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Everything posted by Chimmpp

  1. Ooooo we'll see boot that hmm.... *was that a challenge...*
  2. Oh cool, the one close to me is the Chagrin golf dome.
  3. True, that was the only bad part about the movie... but its no big one
  4. Where do you live? Theres a gold dome not too far away from me... wonder if they do that stuff.
  5. The G3 sim is awesome, I wanna fly the F-16 or Harrier that they have in the expansions. Do those cost money? I cant figure out how to download them
  6. Meh... some of us will prolly start driving/flying, or already have gone, when 1 has been counted.
  7. 103... I dont think anyone else is trying gunna go back to bed now
  8. Try explainin that to Mr. Boss
  9. Chimmpp


    lol... if I put what I thought ftw meant a long time ago in gcftw, that would be some crazai junk right ther
  10. To take it or not to take it... Ill let some lucky person get it
  11. If I saw that, dont know if Id play doom again
  12. It makes me wanna go blow something up... with classical music on
  13. Just saw it yesterday, pretty fricken sweet. The end is by far the best part tho, so if you even think of walkin out, sit you bum back down.
  14. I edited it so you can have it... at least until more witnesses get here.
  15. lol, want me to delete it and say you got it?
  16. You're older than me by two months! Hurry up and sign-up, Im afraid to confront my mom bout it again, with out some positive reinforcement
  17. Sorry mate, just read your post bout tryin to get it tonite... shoulda given you several more minutes
  18. I looked at my clock and it said 11:59 but I had to minimize BF2 first... which takes several minutes
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