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Everything posted by turnbullTeRRoR

  1. This is a copy of the bsp for radar/overview making only ! Don't for get to write your credits in de_stadium_radarfinal.zip
  2. He has released episode 2 there is some good stuff in there can we sticky this? maybe change the topic/ How to Play competitive CS or something
  3. I thought about running both but at small round restrictions like 9 round max for both/ 5 to win
  4. So the map cycle on Saturday night customs is determined by the Admin in charge. It's an unspoken custom to start with the deagle map dating back to source. We played gc_nova last weekend instead of the Deagle map due to the awfulness of the CSGO deagle. As I run customs a lot I aim to please. I want to let the opinions be heard. For those who did not play customs last Saturday the nova map " gc_nova" is an almost exact replica of the deagle map. Box layout is the same the warehouse is a little more gaudy.
  5. Ok lets see if this could be a little more competitive than beta 4. No radar for this version / don't want to bother with one until this one is successfully tested. I'm aiming for more balance! de_stadium_b5.zip gc_mp7_beta.zip
  6. de_stadium_b1,000,003 everytime I think I have it all worked out something else breaks... probably just like a real construction site.

    1. Biggs


      The problem with actual construction is usually the lack of coordination between different tradesmen (concrete guy, welding guy, floor guy, etc)

    2. turnbullTeRRoR


      oh yeah we have multi-step processing in the steel fab business different departments having to sync and all that (never happens)

    3. turnbullTeRRoR


      I think one time we saw cut some plate strips / pattern burned and CNC drilled on torch table/ rolled/ studded/ and painted and then had to have it back to the welders/ assembly guys for some special coping cutouts we couldn't handle while rolling and then weld to the actual assembly good stuff.

  7. that sanguinieaoduflousossfa map is supposed to be pretty well balanced and play worthy if its the same one I watch a vid on.
  8. 24 members have cast votes....... 12-11 someone deleted....... come to the NO SIDE! hmmm I find out who the 24th was that went back and recast yes I will personally hunt down on the server and awpzoriZe your face while repeatedly singing war pigs for my team to hear! Please save my team!
  9. I'm hardcore advocate of VOTE NO on this poll and I hardly ever awp in pubs. "If it ain't broke don't fix it!" I don't see a problem and I think some peoples past experiences have biased them against the awp. In the end though this wouldn't bother me either way so I don't know why I'm overly concerned with blocking it. I reckon its because I've gotten better at awping and don't want to be blocked should I have the funds and feel the urge because some one is awp"@)#$ing" I mean when you limit to 2 you will see who they are
  10. I vote you're part of the problem! You obviously don't play with her much My reason for voting no is that if there's only two per team, the best two AWPers are probably not me, so I'll have less chance to AWP and get better at it. *Shrugs* Just remember this from playing Source back in the day. Like Turnbull said, I don't feel it's a problem in GO compared to Source. and to expand on that, the range of guns used is much broader in GO than source. I see almost all the guns used everymap. I've not seen a whole lot of 5 guys lined up at Mid to shoot awps like you would in source. Playing Aztec in source with out limits was almost unbearable but I've not felt that frustration in GO that I can recall. I say a compromise! If we limit awps we add stats!
  11. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of those already out there
  12. thats what I'm asking I reckon I'll just go with fy_gc_nova
  13. I don't expect any changes and I'm not releasing it on gamebanana its gc_nova with gamers coalition on the walls its all ours! and nothings changing from the version except the fact that it will have a radar can you all dl the radar files onlly and set them up for download with out me having to pack it?
  14. I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I don't think over-awping or "awp (streetwalkers)" is no where near as big a problem in GO as it was in source.
  15. yep this guys added me on friends he's making episodes 2 and 3 as we speak wants to release them both this week so check back
  16. alrighty then hmmm everyone as already DL'd gc_nova we gave two options 1 keep the name the same and replace it in the server....... and everyone will have to delete their old copies from their maps folder or it will tell their map differs and not let them in / DL it 2 change the name but what to? gc_nova_pro ?
  17. IDK how much of this is old info to some of you but these are some good vids and this guy is going to keep updating them/ talked to him in the server this morning for a while. These vids are reallly useful for players not experienced in competitve. http://steamcommunit...147349758#56941 http://www.youtube.com/itsFODDER
  18. I will edit out that stuff in a different version and re attach later. No big rush we can roll with this one with out radar for one Saturday
  19. 5 v 5 I think ideally I would play it 2 upper A (#4) 1 at endzone (#5) I'd have him play the right side (on map) rail car where you can see through the gap to #6 and float back to cover ladders. Also this guy is in prime position to be the first responder on a rotate. 2 at Bsite (#7) but one playing for (#6) Passively
  20. If I was a CT and I saw this happening I'd commit to counter rushing one way or the other.(assuming my team wasn't knuckle heads) In this scenario its much like dust 2. Once mid goes down B site only has about 2 seconds of warning before T's are knocking on the door. So I'll counter you with that. Plus if you did have someone playing #5 they can rotate quickly. Also CT's can get up to the area between 2 and 6 before the T's get out. So it is possible to hold T's inside the lower hall. If you go CT-spawn to A and out window you can get into both rail cars before T's get out I do believe. I did not list them on the camping spots because I've not configured the nav file to make the bots use ladders so the bots never drop lower hall and I have no experience holding there.
  21. It is a long held belief of mine that T's almost always win custom maps especially when they are newer customs. Whether its plain ole unbalanced mapping or CTS lack of knowledge it seems to always happen. If you ever notice when I play my own maps I always go CT side because I know it will be harder to hold when you dont know whats up. Here is a little break down , my take if you will of de_stadium. FIrst of all naming the Routes T's take to the sites which is one thing that really hampers new maps not knowing whats what.(here is how I think of them or some suggestions #1 is Stands to B or " RED" or Lightpoles #2 is Corner to B / endzone to B or BLUE #2 again you could say enzone to A or Ladders or Lower A maybe #3 is upper A Secondly is knowing the choke points / and suggested places to camp/hold #4 A site- you should flash the end of the hall as soon as you get near it on a rush. Any T's dead rushing will be blinded/ though they can flash back into the same room. #5 Endzone/ Ladders you can play someone here plenty of space to camp either side. ( not suggested to camp window from site T's have 2-3 angles to shoot you from. Though a active peeker could be useful up there and being its a pub I"m sure plenty will try. #6 this is a little area outside of a rail car path where you can choke the T"s off. Anyone playing enzone will not be able to see T"s going to B so someone here is a good idea. Maybe more passively played though. like from the rail cars or just soutside of the "room" beside the plywood stack @ site B #7 Site A- if you rush you can flame over the wood stack / formans hut and get up close to choke off the red rail car pathway. Other then that you can peek from formans trailer or on the CT spawn side of the plywood stack is a shooting lane all the way to the mouth of the rail car. See second image for exact camping locations and Line of sights yes I know this is ugly paint FTW!
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