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dessa last won the day on July 9 2014

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About dessa

  • Birthday 03/08/1988

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  1. And I'm back now. See you guys in game tomorrow. ^_^

    1. Architect


      well, there goes the neighborhood. :)

    2. Garychios
  2. If anyone gets mad at Zero for all the weird voices it's my fault for telling him about the headset and I'm sorry. XD ^_^

    1. PeanutButterNJelly


      I haven't noticed it, I thought he always sounded like Alvin the Chipmunk.

    2. Garychios
  3. I have a screenshot of the spray that was used twice. I won't post it here, it's very inappropriate but will gladly pm it to any admin/board members that need to see it.
  4. I agree that every survivor becoming a "main" is going to be annoying but I think all of the other things far outweigh that. And if a couple of people are lucky enough to make it to the saferoom they should get main points, unless they rushed there in that case just slay em. XD
  5. I think this is the best idea you've ever had Jackie. Please please please add this. Personally I love the idea of being able to warp to any of the survivors, this would be very handy for anyone who respawns far back. It's rare when the same amount of survivors make it to the safe room but it'd be awesome to see which team does the most damage and gets the bonus.
  6. I don't know if you remember Pump but I asked you to come into one of the servers one time about a guy who was throwing pipe bombs and mollys on the finale of no mercy trying to kill himself, that was him. Other than that incident I haven't seen anything else out of him.
  7. Wait are you actually comparing something people do in their spare time to a R/L job? lol Being an admin means having to unstack teams sometimes, no matter how much of a pain it is. So seeing that not happen, it's frustrating. Everyone knows how tough the admins have it on here, I in no way envy them. Does it suck when you just wanna play the game and can't cause of admin duties? I'm sure it does, again I don't envy them. But each of them knew what they were getting into when they accepted it. Yep they keep a server fun and clean, those are your words exactly. Letting a team stay stacked so that by the time the finale is done there's 1-2 thousand point difference, isn't fun. EVERYONE's been on a losing side of a game but being on a side that is stomped the entire game isn't fun for anyone, unless you enjoy having a win handed to you. If an admin doesn't want to keep games fair and equal and as you said fun for all then why not step down? At least then they'd just be able to play and enjoy the game. And as I stated in previous posts thanks to those of you who do keep things even and fun.
  8. I've noticed this as well when I've had an awp with laser. Though everyone else sees the gun with a laser on it, it doesn't show on my screen.
  9. This second bit I agree with fully. Can we do some sort of PSA that pops up when people load in saying, "Stacking kills, not even once"? XD luls
  10. A lot of the time a scramble or swapping is asked for by parties on both teams. I personally would rather play on the losing team than the winning team. At least then it's a bit of a challenge so whenever it's asked if anyone wants to swap over I always volunteer. Also it may be a pain to always have to swap players around or do scrambles but each admin accepted being an admin and knew what that would entail. If you don't like doing it then step down, problem solved.
  11. I was there for this game. Mae was in the game as well as zero but zero had to leave due to family issues and mae had to go to the other server because someone was having a problem with friendly fire working. People on both teams asked for a scramble to happen, not only did it not happen but Merc left the game. I put up a vote for a scramble but so many people raged that all it did was stack our team more. Far to often are there players, not just admin and members but ALL players who refuse to move over to the other team because theirs is winning. I'd rather be on the losing team and actually having to try than to just have a game handed to me. Most of the regular L4D2 admin know who the regular every day players are and can easily tell when a team is stacked one way or another, if you're an admin who tries to keep teams even then thank you for that; if you're not an admin who does that, why? Stop letting the stack happen and do something about it. Otherwise what's the point of being an admin?
  12. Caesar salad, garlic and herb cubed potatoes and roasted chicken for dinner. I'm getting hungry just smelling it cook. XD

  13. I'd really like to do a members vip run and maybe one of those games with just using certain specials. I'm down for whenever.
  14. Home safe and sound. Both the trip and appointment went well. 11 friggin hours between driving and the appt. Never doing that again. :\

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dessa


      You have my sympathies Filtter lol. It wouldn't have been so bad but a screaming 7 year old in the back? Oi. >.<

    3. stabz0r


      Glad it went well Dessa. I hope you got the answers you were looking for.


    4. Flitterkill


      Yeah, no screaming but on my move out to VA one of our cats did nothing but meow loudly every 5 seconds. For 12 straight hours. No lie.

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