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Everything posted by san`

  1. san`


    Happy Birthday America, I didn't forget you. Be strong.
  2. uhhhh if your shift key was stuck in the forums why didnt you push caps lock ?
  3. "I am on an alias" hmmmmm sounds like a name i would use
  4. ohhhh i had thought that patriot left, must of been another there, thanks
  5. the man is correct <hands him a cookie>
  6. sneaky - 2916248 ==NMB==1006 - 2698944 LazyNine - I thought i had an ss of his wonid but i guess i missed it, anyways it was on de_dust at approx. 11:30 am today
  7. I forgot to say welcome back, lol, welcome back bud
  8. Even though Tek connected as "SaN" he did so because he saw me in there and wanted to mess with my head. This confused me for a moment however as soon as he changed his name I realized it was him and had a great time gaming. And as Bugs and gOOt said he has been a good person in game and has always been polite. He brings good competition to the server, as well as good attitude to play with. I think that everybody deserves a second chance and I am sure that if you check the logs you will see that he has not caused any problems in the server. Perhaps he could also get a second chance to play here with all of us... Jon is a great guy and a good friend of mine, even though it is brought about by CS, but hey, many of us have friends from the game. He has helped me out when nobody else was there to talk to, and I have been there for him. Heck Fatty, when you met him in NJ back in the fall, I am sure you thought he was a great guy. Perhaps, all this aside, Mmmm should give him another oppurtunity to play here, after all I am sure glad I got another chance, and if anybody deserves one, he does.
  9. san`


    works yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  10. san`


    sigh the one in #wonfix doesnt work either
  11. san`


    won = down if anybody finds a working woncom.lst plz post a link
  12. san`


    "Error! Server validation failed." <--- When I try to connect to trop. I was in there earlier, but now it doesnt work... I also notice its taking a long time to auth. with the WON servers... maybe thats the problem? Anybody know?
  13. control arm... berrings... strut.... uhhhh i dunno what else
  14. Thanks gunny, btw you owe me an awp
  15. Hi. I am posting to let you guys know of an admin problem. Today on helms_deep rolldice was on, and I rolled and got an awp, yay. I was up in the top tower and picking off the T's as I sat on the ledge. As I zoom in on the last T i begin falling... to a death... and to lose my awp. A bit later, emerald ice was burried, and just as the T's won the round, Gunman comes over and blows his face off, totally uncalled for. Little while later, he burries emerald and than tk's him again. Not to mention the jedi abuse. It seemed that gunman did not care that he was abusing, so i have come in here to make Mmmm aware of it, and hope they can address the problem.
  16. Man, i was playing with you on iceworld and dust2 this morning. first round on dust2 i spawn late and hide well before the cts are out of long a tunnels. I was in a spot where nobody ever hides, but I hid there because i heard you coming, well, before i even have the chance to see you, your flying around the box and shoot my face off. After that i demo'ed you and pm'ed fatty.
  17. As you put it she is in a much better place, my condolences and prayers go out to you and your family.
  18. What i meant was not how many in this community, but the people all over the world...
  19. Nearly six months later, how many of you have forgotten about this?
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