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Everything posted by Wentz

  1. I'm convinced that there is no UT3 at all... it's just a giant unreleasable hoax. It's the snipe of video games a digital sasquatch Good luck!
  2. I'll knock on random doors and charge into houses to break ps3's.. so I'm hoping it drops 1st - looking forward to that
  3. I still keep my 88 corolla GTS covered up because I like it so much! had offers like that for it as well, but I don't want to give it up. If you need the money then go for it.. giving up an old car is like losing an old friend IMO BTW: this topic was easily understandable from the first post, why the angry librarian antics?
  4. man I can't wait til they release it.. so many noobs will be on for the first few months hehehehe but then primus will probably get bored with it
  5. This new page is like myspace without the emo kids!

  6. what are we using for comms? teamspeak or ventrilo
  7. lol Biff... that's funny Primus I didn't see you on last night.. you aliasing?
  8. was wondering about that tag, welcome and look forward to killin u
  9. Yeh I can rocket someone while balancing a bucket of pwnsauce on my head thanks for the caps, I used them a couple times in-game because I miss u shadow
  10. Yeah get back in here man join the team and get your stubborn brother to join back up too
  11. Fun stuff, glad to get back into the game. My rust is there I just got lucky a few times and shocked some skullz
  12. Solid 80fps in Dria 1024x768 maxed, higher res makes stuff too small to see for me
  13. every time I've actually been on I've been tagged... I sent in $ via money order to fats months ago and assumed he received it as my membership has not been removed! Dunno about Lexmark/Primus
  14. sure, he can have it for 1 year temporarily when he joins GC
  15. I remember when Ebits wasn't a noob... er no, no I don't
  16. well.... I remember the first time I installed linux 1.2.13 on my 486... took a lot of floppies and a ram/bootdisk BTW I had a best buy card I got for xmas, otherwise I'd be diggin out my cds and wasting 2 hours to save 20 bux
  17. gona go pick up dvd ut2k4, cus I don't feel like installing 800 cd's
  18. I'll be testin this sucker out tomorrow.. hopefully this core2 will = boom headshot... haven't played any games in such a long time though.. I'll be lucky to hit an AFK primus
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