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Everything posted by Heartless

  1. almost there... im so sick of hearing it.. it makes me want peanut butter and jelly
  2. actually.. no. I don't go to the highschool technically... unless someone from the highschool wants to invite me... haha like that'll happen.
  3. Heartless


    ur turn my clues weren't that good... but OHHHH WELLLLLLLL
  4. Heartless


    clue 5 - when u trip you.. ____
  6. Heartless

    foot is numb

    err-ga-boo-moo-la-foo din-par-es-te-ka-MAR! say it.. its fun.
  7. <-- this face is so cute! i make this like exact face all the time, cept less yellow, and less.. um... puterized.
  8. Heartless


    clue 4? - then red, but still some orange, and still some yellow.
  9. im not gonna smoke or drink while pregnant! i already did it, and it made me feel aweful. i smoked cigarettes during the early part of my pregnancy and quit around 2 months, now my baby is measuring BIIGG! and Gond most women who smoke during their pregnancy to reduce the size of their babies are either teenagers and stupid, or are very selfish women.. and i boo at them! BOOOOOOOOO!
  10. my exgirlfriend Kat (RIP sweetie 3-19-01)
  11. heh i just saw that the other day! Man, ebaums world is the shiznit.
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