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Found 8 results

  1. Hey everyone just wanted to share my playthrough on a custom map that is a recreation level from the game Painkiller... what game is that well i don't really know but its not Painkiller Jane that's for sure... Loony Park: https://youtu.be/2dz62ZbuUjs Download link: http://www.gamemaps.com/details/15871 -Do leave me any constructive feedback, thanks!
  2. Hi everyone i just wanted to share my video on a Left 4 dead 2 weekly or so series that will focus on showcasing custom maps made by users. Going Ballistic: https://youtu.be/pfxU7Afy-Ig Download link: http://www.gamemaps.com/details/14667 -Do leave me any constructive feedback, thanks!
  3. Hi, may I say that I was banned for hurry, but I knew nothing about respect, I just purchased Left 4 Dead 2 yesterday and let me know if I can help to desban please.
  4. please ban this player Lights he was being inappropriate he was making loud noises using vulgar language and he was putting loud annoying random stuff on his mic. this is his steam profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198006569481 (private) and here is a video (may want to turn down the volume a little bit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwQ_KzKTSdc 
  5. BINDING COMMANDS: First, you need to have your developer console enabled (~). The bind command must be entered into console--it can't be used in chat. To bind a command, use the following format: bind "<key>" "<commands, separated by semicolons>" These are the best binds you need to survive. full heal (15pt) bind "x" "sm_heal" ak47(8pt) bind "k" "sm_buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; menuselect 3; menuselect 1" laser(3pt) bind "l" "sm_laser" fireworks(4pt) bind "v" "sm_buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 7; menuselect 1" pills(5pt) bind "p" "sm_buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 3; menuselect 1" ammo(3pt) bind "n" "sm_ammo" explosive ammo(7pt) bind "j" "sm_buy; menuselect 2; menuselect 2; menuselect 1" molotov(6pt) bind "m" "sm_buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 6; menuselect 1; menuselect 1"
  6. Hello everybody, Today at 18h10 (environ) I've been banned on "gcftw.com | L4D2 10v10 #1" at Left 4 Dead 2 when I played with a friend. I've just rushed 10 seconds and an admin banned me for rush but a little while later, my friend (who he was on the server more) said me that the admin who he banned me rush for 1 long minute. When there is a regulation, members AND ADMINS have to respect it. Ok, ok, I rushed and I didn't know that rushing causes a ban and I'm so sorry (I don't make it again) , but this administrator have to submit thereby, ok ? I don't want flatter you, because this admin isn't a good example for the GCFTW community. My Steam ID is STEAM_1:0:29706192 I hope that you bill unban me with these evidents... and that your admin will change his behavior quickly. Good bye.
  7. Left 4 Dead 2 Dead Centre 1st Map Okay so as infected I spawn where the survivors start off as soon as they go down the stairs at which point I boom them like a overwhieght ninja , I know what your thinking that start point is restricted and I cant spawn there however I find as long as no survivors can see me I can just ghost jump near a wall and spawn mid air, am I cool to keep doing this or is it restricted for a reason and would be unfair on the survivors?.
  8. For !sp, have "all" as a variable option. I think this would be useful when you're dead and not a main, you can quickly give your points to the last main alive so they can heal and whatnot. 2. Some other commands for efficiency !witch, !tank, !spitter, !charger, etc. !p (!points) I'm not sure what's currently being worked on with the plugin, and I'm not saying these are NEEDED, just a personal opinion. As far as lrn2keybind goes, personally, I'd rather type than to accidentally hit a key when I don't mean to.
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