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Everything posted by Tyranus

  1. Tyranus


    I and since I think no one reads the Lan section or you all hate us here is a good link to have. http://www.viforlife.com/forums/index.php?showforum=40
  2. Tyranus


    I have lots of songs on there I have an open mind ? Isnt this a social networking site?
  3. Tyranus


    Please add me i really have no life And I want to get as many gamers as I can.
  4. Tyranus


    I don't have lots of peoples myspace. And the ones I have I don't have your last name or email to send ya an invite Add us even if your not coming then I can add you to my myspace. http://www.myspace.com/vi4lifedotcom
  5. halo 3, call of duty 3, Armored Core 4 , Icon def jam, Bio-Shock Extra wireless controller, wifi attachment The system was bought in Aug not a scrath on it.<---still got the box Xbox is $449.99 at best buy all these games are at least 40 a piece Controller is 49.99 at best buy And I still have that head unit from a prior post Wifi Attachment was 100 dollars
  6. K still got the head unit fo sale. Its a real nice Christmas gift for someone.
  7. Some of you know my roomate wrecked his bike this Sept. I have had to pay his bills too cus he isn't coming back. Which means its time to sell my toys. Alpine CDE-9881 mp3/wma/aac cd receiver Just bought in Sept. Was $179 at Best buy Asking $100 for it. Was installed by them and still have the box to ship it in. Alpine MRP-M450 Amplifier was $205 I know its no great deal but need 175 for it.
  8. Who is this shadowdog guy?
  9. May i pose this question then if you made a 1968 gto convertable from scratch you would leave it on a corner somewhere and move on?
  10. Did watch tower used to play with his girlfriend?
  11. they do. Where do i get one cus the one i got on ebay was too small.
  12. evga and it has the third pci express slot in between so i bet i waisted 12 bucks on ebay yay.
  13. Tyranus


    Yes Lunk did this 2 times last night and it did make me happy i like monies.
  14. Tyranus


    The admins are great. Dont get me wrong. Its just some times this happens there is no way around it I guess.
  15. Found an Nvidia one for sli do they very from board to board?
  16. Tyranus


    I agree about the community where the admin don't have to switch people. However I think we have some reg e-thugs!
  17. Tyranus


    I would like to add M2 does switch people but i am pretty sure some dont. A lot dont. I was just saying it should be common rule like when you see the other team hurting helping out like most do here.
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