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Everything posted by Playaa

  1. g00ters and Dod thx for sharing your testimonies.....I'm sure they will help someone... and Contra, I gotta say I really dislike those types of Christians that throw stuff in your face..... I can understand where they're coming from sorta because if you believe in something what's the point in acting like something that disagrees with what you believe is ok?.... I hear alot of times "what makes this religion or that religion any better" the answer is that only one of them is right and only one CAN be right, so whichever one you believe is what you should follow and attempt to convince others....because if you don't, then you don't really have faith in what you believe. A true faith can't really be swayed or put aside for other things (at least not permanently). Now I will say that going in someones face and forcing them to listen to you is ALWAYS the wrong way to go, just like this whole evolution creation topic. Hambone didn't wanna hear our opinions and we didn't wanna hear his, so the debate was 100% pointless....and it got us nowhere...
  2. My testimony is bunk.... I was also raised in a Baptist home and my parents never really stressed God in our lives as much as they stressed living life the right way. The way I was raised has definatly formed my views of life and certian things more than my Christianity has. Say for instance drinking. I don't view drinking as wrong or a sin, which alot of Christians do. I view drinking more as pointless and harmful to my body so why do it?.... That's how I was raised, think and act how you want others to think and act towards you. Basically be nice to everyone even if they're jerks. However, in high school (not too long ago I'm only 21) I started questioning and wondering why I believed what I did. When it came to Christianity I was indoctrinated because I believed things just because it was how I was taught. So I started questioning things and getting more rebelious. My parents (being the best parents in the world) just lived with it and helped me through some problems and tough times. Near the end of high school I switched churches (more as a rebellion agaiinst my parents than anything else) and at my new church I found teenagers that REALLY loved God. They knew what it was to be a TRUE Christian, not just someone who claims to be a "Baptist" as Bill Clinton or Brittney Spears do, but someone who knows God's love and shares it with others. Now I will admit that the majority of what the world calls Christians live their life for the wrong reasons. But these kids lived it right and showed me the love that God had for them and they had for others. There was one guy in particular who I watched do EVERYTHING for the youth group, he would help teach classes, he would do behind the scenes stuff, he would help out anyone that needed it. And he never got credit for it, I asked him why he didn't mind and he said "because it doesn't matter". He was doing it because he knew that if he showed Gods love to others and was a servant then he would help more ppl than if he was a loud and boistrous preacher out telling the world how evil they were. That's the key, True Christianity is about love....it's about sharing love and recieving love. That's what led me to God in the end. I thought, if the whole world acted like these kids then it would literally be paradise. But the thing was, only those kids were acting this way. Only the kids that confessed God every day and were always depending upon him and always acting as if he was right there with them. So I realized that they had to have something right, cause if it wasn't God that did this to them then why wasn't the rest of the world this way? And I constantly hear how "religion is for the weak". I tell anyone that says that, spend a day living like a True Christian would and thinking like them and talking like them and LOVING like them. Then tell me how weak they are.... God 0wnz0rz my s0ul
  3. no it should not be discussed and was closed for a reason
  4. EVERYONE SHUT UP, THIS ARGUMENT IS GETTING NOWHERE AND NEVER WILL!!! Evolutionists think Creationists are morons for believing in something without physical evidence, Creationists think Evolutionists are dumb for ignoring the complexity of nature and thinking that all of this happened by chance. We will NEVER get anywhere with this and it's only tinkleing ppl off. I thought this was a community of mature individuals but my opinion of alot of ppl has changed due to this topic. This community was designed for Counter-Strike, leave it there. AND STOP ATTEMPTING SOMETHING SO FUTILE!!! and what in the world are you talking about NOFX? of course it's scientifically impossible for a man to part a sea....that's why it's a MIRACLE!!!
  5. I say on that note we just stop, no one reply plz Fat or Rev just close the thread..... We will NEVER agree with Ham and he will NEVER agree with us....it's over....gone....this post helps no one and it is only creating dissention.... close it
  6. hhmm, sounds alot like what I said a couple days ago and Hambone told me I was wrong..... strang that a well known Evolutionist (and even a Dr.) agrees with me....
  7. one MORE thing maybe you could explain the Endosymbiosis(sp?) because what you explained earlier.......it just seems like one organism eats another one and then gets energy from that organism.....how is that evolution? once again.....I'd like to say....stop this post........everyone it's pointless....we're getting nowhere and never will
  8. also hambone, your post "disproving" the article fat supplied..... you're saying those things are wrong based on your belief that evolution is true.........OF COURSE they're wrong if evolution is true.....but that's not being objective
  9. hamb0wnz I refer back to Rev's post with all the quotes from you and saying things like "religion is for the weak" what is ungentlemanly about that is that you are taking you're opinion (which naturally you deem to be correct, which is fine) and completely forgetting that there is the possibility that you are incorrect and after you make this assumption, you proceed to call us weak because of our faith in something higher than us..... religion is not for the weak, lack of religion is for the ppl who can't take the heat..... try following a religion for real in a hostile country (such as America is to Christians) and tell me how weak we really are.....
  10. that's the funny part... the "religion part of religion" (being the faith in a god and such I would assume) can't really BE proven wrong until the end of the world now can it? the only way to know the true answer....is to die.... Death, the 100% prove of whether God exists....
  11. the one in CZ is just a LAW Missile launcher it is basically a rocket propelled grenade with one shot and that's it, no reloads or anything so it's just the ability to throw the nade a little farther
  12. have you ever heard Training for Utopia? Police John, Police Red is an awesome song.......probably one of my favorites
  13. if you like bands like Slipknot or Disturbed, I'd like to recommend a few others to you Project 86 Stretch Armstrong Zao (REALLY hard) and Training for Utopia (awesome name), no website because the band no longer exists but still a VERY good hard band
  14. I believe so. True druids are followers of Paganism (which is the real name for it, it's just been westernised by ppl to mean something different) paganism is a religion that was started in the middle ages in europe and is still followed today but mostly in europe Stone Henge is a Pagan holy site
  15. I can wholeheartedly agree with Hambone on this one.... religion doesn't make someone a better person, and it IS a loose cannon and ppl use it for their own greedy wants and desires. however, the majority of us fighting for what ppl refuse to stop calling "religion" are actually Christians..... to make it more so you can understand it....... when someone tells me that I'm a moron for following religion and for believing in a religion because of all those evil things done.......it's like me saying, well the mack plays Counter-Strike and a large majority of CS players are cheaters, so he must be a cheater also. now real counter strike players know that only a few (well alot but still not the majority) of cs players are cheaters, however the rest of the non CS playing world sees the few evil morons and hears about their cheating exploits and assumes we all do it. Just like ppl assume I'm going to go out and shoot someone because I play lots of violent video games. So when you bring up all those points to disabuse religion and especially Christianity, think about it from that perspective, that those are a small minority of ppl that don't understand the truth of this "game" we call religion
  16. Wicca is a form of witchcraft. It's the only form for which I know the name that is why I used it. They worship nature and the earth and other such things.
  17. well wicca I know is basically about nature right? I was just wondering what their base beliefs are.....
  18. Playaa


    BOBBY!!!! how's life?
  19. no I already said I didn't read it..... I meant tell me how the monkey became man, all the steps.... but I take it back I don't wanna hear about it........because no matter what happens. no one is going to change thier views even if you know so much more about science than I do that you can provide me with arguments I can't refute you are not going to change what I know about this life. And that is that God exists, and since he exists I have the faith that the Bible is his Divine word through men. I will say that you know more about science than I do. So I will concede that an argument with me (and probably Rev) would make it seem as if you had beaten all Creationists. I'm not smart enough to argue with you, find a worthy opponent. I'm sorry I've failed but it's the honest truth, I would only hurt Creation more by trying to argue it with you. I would hope that no hard feelings are felt by you or Rev towards one another. You have however led me to want to study creation/evolution more. So hey, if you're right then you've just converted someone then.... but if not, maybe one day we'll continue this more..... for now I withdraw....
  20. hambone, I'd like to know where you got all that information from? I'm assuming you just copied and pasted from a website since the posts are so close together.... I'd actually like to take this argument back down to the majority of the worlds level...... why don't you tell me how a monkey became a man.....?
  21. Hambone, about your "forbidden post" God is REFERED to as a man because it gives him familiararity(sp?) If we referred to God as "IT" he wouldn't seem so familiar. how about this Hammy-ole-boy God loves me, she sent her son to die on the cross for my sins so that I would be saved. as to all the other posts, I have yet to read them and hopefully will get the time to read them, but I probably won't be able to refute them seeing as how I'm not as based in science as you seem to be. But I would like to say that even though you won't admit it, Evolution is based on Faith, it's your faith in man. You personally cannot know the facts except through other men.
  22. wait wait, I thought they were both Dogs? does the fact that I'm a fat white male mean that a thin asian female is a different species than me?
  23. strange then that I'm not allowed (by law) to discuss Creation in public schools..... how old are you btw Hambone? (I'm not saying anything about age, I just want to know how old you are)
  24. how does micro evolution mean creation isn't true? the only reason we so devoutly disagree with Macro evolution is because it is in direct contrast with creation, whereas micro (changing within a species for those who don't know) is just a scientific fact. It says nothing about creation because every species on earth today was made during creation. Sure there are variations of species but they are still the same species. Is a Chihuahua a different species from a Great Dane? nope, same species, evolutionary changes to environment.
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