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Posts posted by boiler

  1. Hooking it up directly to the player? Even with the USB port, it would probably be picky regarding the hard drive setup, file types, etc if it's recognized. That player only has a wired ethernet connection besides the A/V connection. If you had the hard drive set up in a NAS situation, then the "smart" features of the player *might* be able to connect to it to stream content. It does mention DLNA capability, which means it theoretically could connect to a smart phone or other computer on the network. I do know that model player has a more limited "smart" feature set compared to the next step up that includes wifi.


    That player gives you options, but I'm not sure how well or if they would work in your situation. I've used the next model up from this before and it can see my desktop on the network and stream content. Not sure about this one.

  2. I would not be surprised if the Xbox One outsells the PS4... The hardcore internet crowd =/= real life.

    Would not surprise me either. The vocal minority rule the internet discussion, but they are still the minority. PC folks haven't been able to trade or sell used games in ages and they aren't crying about it. Not to mention the fact that I don't sell my old games anyway (I make sure to only buy the good ones). I'm looking forward to the Xbox One more than the PS4 simply because MS is trying new ideas to make the experience better. The PS4 thus far has felt closer to a PS3.5 in that it is a more incremental improvement without trying anything too daring.


    That said I want both because the exclusives are just looking so damn good.

    PC gamers also have to spend 5-6 times as much as console gamers for their system. They have money and don't need to trade games in to buy new ones even if they could.


    The N64 came out when I was in 5th grade, I remember classmates that never owned more than one game because they would buy one, play it, then turn around and trade it in for a new one. Some didn't even buy games, they rented them all from Blockbuster.


    I think PCs are for the older gamer. You need the money to be able to actually afford a gaming PC and you need a general idea of how they work. That way when they break you aren't always calling your uncle because he gave you his old PC but now he regrets it because every time there's an issue you call him because you never owned a PC before and have no idea how a PC works because you're a spoiled brat that had an Xbox 360 AND a Playstation 3 since you were six years old!

    I get where you're coming from - I just have a feeling that in the end this will all end up being NBD, even if that means MS backtracks on a few things.

  3. Back to the basics? Like back to the whole escaping the idea of religious law? I agree.


    If we do not adapt our world is screwed and our morality is a lie. It was less than 100 years ago that interracial marriage was illegal and women couldn't vote. We adapted, and if that is bad to you then you seriously need to see the rest of the world.


    We need to adapt with technology too, the internet is a very powerful thing. It is sparking revolutions all around the world because people finally have access to information and realize how oppressed they are. We need to harness this power in a not-evil way


    It is possible to adapt with changing times without destroying the main principles upon which this country was built. You're right, the internet age is something that was never planned for, but it's power should be harnessed to better ourselves. We can't, however, stomp all over the basic constitutional rights stated in the constitution. I don't recall a single portion of the constitution that could be interpreted to mean suppression of technological advances.


    Also, doing everything the way Europe does it =/= adapting to the changing times and joining "civilised" society. There are many ways to accomplish a similar goal.

  4. I would not be surprised if the Xbox One outsells the PS4... The hardcore internet crowd =/= real life.

    Would not surprise me either. The vocal minority rule the internet discussion, but they are still the minority. PC folks haven't been able to trade or sell used games in ages and they aren't crying about it. Not to mention the fact that I don't sell my old games anyway (I make sure to only buy the good ones). I'm looking forward to the Xbox One more than the PS4 simply because MS is trying new ideas to make the experience better. The PS4 thus far has felt closer to a PS3.5 in that it is a more incremental improvement without trying anything too daring.


    That said I want both because the exclusives are just looking so damn good.

  5. Dude, I'll answer the last question you ask. The second amendment was created because of the Revolutionary War. Americans fought the tyrannical British empire for independence, and the ability to own and use firearms was integral to making the war possible. They learned that an armed population cannot be unfairly pushed around. The amendment was put in place to ensure that such a tyrannical government could not come into power in this country. An armed populace are citizens, a disarmed populace can be subjects. That sort of thing. On a side note, anyone that says regular people with handguns and rifles are no match for the US military in the event of a civil conflict is missing the bigger picture. They are assuming that the members of the military would willingly fight their friends, family and neighbors. Either way, I think that is a moot point and is unlikely to happen. The second amendment is meant to be insurance to prevent such an occurrence.

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  6. Picking up a cheap external hard drive enclosure (make sure it is compatible with your old drive IDE or SATA) would be a quick and easy way to try to salvage your files. You can just plug the enclosure in to the USB port on your laptop then copy/paste to your heart's content. As for the software, I'm assuming you have either installation media or executables or something? Shouldn't be a problem to reinstall those on a replacement system. If they have restrictive licensing, calling the purveyor of said software can usually clear it up quickly (had to do this with Adobe CS4 before).


    Anytime I do work on someone's computer that won't boot, my SOP is to pull the drive, put it in an enclosure, then back everything up before doing anything else. Haven't lost anything yet!

  7. I've started to get the itch to loot hunt again... might fire this back up again soon. If anyone catches me online, feel free to join the hunt. I don't have the gear for any ridiculous act IV inferno farming or anything.

  8. They key point to this discussion is that estimated quarterly taxes are paid for and during the current tax year - it's not a four-installment bill they receive from the government for the previous tax year. It's essentially an educated guess, and I'm guessing most businesses overestimate so that they get a refund by the time the actual taxes are calculated instead of another bill.


    These apply to corporations as well as small businesses.

  9. You can't spawn ender dragons in the overworld, however i can start working on a Wither pet for you.


    Idc ! I will have my dragons !!!

    I.... I'm inclined to believe her. Too much confidence/conviction.

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