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Everything posted by Architect

  1. I saw this on reddit http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/2hvs93/a_friend_having_some_fun_with_her_pregnancy/
  2. Nooooooooo! Not a server outage! Not right when I have to be up for work.

  3. Going to be a late night. Production system crashed a few days ago. Have to flip back to production starting tonight at 1:30... yay!

  4. I cannot address a new server, but by paying US $15 / year, you gain immunity to high ping kicks.
  5. Forgot how much hornet stings hurt...

    1. MrMonkey


      I had one fly up my coat sleeve and sting me multiple times and then started chewing on my arm too! It ripped skin out and everything!

  6. Oh and d can be applied to infected as well. If they don't join with in the cool down period, then the points go to the void.
  7. I like a combo of B and D. spread the points out after a cool down period waiting for the person to rejoin. What about Kicks and bans? Does this apply then?
  8. I know this is my l4d2 side coming through. However, what can we do to differentiate our server from others? What will bring in new players, and take them away from other servers? Is there anything like a !buy system for tf2? Where you can purchase perks. Say like ammo, health, invuln. You get the idea.
  9. First, thank you for approaching us and appologizing. If you are the same person that I banned, please confirm your steam id, then what happened is that you ran out of the saferoom prior to anyone else on the team being ready. You triggered the tank and were immediately killed. Then you logged off. Myself and other players were asking you to get back to the saferoom, but when you logged off, it appeared that you were attempting to grief the server. By griefing, I mean that you intentionally were trying to play poorly to make the survivors lose. When you confirm your steam id, I can lift the ban. However, please be aware of the server rules. What you should have done is not rush out of the saferoom before everyone is ready. Stick with the team and help them. If you go to far ahead of your team, you could be banned again.
  10. They enter a bar, the spitter orders a drink...
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