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Everything posted by NorgmaN

  1. I'll be expecting reparations in the form of a lump financial sum. My people and I have been slandered for the last time. Your canadian, not black.
  2. My bad wrong pic. I know its here somewhere... Whether I find it or not, its similar.
  3. For those of you that don't believe me, this was taken at around 7pm, a day or 2 ago. RIGHT after that map ended. I can get more if you'd like.
  4. Been 3 weeks, still bad maps, I CRY!
  5. Here's the thing. I've done multiple times through the last month, not every but probaby 50%, changed to the other team, and all of a sudden, the other team skunks out the team I started on. Granted the game lasts longer, but more people leave. I'll let you decide the fate of maps over population.
  6. The five of them (s4h NorgmaN, s4h Tookey, s4h Limbcutter, xT Ich, xT Sid) would probably hold their own in CS:S CAL-IM. More like I could handle myself in CEVO-M and CAL-M, not to brag or anything, but for the most part, not always I play on the HARDER side of the map, like in your nice SS I'm on CT side of OFFICE! If anyone wants to tell me that CT side is 5x easier then T, then I'll contemplate reading the rest of this thread. PS. I'm not trying to sound rude, but seriously. http://www.caleague.com/?page=history&type=roster Type in 0:1:40586 AnD! http://www.cevo.com/index.php?page=teams&a...1134&div=58 QFT!
  7. ohhh you make me beacon You make me beacon I stand nex to ZD!!
  8. Last night was pretty fun, tried to get a bunch of people on vent to have some fun talk some trash and tell some jokes, I'm gonna get on again tonight, hope to see you nerds!
  9. If you pick/like Aztec over Dust.................... The best rotation ever, in any order: Dust, Dust2, Aztec, Cbble, Nuke, Inferno, Train, Mill, LostTemplePRO~ (contemplating Season, 3rdStreet, and Rotterdam, just b/c they are played fairly frequently now. Once in a while: Season, Fire, Contra, Russka Rarely/Never (custom night, vip night exceptions): Custom maps. Lost2? Siena ect I would actually prefer to play those, but most people don't like them, haven't played them enough, so I put them lower. Probably more out there I can't think of. 2nd Note, ZBLOCK RULEZZZ! Btw, this is all just my opinion, you don't have to agree if you dont' want to. I'll still come frag you =)
  10. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD. PLEASE PUT DECENT MAPS BACK ON THE SERVER. I understand people like to have fun and throw in a different map every once in a while, but these custom maps are getting played way too much. (This is just my opinion.) Half of the maps kills the server, and the other half of the time there are kids that have no clue what they are doing. I understand "custom map night" and "vip night" and all the other weekly map rotations you do, but when it isn't "custom night" there shouldn't be more maps I have never heard of in my life being played consecutively. If you don't feel the same way, thats fine, its your server. I'll still come around and play no matter what you decide =)
  11. Just an update, that ZBlock has been updated. Maybe we should try it?!?!?!?
  12. Played dust last night, server was full the whole time, and it was 4 am I believe.
  13. Just felt like bringing this up agian. Recently there have been numerous commands out that can be missused in this game. ZBlock takes care of them, and takes up very little server usage. I've been playing off and on. And the server seems pretty stable to me lately, unless I've been lucky to not have any problems. I vote for trying it!
  14. My map suggestions (No particular order): Frequent : Dust Dust2 Office Nuke Train Inferno Fire Mill Prodigy Not as frequent : Piranesi Italy Aztec Cbble Contra Never : Compound Port Cheatteu Is the Map Cycle updated?, because all I ever see is office, italy, aztec, d2, dust, and sometimes cbble. =(
  15. I think he's talked to someone, but Penguin isn't showing up on the clan page for some reason ;(
  16. You don't read english well, do you? I said, AT THE TIME, he was not in the clan. Just recently he joined, like 5 days ago.
  17. YeahYeah wasn't on the team at that time, he was only scrimming with us, which is why he took off the tag in the first place. So, I'm not responsible for his actions untill he is unbanned and gets rebanned under the s4h team. There have been many kids join with the s4h tag recently, because we scrim with them (tryouts, rings, friends, whatnot) and they don't detag till they play in another server. It happens all the time.
  18. If I was, I dont' remember it. And not becaues I don't want to.
  19. Wow, I'm starting to feel that I have to babysit my damn clan, and that isn't gonna work with a full time job..............................
  20. Why is the s4h tag in your name?
  21. Just waiting to see what other admins have to say. I'm just wondering, but are you taking what I'm saying about stacking personally? I said it 3/4 times, that I'm not pointing fingers, just giving out examples off the top of my head.
  22. We're asking that you take it upon yourselves to mix it up. So you encourage your team to practice together. Great. We encourage our community to mix it up, make friends, and have a good time. This is the greater need. As for CsLs, you're not going to pull that one over on me. You guys are practiced competitors. Nuff said. Like I said, I'm not here to flame, point fingers at other clans, I'm just trying to use it as an example. This rule applies to anyone ever tagged the same, GC, XT, whoever else. You can't stay "dont' clan stack". Take it how you want, its just hard to enforce.
  23. Here's what I've seen from the last couple of posts, and what I have heard from the members of my team, note I am not here to flame, or be the "correct" one in any of this post, I'm just putting information together, and finding out what admins want on THEIR server. Even though I do wish it was mine, because its really nice. =) Anyway. 1) Teamstacking. For me, teamstacking is putting everysingle skilled person on one team, or putting 10 people on one vs 5. Many people will probably agree, that 2 people from the same clan, playing on the same team in a pub, wouldn't be "stacking". Now I know some people disagree with this, some people won't. Personally I encourage my teammates to play together, in pubs. Usually you only see me and Chen playing. We usually go on the same team, of the HARD side of the map, and play TOGETHER, talking over ventrilo to communicate positions, strats, whatnot. I believe this helps people when they go to scrim/match. In pubs, its all about fun, you learn new spots, talk with friends, learn where to hide/not hide. That's what I encourage my players to do when pubbing. 3 clanmembers on a team may be pushing it, SOMETIMES. This all depends on who you are, and your skill level. For my team, usually 3 is the max, and I'll tell the other to go to a different team, while the map is loading. As for stacking, if you want it so only 1 clanmate can be on a team at a time, your going to have a really hard time yourselves keeping this rule up. I've seen up to 4 CsLs on 1 team at a time. It happens, and usually it gets sorted out over the map, OR after the map change. 2) Ghosting. As Limb said earlier, I do not let ANYONE in my ventrilo ghost of any sort that would allow an advantage that would go beyond that of a match/scrim. If you dont' understand what I mean, here is a quick example. In a scirm, you go out Long A of Dust2, and you see 3 guys in pit, and you die. What most people would do, is say, there are 3 in pit, I shot 1 in the head, throw a nade if you want. That's all if any ghosting we ever do in Pubs. Its the same as scrims. Other things I tolerate. *v1 and the last guy is AFK, *v1 and the CT is nowhere near defusing the bomb, and telling your teammate to save their gun. Other things that are not going to affect the gameplay of the pub. If any of you still don't believe me, I'm offering to give out the ventrilo information, so any ADMIN who wants to come on, and listen to us, can. I'll even mute the channel so we wont' know when you join. If any ADMIN wants this info, PM me here on the forums, or on IRC. 3) Spectator Bug. You are all correct about this. I shun every player who does it, its cheap and *insert bad word here*. If you EVER catch another s4h member abusing the spectator bug, warn them and watch for it agian, if they don't respond say it to them 1 more time. IF they use it a 2nd time, ban them. I have no problem with this. They know how I feel about it, and if they wanna abuse it, just ban them. HOWEVER, Even I have bad pub days. I am guilty, along with MANY people who either just need to restart their map, and refresh their score. I know personally that if I am 0-5 or so, I have a hard time concentrating and it gets on my nerves. I'll retry once, play, and if I'm still doing terrible I'll probably get off the game. I am guilty, along with even more people for using the spec bug every once in a while (MAYBE 1nce a week, if that). Overall, sometimes people just need to use it, but using constantly/abusivly, is stupid/absurd. Warn and BAN. I'm sure there is more to go over, but this is all I can think of at this point. I have said it before and I'll say it agian, this is GC's Server, we abide by YOUR rules, and will play by them. If any of you have problems with me, or my team, bring them to my attention and this will be resolved. Usually my guys are pretty well behaved, but sometimes when I'm not around they get out of control. I appologize for their actions, and as the leader of the team, this aggrivates me, that my team would go and make themselves look bad in great company. We all enjoy playing on these servers. Let the bans stand, if you could make Chrono's 1 week with the rest. They will learn from what they are doing, and will learn to respect themselves, and especially the ADMINS/regulars on the server. If you feel that the 1 month ban should stay, that is your choice. I'm not pushing you to change it. As I stated in the beginning. I am not here to get introuble, get my team out of trouble. Just here to see what people think about different situations. I love playing in GC, and I know ChenTzen does. And as I said in a different post, these problems WILL be fixed before they come back to pub, or you can do whatever you wish with them. Sorry for the long post, but BS like this needs to be solved. Any questions/comments post in this thread/pm me on the forum/#s4h in irc.gamesurge.net. Thanks to anyone reading/responding.
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