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Everything posted by Limi

  1. If new/extra server power is needed, (albeit it's in France), I have hardware sitting not doing anything. (4 x i5-2400, 16gb). Used to run a TF2 server on it for a while when MvM came out, but it's just idle now.
  2. Amazingly awesome, however I have a few comments/suggestions. Arrows I think are needed (like the one we see at ), otherwise survivors are going to almost constantly be talking down vent as to where to go, or rather, where not to go. So as much as this makes this harder, it needs to be obvious as to where the route goes rather than making blind dead ends. Having no arrows means a team without people using microphones (which I see a lot) are at an instant massive disadvantage. How to bots deal with these adjustments? , I think this maybe a little too harsh? , This might make it easier for survivors, since its usually a problem to get people in the lift, now the infected don't really have an option for getting people out? , could you not block it at the bottom of the ladder? , could you not block it at the bottom of the ladder? , could you not block it at the bottom of the ladder? , all these walls in the maze, could they be burnable, say on some sort of longish timer (eg. I buy a Molotov and purposefully burn a wall down)? , potential nurf to infected, as it leaves no where to spawn to charge back up the ramp? (admittedly its never really a great move but still) Also there's a fence in the hard rain finale (when you turn the burger tank sign on) on top of the semi truck, I presume its to stop people rocketing in over the truck, could that get removed? Can't wait for this to go on the server though.
  3. So the cost for the spawn time reduction would be, 15 points, 30 points then 60?
  4. Purchasable hordes should be in chem suits so they're immune to fire, that way buying a horde becomes useful again. Will also make it harder for survivors. Getting rid of gifts would also help, survivors don't really need any more points.
  5. If a player disconnects, or gets kicked (to make room for a member), are the points they had given out to the other members on their team? Or are they just lost? Think I pretty much already know the answer, which then brings up the question, can they be given to their team (or the person who replaced them)?
  6. Limi


    I've only recently bought a membership (Jolly Good Show Ol' Chap) so I may have missed this being written down somewhere. However I joined the server the other day and decided to be nice and wait for the end of the round before joining a team and booting someone out, but after maybe a minute or two I was told (can't remember who, but they were also spectating) that I had to join or get kicked. Are we not allowed to just spectate? Sometimes I don't mind just watching a game play out.
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