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Posts posted by looneypumpkin

  1. We think it was a script with automatic reply. Except the time he tried with "mate" anyway. I think at this point if I try and message him it just goes to you. Run a scan, make sure your PC isn't infected with some backdoor. 

  2. To be clear with the amount of minor fixes coming with this update there will probably be lots of times where it'll need to be tinkered with to fix. Currently it's back to crashing after about 5 minutes. Hopefully someone will be around to figure it out soon.

  3. We did a group game earlier this afternoon 4 person campaign and it was pretty fun but really tough. The zombies on normal seem to hit harder... and there are tons of common. It was even worse with friendly fire on. I only played a bit as infected in a 4v4 but hated that I couldn't change infected so I quit pretty quick. If you're on Discord you should join us! :)

  4. FYI the servers are broken due to the mega Last Stand update that hit today. It isn't just a new campaign, but they added new achievements, melee weapons and other enhancements. So if you're here looking for WHYYYY this is why. crasx is working on it but it's a lot to figure out. :)

  5. You can still ban that way, but I always mix the length and reason up so they get the reason 1400, lol. But you can go into sourcebans and edit it. I usually just pick "ignoring admins" if I can find it quick enough. 

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  6. Yup as Maestro said, this is something that is only to spice up the weekends. We have discussed it in game, on the forums and in a Discord channel. It's something 90% of the server who was/is playing is actively enjoying. A lot of it is things we haven't used much of before and there will be some oopses. Just try to enjoy and have fun, feel free to recommend a change/advice when you're in there. But it isn't going to be "all the time" by far.

  7. We aren't supposed to use any of those type of glitches here. But I appreciate you coming to the forums to plead your case on it as many do not bother. I'll go ahead and unban you. Just know that using those types of glitches aren't allowed here so do not use them here again. Wallhacking wasn't the reason I wanted but in the end I felt it was a kind of a wall hack :)

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  8. New mode we had fun with tonight... VIP but VIP gets 2x speed. Everyone enjoyed it.


    Also for gravity I set ppl to 0.25. and 1 is normal. But made it pretty hard for infected if survivors had it too.

    Drugs are bad. Everyone got a headache. We only did that one round lol.

  9. More ideas:

    Start survivors as B&W maybe with 5 points. I wish we could enforce pills only.

    I'll have to dig through the admin menu and see what else we can do. I know there's some speed and size options but those screw with hitboxes and stuff. 


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