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Everything posted by GotBeer?

  1. good job hambone ! also the f* word is not so offensive after all anyhow hal-life is for mature audience only... (read it when u buy it) however my proposition is to put the best swear filter to all the servers... so much for the afterglow, did i just get myself banned? ouch i havent said any f* word ... yet, niether i made the flash with it as well, but maybe some day when i have time perhaps i will make a flash with lots of f* words about servers that dont have swear filters, yeah good job hambone! p.s. we all have better ideas
  2. GotBeer?


    i will survive ! ! ! dude im studying ... its 4:18 am... im studying... ouch accounting... man i still have math to do... and i have a calculator with buttons on it. i jujst dont have the scantron.
  3. hey guys i didnt have school today so i didnt have a minute of silence, instead i had to work and a lot of talking... blah i'm a salesman. <brings more vodka alone with evil and poor another round for everyone else and say WE can do it ! > let me set my vodka down and i'll join the hands
  4. GotBeer?

    Hello all!!!

    hiy mi bee r siiip ep, noooooo itte poicturedrwss noo post srry no diea komupter the ....blah om..g i ned tiiioop ghoopooogoogoo skuooul temmorow,,, oush
  5. watchtower regardles of where you say your opinion, in forums or in game, if it has positive or negative attitude i noticed ppl on this server eager to bann other ppl and so on and on, to satisfy temselfs even without considering that they might possibly taken it the wrong way because they "have better idea"
  6. well thats true why camel is whining about what he said she said * about him anyhow why couldnt he talk to me first and tell me that he didnt want me to talk to him or about him? oh well now he got me banned.... im not upset that you guys banned me i think its kinda funny in a pathetic way...
  7. and just so we are clear on this - no offence anyone: How can you call anyone immature when playing a computer game? we are all immature for dealing with games if you are over 18. Virtual reality is not a substitution for real life. People will remain kids no matter what. Z. Freud said "Adults are nothing but grown up kids" if you take this game too person and serious than i dont even know what to tell you maybe my rating of "evil" is prety high overall or maybe its my evil nature but once again get real.
  8. oh yeah speaking of what i say in front of mmmm or without.... its all the same. when i drink beer and play cs i say bunch of stuff so i try not to use mic but its very hard not to, so forgive me if you would as i cuss you out
  9. wow ppl i didnt know this joke gonna be that discussable, but yeah when i was playing ppl were accusing camel of bunch of stuff, so i suggested to him to record demo of himself to show ppl his play, i didnt accuse camel, however if you took it the wrong way oh well. Its a game with attitude so i dont mind if you will be mad at me... have a good day.
  10. 1. Respect Admin 2. Play fare game 3. Do... not cheat 3. Do... not abuse/test filter 5. Do... play 6. Mmmm where its at
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