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Posts posted by MPG1770

  1. Before you go, buy some nuts and bolts and take them with you. When you get on the ride, say to the person in front, 'excuse me, but this just came out of your seat,' and show them. LOL

    • Like 1
  2. Presumably, you copied this from console - 'vocalize' does not get recorded here in text.

    I witnessed you doing this, it was plainly evident as I said before. When you don't have possession of a molotov, or bile, there is no reason that you should be spamming that you are going to throw one; this is one of the many cases I witnessed your character doing.

  3. I warned you to stop spamming, you repeatedly ignored that warning, you were banned.


    i do NOT like this admin at all, and i'm pretty sure no one does too.


    Your insolence in your post leaves a lot to be desired. Your ban shall remain.


    Btw, I did check the other characters and I followed all 3 of you closely and it was evident that it was you spamming and when you left the server, it's strange that the spamming stopped.

  4. Hello DyNo and welcome to the forums.


    My thoughts exactly Jackie - switching teams to force a round to start is a form of sabotage.


    Please be more considerate and patient in future.


    Now that you have come here to apologise, I will unban you, but realise we won't be so lenient if it happens again.





  5. 3/4 acre land - looks as though I'm going to have to sell and use the money to repair my living property - this also requires some roof repair, but not as much.

  6. I just don't know what to do with it at the moment - my thoughts are to keep the lower section of the building and just sell the rest as a piece of land?

  7. Bought on auction - £23K 4yrs ago - would have loved this to be fully restored, but monetary stresses indicate it's going to be turned into a singles storey bungalow

  8. I checked and double-checked 'sm_who' in console and it stated that Francis was 'none', i.e. Not a Member, nor did it show your real identity. A few people were discussing who Francis was and some even suggested it was Dryfire and they wouldn't believe me when I told them that Francis was not a member at all. This continued for a few minutes until the 2nd map of Crash Course, where you were purposefully griefed by jumping into the fire and incapacitated yourself and stated that you could do anything you wanted as you bought 2 tanks the previous round.


    I told your team that it would be OK to votekick you, but that I would veto it if the immunity message didn't appear (for some reason I thought you were a member); but anyhow, the vote was passed before the veto could come into effect.


    My apologies.

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