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Everything posted by zincpusher

  1. idk if anyone else has heard otherwise, but in a lot of games i've played where the general consensus wanted to skip (from typing in chat and talking on mic), it was deemed by certain admins that they're not allowed skip because it's still winnable on both sides. i'm not encouraging skipping or not skipping, just stating what i observed.
  2. Hi I was in the game General is talking about. It was VIP mode, and there was a lot of things going on. General was ahead of his team, but he did not rush. He was definitely within team range. While he was up there, I charged him until he got incapped. Then I came in as another charger and started to hit on him when he was incapped. The others were boomed and some were preoccupied by a tank. No one could send him points because of the VIP mode. So I don't think he had the intention of rushing, but it should be mentioned that because of the circumstances above (charge + incap + can't send points), he couldn't go back. This was from my perspective of the game, however. If anyone else has something to say against this, go for it.
  3. A GC player has reached out to me saying that he/she wants an unban. The person does not speak English and can't post on forums. They reached out to me saying that they were banned because of a charger glitch through a saferoom door(?). And told me that they didn't know it was against the rule. And has told me that it will not happen again in the future. I don't know the person too well, I'm just here to convey this message. So do what you will now. This is the person aforementioned: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198161437929/
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