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Everything posted by chick82

  1. Post your new weigh-ins to see if you met the goal. If no one lost 10 lbs April's prize will tack onto May's. GOOD LUCK ALL!
  2. CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!!! HAHA JK JK....Ok in all seriousness I would like to Punch Kayne West in the face, he's just a tool.
  3. Lol. This took me like an hour to read. Okay Hmmm.... Age vs M for Mature- Aww this old battle will never go away. There will always be people pro and con on this topic. I'm on the fence my nephew who's 12 plays COD3 on Xbox live and you know they don't filter. So seeing as how the debate will never be won my point be Point- while l4d2 has swears in the game gc wants a community where kids can play and not hear adults being sailors, being mean, basically being able to play monopoly without an F U! Drugs are bad? Okay yes absolutely it's nice to not read I'm all hopped up on cocaine or let's shoot a line ect. But if some types oh I'm baked vs I baked it's a pretty obvious which is betty Crocker and which is not. So point Point- if you are referencing drugs in the use way or what society thinks is bad yeah don't allow now !drug if it truly feels contradictive then have admins not use it but it's not referencing anything. Admins vs the world (round 5) I think we are on 5- Point- blah blah blah. Okay I don't have an issue with any of the admins. But I will say its easy to get frustrated. Admins are like managers they have different rules, maybe one is more nice, maybe they do things different. They all have the rules outline. It will never be 100% consistent but if they can stay 90% that'd be nice. Without naming names to the admins- some of you stay consistent on your opinion. Some of you complain about this that and the other over and over and over BUT you never do anything. It's one thing to vent its another to every other day oh Im going to be tough or oh I'm going to get this mod changed or so on. Look regulars have rode the fence for a long time they either push the rushing bonds or as of late they razz the other team poor sports. If it bothers you that much change it. I'm so tired of reading over and over we are bring the hammer down and then it's plush. Make up your minds!
  4. oh my AWESOME TALPA! Alright March Prize winner is Talpa woot woot! Keep it up! I'll post my and tirtuls weigh-ins on Thursday. Anyone else wanting to join add it on Thursday and then at the end of the month. Lets get this weight off.
  5. I have to apologize for march, we moved and we were in Vegas all last week but I'm back. So if talpa lost 10 lbs he'll get the prize if not I'll add it to this months prize pool. So post your April weigh-ins here. First weigh-in April 5th Last weigh-in April 27th If you lose 10lbs this month you are entered in the drawing for April's prize. Don't forget your pictures!!!
  6. This just might balance out all the negative lol
  7. I vote no: I've never seen someone so disqualify able as this "radical"(if that's his real name) I mean really do we really know who this guy is. He's so polite it's sickening, mad please he doesn't even know the meaning of the word, demanding soooo demanding I mean he sits in spectate and waits until one opens up, I mean he has some nerve when an admin says would you like a spot and I quote he says "no I can wait" seriously someone just needs to perma ban this rebel already not give him a promotion!
  8. If only I had g-mod, could make a faux commercial with the witch in DC sees a commercial for a shoe sale...that was yesterday and goes running around the mall screaming. Lmao
  9. So after talking to a few people about the recent thread of Biggs for change campaign and it getting very off topic. Some have said just let it cool down blah blah blah. From the queen of follow the rules, being mean, and down right opinionated. I say let's be real. Rules of this thread: No calling people out! Stay on topic! If you have an ideal for balancing post just the ideal. If you like someone's ideal or have a mod on that ideal post it. No posting about changing attitudes! This is only for ideals that Jackie could should a concensus be made. If you don't think anything should change aside from the normal vote scramble post keep it the same. No one needs to explain why they want or don't want something this is simply an ideals for team balancing thread.
  10. Answer to Jackie's question: while there is the standard don't punish a good team mentality the truth is there are a lot of different people who play. Forget this regular non regular new non new stuff. Honestly everyone has good days and bad and good decisions and foolish ones. Fact- A team will win and a team will lose weather its by 20pts or 2000pts. Fact- people are going to be unhappy and happy by whatever comes from this ideal of balancing. Fact- attitudes do need to change. And by this I don't just mean accepting losing, I mean being a bigger person and saying yes this is one sided we should scramble, or if a scramble passes have fun and not complain. Fact- if you are winning by a lot and don't votes ramble being a jerk and stop trying or buying just jockeys and boomers if your not happy with something. Play your best weather you like it or not. I've had a lot of mean comments made about me over the last few weeks about of if chicks not winning she's going to demand a votescramble or oh chicks on the losing team I bet she's mad. Actually I'm having fun, I'd lie to say I don't get annoyed but we all do. I've even seen people being mean to Jykri because she talks a lot or seems bossy but she just wants the team to work together. And yeah I've been that way I've been mean but I've calmed down a lot ingame why because it's stupid to be so hateful. Even SK has been getting grief and trust me we use to not get along but he's a pretty cool dude, and yet people are just making snide comments nonstop. I think the overall attitude is getting bad and I've been on the giving and receiving end and it hurts and its childish and uncalled for. Honestly I'd like to instead of changing anything at the present moment how about we all be nicer and weather you are winning or losing if it is truly uneven and you can tell let it scramble and try to come back from it. If you don't like a map voice it but accepted it if a majority want it to stay. If you don't like your team leave don't ruin others fun because your upset or annoyed. So my vote/choice is change the attitudes for the better and be more open to scrambles and not so harsh on people. Not everyone has thick skin.
  11. All Biggs wanted to do was have a thread about a possible balancer and now it's completely lost by a bunch of witchy Bettie's. I'm sorry trust me I use to be the queen of follow the rules and chill the tudes. But then I decided to just enjoy it. So I'll say this Make a NEW THREAD!!!!! This was about and ideal not so you could all come on here and turn Biggs ideal thread into a volcano of never ending crap. Leave this thread alone, and complain in another one.
  12. Pros- Well there are a few it would help a team who is struggling seeing as they have to get 19 pts to buy a full heal vs 15. So that can balance it out so maybe where a team could of bought up now can't because of it or buy an extra med pack. Having a good balancer would be nice but Cons- You do have players who getting lots of points very quickly is easy peezy. So unless it was significate it's not going to make a huge difference. I.e. guys who are notorious head shotters. Just because your down 800 doesn't mean you can't come back. No mercy map 1- team a 200 pts. Team b 900 Map 2 team b- 175 team a - 600. Score 800 vs 1175 Just bc you do bad one map doesn't mean you can't come back. Even teams of regulars have lost to non regulars. It's so tough to find that balance though I do have a thought on scrambling. Ideal- let's say 2 maps go and team a has 300 pts and team b has 1900, I think if on map 3, 3 people type vote scramble it auto does it without a vote. I only say this because sometimes people on a winning team don't want to and it's frustrating. Now coding this could be a pita so I mean really if it's to difficult that's understandable. I don't want Jackie to have to put a huge amount of time on it. I've been on winning and losing it is what it is but as long as people are having fun that's all that matters. It's a good thought Biggs. Maybe we stop being stubborn and just vote scramble when it's pretty obvious. Even myself, Tirtul, talpa, SK, gotyoursix have swapped to help or try and balance it. It doesn't always help lol but you know if more people would be willing to vote yes might be more balanced.
  13. Better than never. Got tirtuls just need to upload his and mine tomorrow morning.
  14. awesome !!! post in the March weigh-in radical!
  15. First weigh in- March 1st- 2012 Since I know people are busy you can post from Thursday to Sunday your pic on scale. I'll add my and tirtuls later. Since we are short on people for this month if you lose more than 10lbs this month that's just 2 lbs a week since there's 5 weigh ins this month you will be entered to win the March Prize Good luck everyone. P.s. if you should do some amazing weight lose for every ten pounds you'll get a ticket. But please be healthy lose safely and don't over do it!!! Losing is a win in itself Love you all!!! Good luck
  16. First weigh in starts next week!!! I know myself Tirtul and talpa arent the only ones needing to shed those unwanted pounds!!!!! Don't forget even if it's less that 50 lbs that's okay! Theres lots of great prizes to be had!!!! So join in get fit get rich well maybe not rich but get some free stuff!!!!
  17. I'll edit the prizes when I get home and not using my phone.
  18. Lol it's funny cause it's true. Last near I did flitter and I won 1800 at the casino last weekend lol. This is not open to all only people I like so no talpa. JkJkJk lol. Yes this is absolutely for everyone members, admins, and non-members. If you honestly want to lose weight and win stuff join in!!! Roster( is it rooster? Or roster?) so far: Myself Tirtul Master talpa Come on guys and gals if you gotta lose might as well try to win the super uber deluxe mystery box.
  19. Well hopefully we can get people on board! Right now its just myself and Tirtul. If you in all honesty don't want people to see your numbers we could work something out where you guys can send them to me and I can post them anonymously. But I think seeing as how I been pretty honest and I am a pretty big girl we can all grab the bull by the horns and do it lol. And cras i <3 you
  20. i just did understand it fully ( im not english / american, still learning english ) i was wrong then, and im sorry for that what i have done but i really dont see it as a bad thing, i just dont enjoy playing as survivor Hi rave welcome first off. I wasn't there when this happened but when people suicide a survivor it's considered griefing which is definitely a no no. I understand only wanting to play infected but on the server you have to play both. Switching teams is also frowned upon. this server is very modded and it is fun on both survivor and infected, so definitely do the survivor side to your fullest and you will find it to be a lot of fun.
  21. I deleted 8 different comment choices! I'm done!

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