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Resident Evil: Apocalypse


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can't believe no one posted this topic yet.


anyway, it was a good movie...worth seeing. Not as good as the first....but worth seeing.


The biggest downside to this movie was that they relied on shakey cameras for the fight scenes and loud noises for the scares...and more gory zombies for the grossout factor. Basically they thought "bigger means better" and I'd hafta disagree with them.

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Not as good as the first....but worth seeing.


you gotta be kidding me. the first movie was complete crap. this one was at least decent. worth seeing once if youre in the whole zombie flick genre, but its not even close to being on par with Dawn of the Dead remake, 28days, or even the original 3 night/dawn/day flicks. the action and such is so over done and cheesy that it takes away from the film and you just sit there wondering 'why did they put that garbage into this movie?'


re:2 - 2/4 stars.

re:1 - .5/4 stars.


(yes i gave the original 1/2 a star cause it sucked)

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Saw this on Saturday. I was all excited since I like 5th element girl (that is what we call Milla Jovovich).


We walked in all excited, had some good previews and then the movie started. There was no exciting plot anywhere to be found. Basically it is two hot girls running around shooting and fighting. Some of the fight scenes are good, some are bad as they try the jittery, epileptic-seizure camera thing. The movie seems to climax at one point but then it continues for another 10 minutes setting up for part 3.


Some of the acting is SO bad half the theatre laughed when because of it. Then again, half the theatre was only about 15 people that night.


The first one blew this one away for plot, acting and overal enjoyment for us. This one was much better than the first one for overall shooting and bad acting.


We gave it a 68/100.

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Basically it is two hot girls running around shooting and fighting.


Not as good as the first....but worth seeing.




Yeah see I REALLY enjoyed the first one. I don't want to see a zombie movie to be scared...zombies aren't SCARY...they're cool and zombie movies are interesting because they're not done often. But I would rather watch the first Resident Evil than ANY of those other zombie movies you listed momma...so I guess we just have total opposite tastes there.










I will admit that I liked the whole "superhuman" aspect that they gave her this time around...and even though I wasn't totally excited by this movie, I am looking forward to the 3rd.

Plus...the cop chick is friggin hot...with or without guns.

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Yeah see I REALLY enjoyed the first one.  I don't want to see a zombie movie to be scared...zombies aren't SCARY...they're cool and zombie movies are interesting because they're not done often.  But I would rather watch the first Resident Evil than ANY of those other zombie movies you listed momma...so I guess we just have total opposite tastes there.


What was there to like about the first one? What plot? There was this hologram little red girl that would want to kill everyone. There was a random laser room that killed off half of the actors that the 'plot' was building up in the first 10min of the movie. Why was there a laser room again? You kicked my dog... Im sure you know what part Im talking about. Oh and the CGI on the licker at the end... that was just... sad. Best part of the first movie was when it ended.

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personally I never said the first one had a good plot, I said I liked it. And I don't remember talking about disliking the plot of the 2nd. The thing I didn't like about this one was the "action"...WAY too many movies these days substitute "cool action" for any sort of entertainment. I like action movies as much as the next guy...but when a movie is released that just relies on things jumping around corners and uses alot of loud noises to make the audience jump...that's not action...nor is it a good element in a scary movie. The previews for "The Forgotten" scare me more than this whole movie did. It may make me jump in my seat but that in no means makes it a good movie.

As for the first one, what I enjoyed was that it was something a little different and it was a little over the top and "campy"...which a zombie movie SHOULD be. A zombie movie isn't about being scary to me...it's about fun...and I had fun watching the first film....even if I can't give you specific reasons. I just know that when this one ended there wasn't a specific thing in the movie I could recall as exciting me (except the cop chick in the tight clothes with guns...but that isn't the kind of excitement we wanna talk about here :) )

so yep...like I said...the first one was enjoyable...this one just wasn't.

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i saw it twice i guess i have a diff view of movies, i loved both of them and will watch them both again in the future.


anyone else notice that the little hologram girl in the first movie and the girl in this are the same person, or atleast they look alike to me.

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