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Everything posted by chick82

  1. Not at all. This is a very family friendly community or so I've always thought. I use to play lotro with a guy and his son was 9-10 and he was a pretty good player and listened when we were in a raid and stuff. I think it's pretty cool you found a community you feel comferterable letting your kid be part of.
  2. One does not simply give sessions soundboard credit to someone else. Turbo- I don't always tyPe stuff but when I do I'm copying sessions soundboard. For Jackie- oh someone complained about duck tales please tell me more how this merits banning sessions soundboard.
  3. Enough!!! God I'm so sick and tired of hearing ppl say well I don't play bc of this person or that person no yuri you aren't the only one who has said it. I'm sick and tired of hearing it honestly, there are people who don't or didn't like me I.e. times and SK but we are all cool now. Not that SK and I ever had beef but I thought he disliked me so I disliked him but then one day I just was like why are we fake fighting lol. Honestly, not everyone likes everyone that plays some people are casual some are hardcore some are arrogant why others just ignore everything being said. Tbh I really dislike dryfire and I know the feeling is mutual, BUT we squash it and play I still heal him (he gets dropped a lot) and he still says good job if I do something super awesome. Why bc we just want to play. If you let someone stop you from playing then you are just denying yourself something you like to do and why? Bc of disagreements bc of something foolish bc they don't like your voice/your play style/ your jokes/ your soundboards. Just quit playing if it is soooo bad because of one or two people heck it might be 10 people so what. We've all had our feelings hurt at some point or another someone's yelled at us insulted us it is what it it's a game and it gets heated. And I'll be the first to admit I know im one of these peolle yuri doesnt like to play with. yes I yelled at yuri one day and I was pretty mean, it was a close game and I got mad at something she did. It is what it is, am I sorry no honestly its a game and people get mad I can't and don't expect people to apologize to me for a heated moment and I won't apologize either (except to session that's our relationship though). It just happens. I annoy and aggravate people just as people aggravate and annoy me, but I'm not going to stop playing because of it. Cause I'm a party hat and no one throws the party hat away!
  4. This is for the old old buy menu for when you bought a spawn it'd turn someone into that instantly. Valen- I don't always get spawned as infected, but when I do I'm a boomer Valen- I don't always get spawned as a boomer but when I do I know chicks on the server.
  5. There are more that a trillion people on this planet I only need 150,000 to donate 10 dollars to get this movie off the ground. Â Trust me you'll love it! It great for the whole family! Â Please show your support of our comedy movie! Â Check out Jake and Link's big adventure on YouTube. http://www.rockethub.com/projects/9527-jake-link-s-big-adventure
  6. I think this is a bit uncalled for. This reminds me of a Mitch hedberg quote "When you go to a restaurant on the weekends, it's busy, so they start a waiting list. They start calling out names, they say "Dufrene, party of 2. Table ready for Dufrene, party of 2." And if no one answers, they'll say their name again. "Dufrane, party of 2." But then if no one answers they'll just go right on to the next name. "Bush, party of 3." Yeah... what happened to the Dufrenes? No one seems to care. Who can eat at a time like this? People are missing. The Dufrenes are in someone's trunk right now, with duct tape over their mouths. And they're hungry - that's a double whammy. We need help. Bush, SEARCH party of 3! You can eat once you find the Dufrenes." I think a lot of the comments on here would make me feel ok to leave. Save the drama, spell your name right. Really I didn't think this is what gc was about and I hope it stops moving in that direction. Sorry it's not all bad just a few left a bad taste with their replys Btw the whole name comment we have people with names like maestro, meng, Tirtul, Biggs, chick, Yuri, shaft, the dude. Honestly it's about picking a name you like who cares what it is, how it's spelled. Could midnight explain why he left sure but maybe he figured he'd get the reaction you all put guess he was right and he didn't even explain.
  7. CHECK IT OUT THE TRAILER IS OUT!!!!!!! http://www.rockethub.com/projects/9527-jake-link-s-big-adventure
  8. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015453130/screenshot/576712851108736857 No fair
  9. oh my Jackie hahahahahahaha
  10. oh my I llaughed until i cried and peed a little lol hahaha
  11. Hahahahahahaha I'm glad I made this thread we needed some lols
  12. Not sure if voodoo can't read or stuck in the 90s Badluck brian- gets 50 points to buy tank, game crashes. Buys infected spawn increase, boomer Buys heal, charged out window Makes it to saferoom, witch spawns. Buys tank, rockets off bridge.
  13. yeah jackie, copy (ctrl+C) and paste (ctrl+V)? Hahahahahahaha!!!! Lol
  14. Yuri- Not sure if mic is stuck on or never stops talking. Talpa- Not sure if talpa challenge is fun or trolling. Paro- I don't always ask for help but when I do I need assistance now. Gotyoursix- I don't always send points but when I do I have 70 and i send tham all go to chick. Chick- Not sure if trying to heal someone or just likes keeping medpack out.
  15. Session- one does not simply tell me to use my soundboard
  16. Lol!! Regulars- One does not simply spit and not die. Nonregulars- one does not simply vote kick me for not spitting and dying.
  17. So with the bad there must be good and talpa inspired me the other night so here's how it works referencing someone or something from the server let us take a moment to laugh. Talpa- I don't always start a votesscramble, but when I do i'm on the winning team Chick- I don't always heal people, but when I do it out in the open for all the infected to see. Votescrambling- Oh you don't want a scramble, please tell me more about how the teams are even with a 1900 point difference. Jackie- I don't always spawn as infected but when I do, bam I'm a pop machine. Session- Oh you have a soundboard, please tell me more about how creative you are. Talpa- oh you have a challenge named after you in l4d2, please tell me more about your goals in life. Jackie- I don't always update the buy menu, but when I do everyone hates it.
  18. I read the ban forums and stay out of 95% I'm sure I've responded but as of late people not involved seem to be putting their 2 cents in and sometimes it isn't even to do with the ban. Maybe if there were was a way to make it just so admins can respond? Idk just my 2 cents since people are clearly ignoring the Do not post if you weren't involved thread.
  19. Jake and Link trailer coming this week!!!!! Photo shoot went great!!!
  20. I didn't mean it in the way you think. Like SK said he only has a short play time as a lot of us do and I'm going to expand on that this is a great server/community so of course paying to be able to enjoy that without waiting is a nice addition. I don't mean to put it in a bad light, but as of late a lot are paying to get on the server because it is unquie, there aren't crazy weird mods (except talpas weird ways), or leveling systems, or cheaters/disrespectful/swearing/abusive admins.
  21. I agree Flitter. Even though it's a meme or to represent rage it still does have a real meaning. I just don't think it's a gc appropriate and wanted confirmation. That's more or less on this. As far as the kick goes, people pay to play, I think it was a great addition and from what I understand is even per-this on the CSS server it just auto kicked when a member joined. I just wanted to address the issue now of members blocking members. I just wanted to point out a few things I noticed in being back.
  22. So I took a break from l4d2 for awhile and started playing again. So of recent days of play and being married to an admin I hear it all. My feelings/thoughts/questions So we all love memes they are fun and cute but we all know what the be Ffffuuuu means and seeing multi people use it can we get the offical yes or no one this. I only ask because I've seen a few players and an admin use it and it seems to be a grey area. Now personally I think even though it's a meme joke ending it should be no but that's just me. Admin all talk. Yeah a few people say oh admins cheat by using this. Now personally I think accessing anyone of cheating on the sever is not a good way of going about it. Espically with so many new people I think you are putting a bad taste in new players on the server when they think admins or regulars cheat. No one should ever think this is happening. Lastly yes I know the topic has come up on Spec camping. Look if you like to watch cool but honestly you aren't the only one who pays for a membership. Why should we wait 10mins just to get in spec to then get in a game? That's not right just pay attention and don't be rude or mad if people get frustrated about the camping. That's all I have to say about that
  23. I don't always spawn as infected but when I do I'm a pop machine. Lol Anyway, it can be funny but can be overdone. Jackie was just being silly and had it been a close game yeah I could understand but we were down by 1k points. Also, Jackie has like a billion first person shooter hours so yes he is just that good but you guys almOst killed him a few times. That's my 2 cents and a quarter
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