Hey guys! I've been frequenting the GC L4D2 server for a few weeks now and decided it was time to join up and pay my share. I've been really impressed with the quality of gamer at GC and the setup of the server. The admins have always been cordial and rushers usually kicked.
As for me, I'm a 5 year veteran of WoW. I'm currently an officer of the number one raiding guild on the Detheroc realm, S E V E N. (That wasn't really being arrogant... I left out that we're the ONLY serious raiding guild on that realm, lol) Recently, I've cut my WoW time down substantially and I'm getting back into FPS. After getting L4D2 for $7 on a steam special, I've got the FPS fever again. I bounced around on several modded Vs servers until I finally found the awesomeness that is the GC server.
I generally only play FPS games from my office during my lunch, so you'll mostly see me online between 11a - 1p CST. I go by Cinkadeus (just say 'sink' in game and I'll know you mean me) in everything so if you see that name in any game, its most likely me. I look forward to gaming with you guys!
PS: Is there a standardized tag that GC players use? I've seen multiple variants and was just wondering.