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Everything posted by Korodas

  1. Of the two maps I played today, I only noticed it on RedPlanet. My ping was often at close to 200. At times my ping would be great -- about 80, but the map would still be choppy and others would still complain about the lag. On ArcticStronghold, my ping stayed under 100. I did experience brief moments of "choppiness" on that map, but it wasn't enough to be a problem for me. Mk5 made the observation that it is typically occurring on the larger maps. If so, could it be that when the server is full it is experiencing trouble handling these larger maps? -Kor
  2. After a little over a week without the internet, I'm glad to announce that I am able to play again! Also, my ping now hovers at around 90 instead of 150! SOOOO glad to have a faster connection. I did play a little bit on my bro's computer over the weekend under the alias Korosion. Though without voice chat and a crappy internet connection. I played a few games with MK5 and Wentz and for some reason it always seemed to be ArcticStronghold. Anyways, glad to be back and CONGRATULATIONS on last weeks win!! Look forward to practicing/playing with y'all again! -Kor
  3. I changed the sensitivity just a little bit for shock and mini--but a bit more for lightning gun. I usually play with my FOV at 110 just so that I can see as much as possible that is going around me. Helps when avoiding the mantas. However, changing FOV to 80 when I'm using the Shock Rifle is pimp! It's like a zoom! I also added a button to get my FOV back to normal if I ever need it. Thanks again cutelittlerabbit. -Kor
  4. Sweet! I got it cutelittlerabbit! Now I just have to get used to it. Thanks, -Kor
  5. Haven't been able to get it too work yet. Another thing that I am trying to do, instead of binding a sensitivity to a weapon is just a button to toggle the sensitivity. Tried that because I couldn't get the binds to work, but I can't get it to work either! I did find a good website on Aliases. Has a few already written that look like they could be useful. Between what you wrote cutelittlerabbit and that website, I hope I can figure it out! -Kor Oh, and btw, there is a shield jump alias if anybody is having trouble with that still. Will shield jump for you when you press a button.
  6. I remember reading somewhere that you can go into the .ini file and bind each weapon to a specific mouse sensitivity. I am not exactly sure where to go in the .ini or how to do it. I have my mouse sensitivity pretty high so that I can snap to my target a bit easier--especially if someone is behind me or I am getting hit from a strange place. Not a big deal when you are using flak or rocket launcher. However, for weapons like Shock Rifle and Lightning gun, I would like a lower mouse sensitivity so that I can actually aim and HIT my target! So anybody know how to do that? Bind a particular sensitivity with certain weapons? -Kor
  7. Those screenshots look familiar! At least the quality... MK5 must play with his settings all the way down too! -Kor
  8. That sounds pretty cool. A great idea for improving specific vehicle skills for a specific map. A vehicle mode for each map that we play frequently to get better at moving around the map, etc. Sweet idea! -Kor
  9. I think it still logs deaths, just as if you were not in the vehicle. Not totally sure though. Either way, it does screw up the reported efficiencies while driving a vehicle. Nearly everybody has 99% or above efficiency in every ride! -Kor
  10. Yep, I was one of the peeps Nubus kicked off the server . Wentz was the other. I was thinking that maybe it's because we don't have reserve status yet. Hc, I pm'd you a while ago about that. Do I have reserve status? -Kor
  11. That map is a HUGE file, but well worth it. I think that may be the problem--it's at around 18 MB I think. It may be easier to just download it outside of UT. -Kor
  12. True. Anytime I want to get a measure of how good a particular person is, I always look at their SPH, and their efficiency. Of course, now that I know what TTL means, I think I may look at that as well. I also take a look at who their competition was in recent matches, and how well they fared. Also, I like to look at their Win/Loss ratio. A lot of the better players rarely lose on pubs. Which, fortunately, is starting to NOT be the case on mobo--the player base is getting MUCH better. If you want to see somebody with some VERY GOOD stats, check out Moonshine from the clan KONA: http://ut2004stats.epicgames.com/playersta...p?player=162109 I've played against this guy on the T5k server when he used to be a member of that clan. He cannot be killed 1v1, with a manta, a scorpion, or a hellbender, I swear! He dominates every node he builds. He seems practically untouchable. Of course, he may not have the highest SPH per hour, but he is almost always on the winning team...and it's not because he is switching.\ Add him to your friends list if you want to give him a shot, and then spectate him after he kicks your butt. -Kor
  13. The new home page looks promising, especially the individual server pull-down menu thingy. However, I don't see any links that take you to the forums. I'm sure this is just temporary and that you are in the process of fixing it, but I thought I would bring it up just in case. -Kor
  14. Was playing Crossfire on Mobo today, and noticed that the red teams turret was damaging the center node. I'm pretty sure that recent patches have done away with that problem, and have also reduced the bot accuracy for turrets (which still seems high). I am not entirely sure how patches server side work, but does Mobo need the new patch? -Kor
  15. On the UT2004 stats page, which now seems to be working, I discovered that mountain_dew is currently ranked 18th alltime in onslaught. He's got some pretty good stats! Check it out: http://ut2004stats.epicgames.com/playersta...hp?player=93458 -Kor
  16. This map is VERY cool! Here is a description: You can find it at unrealplayground. Here is a link to the map--it's located about halfway down the page: http://unrealplayground.com/maps.php?offse...=ut2k4&type=ons Not sure if the link will work because I was logged in to the website when I copied the URL. If it doesn't, it's on the second page of ONS maps at Unrealplayground. -Kor
  17. Nevermind! I found the answer. Just in case any of you were wondering, Avg. TTL means: Looks like it is measured in seconds. -Kor
  18. What does "Avg. TTL" mean? I assume that it means Average Total, but I have no idea where they get their numbers from. Any idea? -Kor
  19. Well, at least GC can say they learned a few new things. As long as we're in the ladder for the long-run, a few losses are nothing to the lessons that those losses teach! Better luck next time, and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make it! -Kor
  20. They have score voting enabled on the "Reaper's Bane" ONS server, if you want to try it out. Here's a link to a discussion about score voting: http://users.boardnation.com/~reapersbane/...play;threadid=9 -Kor
  21. You guys ever though about implementing score voting on Cuffo? That way, however many points you earn during the match is how many votes you can cast. I liked havin' score voting on servers where I absolutely hated a few maps (such as phoenix paradise) that ALWAYS got voted for. If I happened to have a particularly good game, I found comfort in the fact that I could play a large part in preventing the same 3 maps from being played over and over again. However, it works both ways. The high scores are typically the same people--it may end up skewing the rotation. -Kor
  22. Soo...how long will Fatty be out of town? Now that Dew has joined, I also feel compelled to join.
  23. I'll do it! I don't really care what the teams are, but it would be fun. How about: Team 1: Regulars Team 2: GC Perhaps that would give team GC a bit of practice as well, even though the reg's would probably get stomped. Of course, we would have to do a couple of matches and maybe mix the teams up a bit after the initial map. -Kor
  24. MK5.... That man is a STRAIGHT UP KILLA!! He is DEADLY! I dread being on the opposite team as him because I KNOW I'm gonna lose some fights to him. Of course, I think the same about a lot of the rest of you. I have noticed that the skill of the peeps on Mobo has been steadily increasing. It seems that the days of slaughtering your opponent and easily being the top score are slowly passing us by. I've noticed that scores are tending to even out, and that it is getting rarer to have just a few "Stars" in a game. For a while, I just thought I was beginning to play worse. However, I think that it is really due to everybody else on the server playing better!! Less n00bs and more skill!! As a result, I've had some VERY competitive games over the past few days. Of course, MK5 is one of those more skilled players that I am speaking of. Fortunately, it seems that the list of talent on this server just keeps growing. -Kor
  25. Brillow! My best friend since high school and college roommate just graduated with his BS in Electrical Engineering! He's now working at Bullydog makin' the big bucks right out of college(they create chips that modify diesel trucks for higher performance--www.bullydog.com). He did some sweet stuff while in college. He built CPU's (from scratch) and all sorts of circuits, as well as some sweet AMPS and speakers for our apartment. Man, that is a MATH intensive field, but certainly a very promising one. Good luck to ya. -Kor
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