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The French Diet!


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Well, I mostly have questions. But... I have heard some things...



Apparently the French diet is a diet consisting of mostly wine (which is very good for you because of its anti-oxidants), cheese, and bread!


The french I guess drink a lot of water (10 cups a day instead of 8 because of the wine.. alcohol is a diaeretic and you need more water to substitute)

Eat at least 4 meals a day and have a glass of wine with each meal (or organic grape juice with for those of you who aren't 21 and can't get alcohol)

Don't eat with in 3 hours of sleep

They eat lots of simple carbs (like bread)

And lots of calcium (such as cheese or milk)

Lots of fruits too! They love grapes over there...

Also, the french apparently sleep at least 9 hours a night (lucky them... i guess they don't have kids! hahaha)

** They also urge you to remember that after 3 bites of something you have fully tasted it and eatting should be for tasting not for filling. French [women] never eat til they are stuffed, they only eat until they aren't hungry... crazy as that sounds.


I don't really know all that much about this diet.. like what else you are suppose to eat.

But it's suppose to be very good for you. And I dont see many fat french people! I'm gonna do some more research and post back.. if you get to it before me... thanks!

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

Reading it it doesn't sound overly good for you.


Looks like a lot of sugar (wine), a lot of fat (cheese) and very little protein. No complaints about the bread though ;).


I think it could/would be hard for you to adapt your metabolism to one like that.

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From what I thought (I'm by no means even particularly interested in French culture, so I could be way off base) the bread-and-cheese thing was a good bit stereotypical and more of a snack meal (like the 3rd and 4th meals, possibly)...A lunch type thing. I wouldn't know what they do for other meals, but I'd wonder what source you got that diet from and possibly verify it against something else.

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