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General J

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Everything posted by General J

  1. That's it my man... Go for the good ones... screw Denise... I woulda just taken the car! P.S. No, J is not happy. Think about the number of chicks you could pick up in that thing, instead of just going for one....
  2. I am no expert in this matter, but you reinstall windows and choose to delete the partition on the harddrive. That should totally erase everything... I think... I would wait for one of the "experts" to give their advice before just taking mine.
  3. Ataris rule, but I heard they suck the donkey live.
  4. Hahaha, my parents are going to the lake on Thursday and thru like Saturday or Sunday. And my grandparents are going to Oklahoma, so they can't threaten me with the all so classic, "Grandma and Granddad will come over and check up on you so watch out!" HAHAHA I mean... hmm what am I going to do on 4th of July weekend with a house to myself...
  5. Wow goot. I looked around at salaries and offers received by people with industrial distribution degrees, and it averaged around mid $40,000. Not too shabby at all. That was for base salary too, with signing bonuses of up to $10,000. Just curious, but have you taken any job offers yet? And if so, what kind of salary was offered? Seems like an interesting field to look into, and not just for distribution. Never really thought too much about industy I guess. Even though I freaking work in a "distributing" warehouse But hey, it's an easy job
  6. heh, I am only going to the community college right now. Pulling the smart thing and getting basics outta the way. Then I am moving on to somewhere else. By the way, I need some ideas on a good major. I was going to do Computer Science, but the more I think about it - I am good with computers most of the time, but hate the darn things. I was thinking Criminal Justice to do something with security, but don't know much about that and way too much psychology involved in cj. Business is just a bit too popular. Seems everyone has a business degree now. Any suggestions for a field that has good earning potentials? I don't care about making gobs of money, just enough to support a marriage/family eventually, get a house not too far off in the future, and own a nice car and maybe a bike or boat.
  7. When I got my new truck and had to get rid of the celica, I was sad to see the little guy go. It was a fun little car, but the new one is great too. New project, a new day. If you could budget it, you could keep the truck AND get your 350Z! Now that would be heaven. Little truck here little getupandgo there
  8. There are a few little spots that need some touch up paint, and since are Ford dealership here is cool, they give you a 10% discount on everything you buy from them. So I am going to work on that. Thing that really tinkled me off was when I was washing it today, I noticed my clear coat/laminate (dunno what it is) on the bed cover had a little tear in it. I don't think it is a clear coat though because it is sticky and has kind of a plastic feel to it. Other than that and a few gravel dings, it is in perfect condition.
  9. Here's a little addicting game. Castle Game! Something fun to do is not read the directions... Try to figure it out on your own, trust me it's about 40 million times funnier that way. P.S. Turn your speakers up... loud... especially if others are in the house or on the phone!
  10. OK. So today was the day that I finally washed, waxed (eagle 1 Wax-as-you-dry works pretty well, and is quick) and drove her around to get some photos. Some turned out good, others not so much. I had a picture with a sign that said "Trucker Entrance" but for some reason it didn't take very well. So without further ado I give you J's Truck Album! Please check it out and post up your thoughts on the pictures and even give me some ideas for the next shoot. Oh and the next one will be at dusk, so keep that in mind.
  11. It is crazy to think about isn't it? Seriously guys, think back to one event and then look at how much happened because of that ONE thing. Share if you want. Not saying I believe in the whole fate thing but its just crazy to analyze.
  12. Least it's not looking like mothra's love child now I'm bored..
  13. Just make sure they have a house to come home to and that its in one piece... And remember to take the garbage far far away from the house... Be careful but party hard... or just do what I do... "Yes mom a few people are coming over. No it's not a party. Yea, more like a barbecue mom. Yep small fire I promise.. No! no lighter fluid. Kool aid is all we are having. Honest!" (Note that parents really arent this gullible.)
  14. A friend and I were having a discussion the other day while driving about what would life be like if certain things never happened. For example, my friend and I would not be friends if we had not attended the same concert that a friends band was putting on. OR if we wouldn't have decided to leave and go get something to eat. To go to that concert, I had to stand up to my girlfriend at the time (my ex now) and tell her that she was being ridiculous and that I was going to the concert to hang out with friends. And, I would not be with the girl I am with now, Erin, if the same things wouldn't have happened. She wouldn't have invited me to her graduation party, and I wouldn't have someone to give/get a good night kiss from when I see her. It's just very crazy to me to think that one litte decision led to so many changes in my life. Think about some things that happened to you like this. We named this the Shakespeare effect. For you punkers out there.... Mest - Jaded "There's a reason why certain people meet... there's a destination for everyone.... Would it be ok if I left today, took my chances on what you said was wrong" (strange thing, this is erin's favorite song )
  15. I was describing how bad/dirty my truck looks to a friend and this is what J's randomness came up with - "ADDIDAS777: it kinda looks like that "hot girl" that you dragged home from the party while you had a few in you and then woke up next to her when she was fresh outta make up only to find something that looks like Godzilla and Rodan had fought over it all night, but still half way resembles a person"
  16. Ok I am 18, have been in many real relationships. A few that were 3 months or so, and the most recent being 2 years. I broke off the relationship because of jealousy issues from the other party and a lot of fights/arguments, and just to have fun and not worry about another person as well as myself. Trust me on the part that I have enough to worry about with myself. It is hard to break something like that off, and I thought for awhile that I would just be content on doing stuff with friends, and not have any kind of relationships of the sexual nature. But then, by chance/fate (who knows) you run into someone that you really are interested in and the whole cycle starts again. What I am trying to say is don't just say "I am never having a relationship again!" You never know what you will miss if you set your mind on one thing.
  17. A halfway decent look at the front end, with the fog lights
  18. Bastage callin me an idiot... that used to be on a site like cshacks.com or something
  19. Wow playaa, well put my man. Love, sex, relationships in general can complicate your life to no end. Sure, they are nice things to have in life, but man oh man are women confusing/complicated/just plain crazy about ermm 75% of the time.
  20. Concussion doesn't neccessarily mean memory loss as far as I understand. But I am no doctor. Or am I... man my head kinda hurts...
  21. Missouri eh? Where at in the big MO? Playaa and I are both in the state that stays the same... even the roads... cept they get worse....
  22. I have more girls as friends by far as I do guys. Personally, I can stand only a select few guys long enough to hang out with them. Those ones are my friends. Other than that, the majority of the male population tinklees me off. Heck I even have some friends that make me mad. Cowboy, how old are you? If you are younger, I would say give it awhile, meet a nice girl that just completes you and you will quickly change your mind. Or maybe not. I know there are people in the world that are content with living their life by themselves and that is ok if it works for you. Just that most people need someone to talk to and get support from.
  23. hehehe I love the rims and the tires 95-96 Cobra R's with BFgoodrich T/A KDWS's again I will have better pictures up soon
  24. Don't believe I have ever really talked to you, but I thought I would carry on the tradition and say happy b-day to ya!
  25. Picture of me and my baby the day I took her home! I will put more pictures up and better quality (that one is off the calendar they sent me) when I get time to wash, wax, and find a good location.
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