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Posts posted by ConGregation

  1. The drive for us was actually only 18 hours, don't know where I got 24. We did it with no problems at all. The trip down we visited family in MO and then visited family near Nashville. It is really forunate because my sister lives exactly half way to Orlando. But we drove it straight through coming back. Made great time and no real hardships. Of course we were a lighter load: Me, Wife, 12 yr old daughter and 10 yr old son. Really good ages for driving.


    When they were younger we always drove through the night. I don't have a problem driving at night plus the kids sleep and the roads are clear. Ideal.


    I absolutely LOVED the weather in Jan. It was mostly warm and felt great to actually be warm in the middle of winter.

  2. I have not setup a home theatre yet but considered going the projector route.



    Huge display for relatively cheap money.



    Lamp life.

    Lighting or rather lack therof for optimum viewing pleasure.


    I could get around the second one but the first one really ruins the financial advantage of a projector.


    Sorry for rambling on a thread. Hope someone can point you in the right direction.

  3. I never understood how people could justify piracy.


    Most people just do it because they can. It is indicative of a lack of moral character. This bogus stuff about games are too much or they charge too much for music is infuriating. They obviously charge way too much for a new lexus. But I have a way to get around that. I drive a Ford.


    What would you do if you knew you would never get caught? That is the modifier my Dad used to reveal to me what real character is. The principle he instilled was the fact that I might never get caught but the punishment is not only what can happen to the man on the outside (prison, fines, humiliation) but what can happen to a man on the inside.


    Years ago I dl'ed some things. It just never sat right with me so I stopped.

  4. defautl (the blue/white one) and Ambience...I don't like dark skins. Light blues and whites are easiest on the eyes. (and look the least incriminating when your boss catches you on a messageboard at work)


    My thoughts exactly.


    All of them would be nice :)

  5. Remember when Bob_Lee published the Mmmm Times? There was an article that I think He wrote that was subtly ragging on a regular. But the subject didn't 'get it' and actually thanked us for putting him in our 'paper'.


    I was trying to remember who that was. Only one I can think of was ShadowDog but I'm not sure.

  6. Fatty,


    Just the other day I was wondering about something. I looked through the thread and found where you had posted it but all those links are dead now. Is there anyway you could re-gift me with my nade spree?


    On these frustrating nights when all the young wipper-snapper CS prodigies laugh at my fuddy-duddy score, it would be nice to just turn it on and watch it over... and over... and over...




    Thanks :)

  7. The Bears defense coordinator should be fired...I was calling out every Colt offensive play in the second half so you'd think at least someone on the Bears would have see all those runs coming...


    He won't be fired. Just a promotion.

  8. If Grossman could have played even average the Bears would have won it. He played just horribly!


    But Colts did so some things right. Ran the ball very well against an overrated defense ;)


    Glad to see the Colts finally win it.

  9. My wife and I watched this last night. She really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it but not as enthusiastically.


    I really liked the cinematography. The story and subject matter is right up my alley. I didn't like Norton... You would think if your going to pay a guy millions to act in your movie he could have a voice that didn't sound like it belonged on a ten year old body. Beil was just ok but Giamatti was excellent as usual. But the 'plot holes' were the worst part.













    The impossible magic tricks. Of course I am not an experienced magician but I can understand general physics. Their hologramed characters walking down the aisle and passing past people MIGHT be able to be done nowadays but NO WAY could they have done it with primitive projection and uncontrolled space (thinking mainly of when the boy walks the aisle and a person puts their hand through his image). The Orange Tree was impossible as well. Plus the sword... It might be possible if done on a stage with an electromagnet... I don't know, but not an impromptu gathering as it was.


    While I liked the ending they showed too much in the flashback. I think fewer images would have kept you questioning enough to rewatch or discuss afterward. At least limit it to what Giamatti's character actually saw.

  10. Very interesting discussion.


    I really didn't read everything but think I have the gest of the conversation. While I would really like for Auggy to be right, it's hard to discard all the verses that don't appear to agree. Since I take the scriptures literally everywhere they are presented in a literal way, I just can't accept it. It is a very interesting doctrine and this has been a good discussion.


    The main points being God's love reconciled with God's judgement. I feel Christ's cross was where mercy and truth met. God in His love wanted to show mercy and grace but God in His HOLINESS, couldn't just excuse sin. So the goodness of God is shown completely in Christ, who was sent, being God's Son, to be the reconciliation of God to man and vice versa. But the reconciliation takes place when man accepts God's gift of salvation. The rejection of that gift (Gods provided salvation through His son) brings condemnation.


    So, to me, God's love and judgement equally co-exist. God wants all men to receive His Son. Yet men refuse. Thus sealing their own fate. Was God not good to them? I would say He was VERY good to them. He not only sacrificed His Son for their sin he even gave them some light "God lighteth every man that cometh into the world". So His love is not exclusionary or selective but yet His Holiness could never accept man in his sinful state without the payment of a received Christ.


    Mercy and truth met.


    Now to the argument that God's love will eventually conquer man's heart even after rejecting Jesus in this life, I find no scripture to support. While it is appealing and I wish it were true, there are many scriptures to the contrary.

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