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Found 3 results

  1. I know most of the time when members post on this forum is when they have a complaint or need to be unbanned, it's just the nature of the beast. I have an eCommerce website and the only people that comment are bad reviewers and complainers, rarely do people say "great job" or "awesome products". So I know how it feels to not be appreciated. This my first post, since being a quiet member for the last 3 years. I just wanted to tell you guys (admins) that I love playing on GC servers and you guys are very fair and kind. You guys make this game great and I appreciate what you do. I haven't played "4000" hours of L4D2 and I'm not great at TANK, but I love how no one ever puts down someone for not being a "pro". This server and you guys will always have my support. Old Boy
  2. Hello 707killa here I am grateful for this awesome server being here and am glad we have a great community here. I was kicked from the L4d2 server today and i would like to share my experience to help out future situations. I questioned if a player on the other team was supervillan with voicechat. He responded with yes in the chat. I then stated "it is kind of cheap that admins can hear us talking" LRwarrior proceeds to say that "the admins are CHEATING". Supervillan then disrespectfully tells us that "everything we would say is obvious and we should STOP CRYING" then i hear maestro for a split second talking about accusing admins of cheating is serious. before i was kicked without warning. I never accused any admins of cheating, this is a rule that is not clear to everyone, i hope admins will make this more clear before they disrespect you and kick you. I show respect to all admins, i hope the same in return. PEACE. 4k http://instagram.com/707killa 1k http://youtube.com/killabho
  3. Can we get a little counter on the main L4d2 forum page of how many people are currently paid in for reserve slots? Let us see how high it goes and how many people we have to knock elbows with when we join?
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