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Everything posted by Sky

  1. Yeah, I rebooted; There was no process running. I guess that's what I get for running beta steam, but the beta keeps history logs of everything, and i really like that feature!
  2. Yeah, I am still curious to see what the control schema for consoles is. I managed to play Too Human without any issue, but I know a lot of people couldn't get into it because of its extremely awkward controls.
  3. programming. still at the office. crunch time sucks.

    1. Madvillain


      First world problems! :P

    2. turnbullTeRRoR


      I worked late wed thrus and probably tonight to avoid working this weekend..... right now getting pounded with orders to program, short handed and I"ve been at work for 4 hours now and havn't programmed anything.... just checking cutting reports and puttiing out everyone elses FIres.... its been a BAD BAD Friday cuz I now know with out a doubt I have to work this weekend oh yeah tomorrows my Birthday HOORAY- yeah its bad

    3. Madvillain


      Happy Birthday in advance Turnbull!

  4. Biggs, you pretty much slayed the rebel alliance when you went off course during the death star run. Just saying.
  5. That's not a boy...that's MANBEARPIG Here in Toronto, we call that bullsomethingstinky.
  6. I don't suppose anyone has had this happen, before..? Left4dead2's process isn't even running. Tried starting it up, and then exiting, and even restarting steam, and it still thinks that I am playing the game.
  7. The plugin that handles "team balance" already fails to do the task its assigned. I think it wouldn't be able to perform a just decision on whether allowing two players to swap would be fair. The first goal should be to implement a team balance / team scramble system that actually works. Also, it isn't a perfect world. The system would likely be exploited so that friends could stack with each other, unfortunately.
  8. I think people are way too judgmental of women in common. It's the worst double-standard, but it definitely doesn't help that women take part in it instead of asking why that double standard exists. Personally, if the girl likes doing the cosplay, that's cool. I don't have anything against it if it's not some clothes hangar, has-no-meat-on-her-bones or not kind of girl. The only time I've ever been bugged was when I was at a renaissance festival with my girlfriend and we saw a girl who was somewhere around 600 lbs, wearing a chain-bikini. No double-standard there... I would have been equally disgusted if her same-size boyfriend had been wearing anything similar. Heck, I don't even have anything against the women who want to be allowed to roam topless like guys on the beach. Everyone has boobs, some are just more flat than others. I've done cosplay once, at ohayocon. i went as sailor mercury.
  9. i dont think this is releasing until 2014, as there is no current release date set. What I do like is that the legendary items in the expansion are actually awesom and they're finally tuning it so wizards won't be rolling around with 2H axes anymore. I imagine that whole rebalancing is going to tinkle some players off.
  10. every single survivor requested the challenge?
  11. The developers have gone through pains to remove the grind feel that people have come to expect because of FFXI. Here's an example of how I leveled my first few classes (I rolled a new character during beta so I could experience the game, since my legacy character is already at 50 for the classes I enjoy): Leveled my conjurer doing the main story quest. Didn't even have to do any of the quests in the towns. Each class has its own hunting log targets, so I did those as well. Easy leveling. Leveled my gladiator doing some town missions + hunting log. Because I have a conjurer above the gladiators level, I get a 30% experience boost (1% for each level difference). Easy leveling. Can always do FATE's, Behest's, Guildhest's, Dungeons, and many of the other ways of leveling. What I'm trying to say is... the grind isn't as tedious as people have come to expect from FF mmos. Sure, there's still a grind from it being an MMO, but in my experience, the guild wars 2 grind was more of a grind than the FF14ARR grind. Yes, leveling additional classes will be slower than doing every quest out there, but it's still faster than a lot of other games, since the focus is on story and fun factor, not "how long we can make you suffer."
  12. the people that spent that much early on probably made ten times it back selling stuff. However, the expansions release is still quite a ways off, there isn't a release date even mentioned at this point.
  13. I wish i could edit posts on mobile version. For me, i don't have a ton of resistance. I found in the past that stacking it was too detrimental to the dps output. Instead i focus trifecta plus dexterity, and when possible, vitality or life % as the fifth stat. The result is 246 resist, and 35,000 hp. It means some mobs can kill me in one shot. The exploders, for instance, but that is what serenity is for. Other times, you will notice my health bar effectively having a heart attack. Fortunately, my attack speed is so high that even with skorn equipped, i self heal for an obscene amount, which keeps me operational. I dont use the traditional rotation, as i have inserted blinding light as it increases my dps for (i think) 30% for 3 seconds every 12 seconds. I also don't bother with health regen on spirit spent. I do, however have an insanely high crit chance; cyclones always max out (there is an actual limit for anyone who is unaware) which helps greatly. You will see it all once you have added me. I enjoy farming even if it is not the game i had wanted. It is still tons of fun to play when you know everyone and no one is being carried. Even carrying friends becomes quite tedious and problematic on inferno. With how inflated the economy is, you can spend 10-20$ and gear out for inferno farming. The absolute best gear is still expensive, but that presents the general conclusion that you can still profit off of the rmah. With my experience with that monk and then yesterday morning a barb tank who also couldnt hold threat and did 50k dps, who then retorted "this isnt wow" when i said what is the good with him rolling as a tank if he cant hold threat, because he doesnt think mobs have threat tables (again, i am confident they do given that they focus me until i die or they die and barbs even have a provoke ability) which leads me to believe that players dont understand why no one wants to carry them. My argument against carrying is kn the precipice that mobs without extra health; elites and golds, can have over 100,000,000 hp. I have seen 217m, imagine how slow that is with two people under 100k. 200k at a minimum should be for mp10 and i really wish in public games blizzard would enforce a gear check. BUT THAT IS JUST MY OPINION. lol.
  14. I'm actually tethered to my phone. My modem crapped out, so they're going to send someone out, hopefully tomorrow, to replace it. my id is ve3tit#1950 Playing a monk has its ups and downs. As long as 2 or more enemies are alive, I can't die, but when the numbers drop, my life steal drops, and then I have to actually move out of the 10 desecrates under me. Not quite at the point where I can completely ignore the mechanics on mp10. In most circumstances, I can't eat a dozen of them, but a few is always fine.
  15. I will probably wait as well, since i have games like skyrim that i just purchased and need to play through, first. Also, I don't know anyone. And, since I'm an identical twin and my other half is playing the crap out of the game right now, I somehow feel like I'm playing it, too.
  16. I've been playing, but I've been sticking to MP6. Every time I start an MP10 game, or join one, I encounter DPS who do less than 250k buffed (without WOTB). But, most annoyingly, I encounter dps who do less than 100k. And I even had a monk who joined our group, having only 17,018 dps on MP10. Conversation: Me: "Uh, 17k dps in mp10?" Him: "I'm a tank." Me: "Me too! And I also do 290k dps!" Barb chimes in: "Me too! And I do almost 1m dps (wotb)!" Monk leaves party. I've recently come across a group of players that I've started playing with. But, boy would it be great to have a FROST MAGE NAMED NIGHTLING in the group, if only to FREEZE the mobs, since mp10 is notorious for: Arcane Desecrator Plague 1 random
  17. A better method would be writing a scramble system that scrambles effectively; scrambling solely based on one statistic (PPM) isn't enough information for a scramble to accurately result in balanced teams; this is why a majority of the time, scrambles leave the teams extremely stacked. The better method would include auto-scrambles that would occur if, for some reason, at the start of a new map, the scores were extremely unbalanced; of course, a scramble should not occur on a new map if it occurred on the previous. Someone needs to write a better scramble / team balance system; the current one doesn't work Players shouldn't have to ask for a scramble, it should happen automatically if the teams are way out of bounds =p
  18. So here's an update of it, now... A lot more options, and new effects are added whenever I create a new menu option that doesn't have the effects that it needs to function. When considering what kind of new abilities you can make, you try mix and matching the possible ability effects. Ability effects: // Effect types: // a - Adrenaline // A - Triggers on Spawn // b - Bean bag effect // B - Blind effect // c - Chance roll, has no actual effect. // C - Has its own roll, so ignores the Chance rolls. // d - damage triggers the ability. // D - increases a players damage. // e - Increases a players health. // E - Triggers when the player dies. // f - Drops a molotov (location-based on origin) // F - Triggers by a class' personal ability (Ex: Hunter Leap is hunter ability) // h - Heals the player. // i - Bile (The same effect as if a player is vomited on) // I - Ignores chance rolls (Always occurs if the conditions are met) // j - Jump (affects the player jumping in some way) // k - Instantly kills the target. // l - Cloaks the player (essentially transparency based on value) // L - Affects player when biled. // m - Immunity (ability makes the user immune to all special effects) // M - If triggered, the target player takes damage. // o - Damage Absorption // p - Modifies movement speed. // P - Removes spawn restrictions. // r - Radar (Survivor ability, "beacons" the location of infected players within range) // R - Reflects damage // s - Slowing effect // S - Stagger effect // v - Requires an active victim // z - Zero gravity effect And the sample of the new version of menu option creation: "Infected Health" { "increase per point?" "0.03" "maximum talent points allowed?" "50" "first point value?" "0.03" "accompanied by?" "none" "class required?" "1234568" "restricted by level?" "1" "talent points per level?" "2" "minimum level required?" "0" "ability effects?" "e" "weapons permitted?" "ignore" "passive or aggressive?" "passive" "victim lower level penalty?" "0.0" "victim lower level ignored?" "0" "victim higher level award?" "0.0" "ability type?" "0" "ability inherited?" "1" "store purchase cost?" "0" "origin based?" "0" "team affected?" "victim" }
  19. Yep. FF14 is also strategy-heavy. Rolling into combat and button mashing will likely result in dying. Combos are pretty important, as well, at least for the DPS side of things. A lot of the elements of 14 were drawn from 11. The HUD (action bars) were drawn from WoW. That video about the WoW vs FF14 really does a solid job explaining the differences.
  20. Voodoo, as far as loot is concerned: In raids, dungeons, etc., if you are in a group, when loot drops from mobs and/or chests (chests spawn after bosses die, containing loot and other items) you can only roll NEED on items that support whatever class you are currently playing as. This means if you go in as a Marauder, and gear with CNJ, THM drops, you can only greed. But, yes, you generally collect gear for each of the roles. However, some roles can share gear, as long as the gear affinity supports the current role. The perk to using the same gear for multiple roles is when you switch classes, your talent points (Strength, Vitality, Mind, Piety, Intelligence, Dexterity, etc.) switch to whatever you've set them to for that class; if you haven't assigned the points, you'll be able to assign them. This is because Intelligence, for example, increases magic ATK, while Mind increases magic potency (healing). In regards to super focused? No, I don't think so, since a lot of gear supports multiple class roles. For me, I use the same gear on my archer, lancer, and marauder. I change a few pieces up when I want to tank on my MRD and ARC, though. It doesn't make you an expert by simply changing weapons, though. You actually have to level the classes. The perk to leveling different classes is being able to mix abilities unlocked with a class with other classes abilities. A lot of people have asked if it's essentially a button masher, letting you stand still. You could try, but... starting at level 6, mobs start exhibiting mechanics that until now, other mmo mobs have only exhibited in end game raid content.
  21. Speaking of the Open Beta... FF14ARR broke the world record for most active and online users in an MMO beta. http://www.gaminguni... (Gaming Union) Also, sign up on the excalibur server at early access or at launch. It's the most populated english-speaking server currently. It's also legacy, which means a lot of veterans (like me!) will be there to help new players.
  22. Hey everyone. Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn releases officially on August 27, 2013. Early access for anyone who preorders the game before that date starts a few days earlier. I've had the privilege to play since Phase 1 of the beta, and have seen a lot of changes, and instead of going into detail about it, I'm just going to link the changes made straight from the beta forum, since the NDA was lifted a while a go. First off, I just want to say that this game features an overwhelming amount of content. There is a PvP system, but they've opted to hold off on implementing it until v2.1 (the first patch) along with housing; yes, you can own a house, or if your guild (linkshell, free company, etc.) feels so inclined, can own a town, or guild houses, or a giant guild house if you like that sort of thing. First, here's a link to their site for anyone who is interested in buying the game: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/product/ Don't worry, by the way. If you don't think your PC can handle it, the game is available on the PS3 as well. Cross-platform, of course. You can also download the benchmark tool, here: http://na.finalfanta....com/benchmark/ Also, you might want to watch the 3-part video showing both the PC and PS3 versions. I'm linking to the third part, which was done on 7/4/2013. Each of the 3 videos showcases different areas of the game, and there are a lot of them. Hundreds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0w5dyfENwA What classes will be available at launch? Disciples of War and Magic fulfill the combat class roles. Disciples of the Land fulfill the field-work class roles. Disciples of the Hand are the crafting classes in the game. Job Roles require other requirements to unlock. An example is the Dragoon, which requires you to have Lancer Lv.30 and Pugilist Lv.15, at which point you unlock the quest chain to obtain the Dragoon job. Disciples of War Gladiator Pugilist Marauder Lancer Archer Disciples of Magic Conjurer Thaumaturge Arcanist Disciples of the Land Miner Botanist Fisher Disciples of the Hand Carpenter Blacksmith Armorer Goldsmith Leatherworker Weaver Alchemist Culinarian Job Roles Paladin Monk Warrior Dragoon Bard White Mage Black Mage Summoner Aside from listing the roles a player can fulfill in the game, the rest would take hours, and many, many pages to link it all. When I first bought v1.0, I was seriously upset with the lack of... everything. However, with the release of ARR coming out, I have to honestly say that I'm flabberghasted at how much content has been stuffed into the remake. If anyone decides to give it a try, you can find me on the Excalibur legacy server (where non legacy players will be able to create characters starting in early access. I really haven't found anything since phase 4 that I could complain about, legitimately... but end game (Lv.50) "raid" content is not available at launch, and neither is PvP. World bosses will be available, with three difficulty modes: Normal, Hard, and Extreme, with regards to both casual, hardcore, and every player in between. PvP content and the housing system will be released in v2.1 (the first official patch) as Yoshida wants to make sure everything is down-right perfect, first (i.e. it isn't in a state where they are ready to release this content.) End game raiding is in v2.1 or v2.2 (I forget, sorry!) However, they said the reason for this is further testing / balancing, and to make sure non-legacy players have a chance to get to Lv.50, first. Also, with the crazy amount of content, I don't think it'll be an issue for most players. Don't forget about chocobos, either. Oh, yeah, you can name your chocobo, he/she can join you in combat, and at some point, they've promised breeding / races / etc., which were all classic features in FF7. TLDR; watch the video, buy the game (it's 29.99 on pc, 39.99 on ps3). The subscription information is here: http://www.ffxivinfo.com/service.php They key idea is if you don't plan on having mules, you'll only care about the 12.99 plan, instead of the standard 14.99 we see in MMOs these days. This is because in FF14ARR, your one character can be every class. Change your weapon, and go. Also, You can save gear sets. Seriously. "Hey, I want to switch back to my CNJ. *Open Gear Sets, Load Set.* It's as simple as clicking a button when you want to save/load, and your inventory is 100 slots, to make sure you always have the room to carry gear for multiple roles. Actually, here's a video that'll sell it better than I can. Chocobo battles. CHOCOBO BATTLES!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2nfLWxYin4 Also, because some people might ask, I found this to be a pretty good comparison video...
  23. They just wanted the game to appeal to casuals as well, because of the RMAH. Oddly enough, I started playing again. I quit like a month after the game released, and even though it isn't perfect, it's still pretty fun, now. Have TL2 and love it as well.
  24. Sky

    Phantasy Star Online 2

    What worries me is that theyll just shut the servers down within the first year like with PSU, which wasn't a bad game, either.
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