. And you cannot do it with 10 or 20 PCs. The math isnt there. But then again, the #1 reason for buisness failure is poor management. #2 reason is inadequate funding. We will see if my many years in that area help me out
  2. ya...it looks like it will take 100K to get it to float. Startup costs are around 60K and the remaining 40K to overcome the 'hill'. #1 point, Internet Cafe and an Gaming center are two totally different hits on the same concept. You are marketing to two totally different peeps. Cafe's are failing left and right because they do not offer much over places like Barnes and Nobles, and their service is free. As far as gaming centers, it appears that targeting the 'wealthy' is not the a good move. You should be targeting the indivuduals who have enough to spend reasonable amounts of disposable income a month, but do neccisarily have enough to get the performance out of their connections and PCs. Also...it has been suggested the #1 reason for failure of Gaming Centers is that the owners think if they put a bunch of PCs in a room they will do great. So much of it is the environment. In some terms, you could related it to the arcades of the past. If you ever went to the local mall arcade, there was no atmosphere. It was just games and drew on the walk-by traffic. Now if you ever went to a 'real' arcade, just walking into the building got you excited. And that is what cannot be provided at home, even if you have a great PC and connection, which most people in my city do not have. ancyase...ima yapping. but seeing as how this is a startup I wont be able to tell ya if my speculations are correct, but my research seems to support it.
  3. bahaha...sounds great. have not seen that one.
  4. it is certainly ok to agree to disagree. The point of this post was for the and idea from the 'public' to the 'public' to give something a try.
  5. wow..that sounds like the words of someone from the UK....public transportation is a total joke in most american cities..and non-existant in over 95% of the country. Our economy is structured in such a way that most people cannot afford to make a living without traveling to some reasonable degree. While obviously supply-demand is econ 101, there are situations where things become 'taking advantage'. If OPEC or the oil industry were primarily US countries, they would be in violation of alot of laws. Oligarchies are not allowed to control prices in the fashion as occur with gas. But obviously we need to find alternatives, some argue (as in the insurance and medical industry) that the mandatory need is so great that an individual does not have a 'choice'. For most american's, the inablity to commute means the inability to work. Such as in my case. I cannot afford to live close to my working areas...small 3 BR home costs over a million dollars. But the outlying areas do not have ANY work that would allow me to be employed. The prices of gas have literally forced me out of a job, nothing else. Ancyase....I agree we need to find alternatives, but I think the hard stance that we are 'unwilling' to find different approaches ...welll....strikes me as a bit inexperienced. dunno..just my two cents.
  6. well i got the solution then..we are all experts a tactical warefare right...CSS....=P lets stage a raid!
  7. I would wager that saying 80% of the gas is supplied by those 2 companies is a bit of an over stretch. I dont really have time to look it up at the moment....but i do not beleive they provide anywhere close to 80%
  8. we have several of these gas stations here where i live. I don't know how popular they are, but I will be looking into it on my next round of car buying. It seems to be holding pretty stable around 1.90 a gallon, instead of the constantly rising price of normal gas. gah..$55 to fill my tank and it is just an average sedan.
  9. I personally love 2k4..if you like fast paced styles like myself find a good PIG (CTF) or BinSlayer (DM) server. There are many out there such as BOS (Bin) or AoX for PIG. I hung up my cap on 2k4 for very odd reasons, but my community, FairGamers, is hyped and anxious for 2k7 to hit the shelves. I know i hope to run into may GCers during that time.
  10. {FG}Caesar

    New here

    howdy..while i am not part of the 'coalition' i would say these are a great group of peeps to get to know
  11. {FG}Caesar

    Who plays BF2?

    this is a game i love...i played it for about 6 months, but i got so tired of people fighting over vehicles and a total lack of teamwork (even though the game is all teamwork), i stopped playing. If someone knows of a server with admins that actually enforce their 'rules', please let me know. You can find my xfire address by clicking on my sig. Caesar
  12. I am posting this because I do need to do 'something' I actually think this has some worthy things to say. I can literally no longer afford to go to work as I have for many years (which is part of the reason i am looking to start the LAN center..if you are interested in the LAN center in Rockford, IL check that out here). During my last days working in my 'normal' field I was paying over $1000 dollars in gas a month. That is just out right nuts. Obviously I have alternatives such as buyng a car that is 'alternative', as I will be doing on my next round...but for now...take a read. If you like, send along to your friends. I will be doing this as it makes sense.
  13. its lookin like it is going to be a great game
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