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Posts posted by MPG1770

  1. Quote: I was about 20 meters from the group


    I doubt if measurements can be made!


    Qoute: died from a melee attack from the spitter.


    Never seen infected carry a melee weapon.

  2. I'm all for new players joining this server, BUT, when it's plainly obvious that some have not played this game in regular Vs mode, have no understanding of what to do (e.g. using !buy system), ignore Rules in MOTD, don't listen to experienced players, insult and abuse others..... need I go on...? Why not make it a stipulation that players must have at least 50 hours of game play in regualr Vs mode before they can join, or is that too much to ask?

  3. Absolute F****** B***** C****** etc - when trying to retrieve & verify Steam ID, account has been hijacked - done the support thing, but surely somewhere there should be a steam ID associated with the product?

  4. Just finished watching the complete series 1 - not sure if i'll bother with 2. No better than a sy-fy channel production, with a convoluted script full of plot holes, the producers at AMC should have played L4D/2 to get a better idea of character development. Zombie make-up not bad for a TV production.

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