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Everything posted by MattKemp

  1. You should start them on January 1st, and reset them every year, with an archive of some, all or just the top player(s). That would be pretty sweet and see who the top player was each year, just my two cents
  2. Put a new picture up - Yes, yes, that's me - on the left

  3. The idea to put friendly fire in (to help stop people from mass buying fire the whole level) was a good idea, but is there a way to limit it to Fireworks, Molotovs, Grenade Launchers, and Gas Cans? I played last night with friendly fire on, on No Mercy, but the sewer hospital level and finale make it really difficult when you can shoot your own teammates. When you have 9 teammates, not everyone is as careful as you are about *not* shooting teammates. Like I said, if limited to fire, that would be cool, but otherwise......It's just really easy for Infected to take advantage of bad teammates. Also, it further frustrates Survivors when they are being shot by a bad teammate and are having their health drained because he doesn't know how to aim, and the Survivors can't kick him based on skill level or leave him behind. Just saying.
  4. Well I suppose one way to solve it is to limit team changes to one per person. That way, when all the good people from the "losing" team join the "winning" team(e.g. Maestro), the good players can just switch back to the "losing" team to make it even(e.g. Cake, Nightling, etc.). Too many people care about winning and 'having fun'(Or stomping new people that don't know how to use points) than just playing the game with the team they have. But teamstacking will happen inevitably with no admins on:Its just a matter of time. The only thing that really makes me angry about the entire situation is when one team is up by, say, 2000-3000 points, and the players on the winning team claim its even, and that the teams aren't stacked. If you're gonna teamstack, at least have the cajones to own up to it. lol.
  5. ^^ with a *very* in front haha!! :peace:
  6. Nemesis is on now...And one team's up by over 1,000......after two maps on The Parish. I'll leave it to you to decide which team the stackers are on.
  7. Thanks Jackie! I love it! And thanks for those words of welcome Samurai!!!
  8. Hey guys, this looks pretty cool, this forum and stuff, just wanted to say 'hi' to everyone. Pretty much what Dean said. Except that I know English pretty well. Yeah. Oh and when did you guys add the !sendpoints feature, its pretty cool.....Or has it always been there and I haven't noticed it?
  9. GCFTW!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. JackieChan


      I wish I was as good as Matt.

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