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You Know You're a Star Wars Geek...


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"You know you're a 'Star Wars' geek when ..."


* "You own a pair of Yoda Underoos from the 1980 'Empire' release ... and are wearing them right now."

* "You're a 27-year-old male with a cardboard cutout of Princess Leia."

* "You are saving money for a $15,000 bronze Yoda replica."

* "You have Han and Leia figures on top of your wedding cake."

* "You own 'The Star Wars Holiday Special' featuring Bea Arthur."

* "You have more invested in your lightsaber collection than your Roth IRA."

* "You and your friend fight over who gets the 'Imperial March' for their cell phone's ringtone."

* "You and your friends have matching tattoos commemorating your childhood 'Star Wars' club, 'The Bounty Hunters Alliance.' "

* "You are still mad at your father for forcing you to mow the lawn on the opening day of 'Return of the Jedi.' "

* "You claim to be able to translate R2-D2's electronic language without C-3PO's help."

* "You name your son Luke just to be able to say, 'Luke, I am your father.' "

* "You pretend your mini-van is the Millennium Falcon."

* "You've yelled, 'Nerf Herder' as a traffic insult."


Taken from a column by Maegan Carberry, RedEye, Published May 2, 2005

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