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Everything posted by stabz0r

  1. Cheers Tainted for the swift action.
  2. I voted yes to the kick, when the vote passed and we heard the guy's music was still spamming the mic, we realised the wrong player was kicked. So apologies for that chuckles.
  3. Just to back up Charon's post, he was an annoying little prat! Name changes, ear bleeding music spam over the mic and just an all round Richard Head (apologies to anyone whose name is Richard - I hope you use Rick as the short version) GoldArmy arrives into the server, then proceeds to play his ugly music over the mic. After countless requests to stop spamming his music over the mic, he decides he'll just change his name instead. Charon gives him an ultimatum, he laughs, we kick, we laugh then he jumps back into the server to say this to us. He leaves, comes back in with another alias And then changes it the name of our other team mate, with the exception that he (A-Sin) had a space or something at the end of his (cheers Charon for the detective work) All in all, he was just a little twerp with nothing better to do but stuff up other people's enjoyment. I'd like to see a permanent ban on this guy! kthxbai
  4. stabz0r


    What's crack'a'lackin?
  5. Sounds like this will be a good night. Please put me down to spectate
  6. stabz0r

    For JKap

    Haha! 0:29 was my reaction to the red wedding.
  7. Today was a good day

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