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Posts posted by JordanRinke

  1. I am not sure if you are going to be able to get that for 300. If you go wide screen format you are going to need a 24" or larger for the same resolution to display a larger image. So, I would think what you are more looking for would be say a 28" wide or larger. That would give you a nice big display on high resolution but it is going to cost you 400+ depending what you get. I think newegg might have some 26" open boxes for under 300 right now. When it comes to computer components I am big on wait longer, by better gear. You might want to wait a month or two and tuck back a couple extra dollars with that 300 to get yourself a really nice large display that you will totally love.

  2. Those are nice machines, I have the same model (diff specs) I bought it as a refurb for just under a grand about a year ago. 300 plus shipping is a fairly reasonable price (I would try and talk him in to 300 shipped... but that is just me). The only problem I have with mine is over heating if I set it on something that is not a flat surface, for instance a bed or something like that. After about an hour I will get visual artifacts on the screen. I have found that this is easily mitigated by taking a can of air and blowing out all of the fan/vent holes ever month or so. Since it runs warm anyways it collects dust and once it does, it can't cool itself. This one may not experience the same issues since mine has more memory, cpu, and gpu all making heat. Mine recently had decided that the battery shall no longer hold more than a 45 minute charge but I doubt that would be an issue on this one being that it has a newer battery.


    If Zero Damage decides to shy away from the offer let me know, I too would consider this for my mother.

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    Dec. 26, 2008


    22:51:42 PST





    Gaming Alias: Chaosvein (changing it to JordanRinke)

    Forum Name: Chaosvein (changing it to JordanRinke)


    This is to Re-Up my current membership which was just about to, or just did expire.

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    Um.. I deleted alot of your post because it seemed like it was a bit much to put up on the forums. I saved it in case I am mistaken, but i don't think I am heh :)


  4. Minus the text in the middle and higher contrast GC moved a little more towards the vertical center... I like it, nice and simple? Looks vector too. If not it could be.


    I could make that in to a flash image with choosable colors, or even use PHP to make it with custom colors so everyone could have the exact color they wanted? I really like that. Simple and stunning.

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